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Analytics: Changing paradigms

Analytics has eventually gained importance in the banking sector. From cost optimization, risk balancing to revenue growth, analytics does it all. Operational analytics: reporting, basic forecasting with data and Advanced analytics: model driven, focusing on the predictive aspects- these are used by the banking sector. Slowly customer analytics and risk analytics are also coming into the picture. These help in revenue growth, investment banking, improving customer experience and save the bank from the uncertainties of the market. Analytics is giving the banking sector well defined strategies, changing paradigms with the advancement of technology. With this evolution of analytics, the need for professionals who can bridge the gap between IT and businesses is immediate. Banks are already employing personnel to read into the data offering growth, efficiency and risk management. Read more at:http://www.businessworld.in/news/economy/analytics-&-banking/1719002/page-1.html

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Forecast for East Asia countries by World Bank

According to the World Bank report, there is a fall in the growth rate of developing countries like East Asia and China. According to the Washington-based lender, growth in China is going to be 6.7% in 2015 and 2016 from 6.9% growth in 2014.  And according to the World Bank, developing East Asia countries excluding China is expected to grow at 5.1% in 2015 and 5.4% in 2016 from 4.6% in 2014. Reason for China, is slow down in its policies that aimed at putting its economy in a more sustainable way.  And higher US interest rates and an appreciating US dollar may raise borrowing costs. Read more at:



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Fraud in Banking sector

Research shows that fraud against bank deposit accounts cost the industry $1.744 billion in losses in 2012. Debit card fraud accounted for more than half of 2012 losses (54 percent), followed by check fraud (37 percent). According to Prakash Santhana, a director in the Advanced Analytics practice for Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP, there has been a significant increase in the number of cyber-criminal groups who are trying to get their hands on customer lists, personal identification data, and anything else that could be of economic value. Some strategies for fighting fraud are listed below: Continuous tracking of online and face-to-face transactions to avoid any unauthorized ones. Development of “chip and PIN” technologies. The implementation of additional controls within ERP platforms that require dual approval on all payments to vendors. Read more at: http://deloitte.wsj.com/cio/2014/07/30/fraud-trends-in-the-banking-industry

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Stabilisation of the banking industry

The main cause of 2007-2009 recession was bursting of real estate bubble. But it was the banking crisis which led the U.S. economy to a far worst situation. Now the key question is whether banking industry is able to solve their problems. Losses suffered by banks created a number of fundamental problems in the industry. An article by Michael Sivy, a chartered financial analyst and a former securities analyst for an independent stock research firm, speaks about the needs to be addressed to get financial system back to full strength.

For more information, please go through: http://business.time.com/2013/02/05/has-the-banking-industry-really-been-fixed/

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