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Big Data Analytics : A useful security tool

Big data analytics is a useful instrument for empowering organizations to become more resilient in the face of increasing cyber-attacks, according to a software market analyst and IT consultant. Attackers inject malcode into genuine processes by process hollowing and install deception techniques. They send data outside an organization. Analysis of security log data and other security system data provides useful insight for improving organizations' cyber defense capability. For more read the article written by Warwick Ashford (security editor) : http://www.computerweekly.com/news/450288411/Big-data-analytics-a-useful-security-tool-says-analyst


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Crime pattern prediction through Big Data

To understand the crime pattern, data are used by police from the past. The objective is to predict acts of terrorism based on the large amount of surveillance data. The technology will collect data on ordinary citizens, including information on their jobs, hobbies, consumption habits, and other behaviors and will flag unusual behavior that could signal a potential terrorist attack. Police in both Los Angeles and Manchester ran trials using a computer algorithm to predict where crime would most likely to take place. Their aim was to find patterns in criminal behavior by analyzing crime data to prevent crime through predictive policing. There is a need for research into machine learning and other artificial intelligence technologies to identify human faces in surveillance video. The police can analyze large amounts of crime data, i.e. 'big data'. Enterprises are now using big data technologies to detect and fight cyber threats. Big data analytics and shared threat intelligence can increase the organization's effectiveness in security measures. For more read: http://www.cxotoday.com/story/how-big-data-can-be-used-to-predict-crime-patterns/


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Tips to prevent cybercrimes

We use the internet every day to access social media. We perform many tasks using the internet believing that it is safe, but it is not so. Sometimes, we neglect the security and preventative measures. To prevent cybercrimes, there are some tips that can be followed. They are: • Constantly update passwords and log in details.

• Use encryption for important files

• By activating the built-in security feature we can avoid any access to personal details in our mobile devices.

• Always think before clicking on a link or file of unknown origin .Everyone must check the source of the message.

To read visit on:  http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2016/02/09/eight-proven-strategies-to-deal-with-cybercrime/#2307b2d1258c


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New cyber security mantra for Financial service industry.

The stability of financial services in Asia is at stake because of the growing threat of cyber crime. The challenge is the high cost of defending mechanism against low cost cyber-attack ($1million/$1000). These attacks fuels the expansion of the cyber security market with a CAGR of 14.1%, which will be worth $33 million by 2019. Major drivers could be. 1. Financial gain through theft of money or information.  2. Politically motivated attack. And 3. Destructive attack to core business.  Unfortunately, financial sectors in the Middle East and Asia are mostly threatened by cyber threat. So to combat this crime, there must be a community defense model, i.e. sharing of cyber threat info among Financial institutions in an effort to identify and block attacks which are already initiated by US and European companies and followed by Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan & Australia. To read, follow:  http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1912324/asias-financial-services-industry-must-unite-against-threat

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Addressing Cyber threats using Big Data

Malware and cyber-attacks have become increasing concerns among companies. Many of them struggle to predict and mitigate threats, which can spring and evolve quickly. Companies also have some concerns about the physical security of their infrastructure. The result is that they are in search of more comprehensive resources to address these challenges. Big data analytics, particularly when they are coupled with machine learning, represent a logical solution because it allows companies to consider multiple threat scenarios and determine the best response. 

In today’s complex network environments, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) and other cyber threats eradication may be accomplished by getting intelligence from data providers. 

For these cyber threats, appliances should be monitoring threat feeds from trusted providers for indicators of compromise (IOCs), including big data feeds like domain name systems (DNS) feeds, command and control (C2) feeds, and black/white lists, in order to correlate and hunt threats in a data set and recommends six steps to combat the potential threats.

Read the article at: http://www.darkreading.com/analytics/6-tips-for-using-big-data-to-hunt-cyberthreats/a/d-id/1278970


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Fraud in Banking sector

Research shows that fraud against bank deposit accounts cost the industry $1.744 billion in losses in 2012. Debit card fraud accounted for more than half of 2012 losses (54 percent), followed by check fraud (37 percent). According to Prakash Santhana, a director in the Advanced Analytics practice for Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP, there has been a significant increase in the number of cyber-criminal groups who are trying to get their hands on customer lists, personal identification data, and anything else that could be of economic value. Some strategies for fighting fraud are listed below: Continuous tracking of online and face-to-face transactions to avoid any unauthorized ones. Development of “chip and PIN” technologies. The implementation of additional controls within ERP platforms that require dual approval on all payments to vendors. Read more at: http://deloitte.wsj.com/cio/2014/07/30/fraud-trends-in-the-banking-industry

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Increasing business risk of cloud cyber-attacks

An article by E-Commerce Times columnist, Peter S. Vogel, says that it is hard to detect which is growing at a faster pace - cloud or cybercrime. Cloud may be anywhere in the world which creates interesting and complex legal questions regarding privacy of data stored in the cloud. Nevertheless, more businesses are migrating to the cloud to host data, often without regard to the legal consequences.  Many companies are migrating to the cloud to reduce their IT costs but are creating new malware-based and cyber-crime risks to their businesses. If cybercrime and cloud-focused malware continue to grow along with the cloud, the predicted growth of cloud migration may not be realized.


To know more follow http://www.technewsworld.com/story/80107.html

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