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Cyber-attack may lead to potential air hijack

The aviation sector is continuously facing cyber-threat. Hackers are targeting crucial infrastructural units and necessity services. The most alarming issues are a flight is not safe from the hacker's hands even when it is in the air. A recent report says a hacktivist easily hacked the on air entertainment system of a flight when it was on air and also take a control of the flight, which causes deviation from the actual course of flight and compelled it to fly sideways. Therefore, many experts believe that to hijack an aircraft one may not need to board on it, he/she can remotely access the unsecured Wi-Fi of the aircraft and take control of the cockpit. This irregularity is happening because the aviation security and network access is weak and the firewall standards are age old & hack able. So the transport safety department should take care of these cyber-attacks in the aviation section.

To read, follow: http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/future_tense/2016/05/the_aviation_industry_is_starting_to_grapple_with_cybersecurity.html


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