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How AI affects the labour market and economy

The Partnership on AI published case studies on the impact of AI on economy,labour,productivity and society. The three companies involved in the case study were Axis Bank,Tata Steel Europe(TSE) and Zymergen. The conclusion was that- successful implementation of AI required adaption of the technology by the management and the employed workforce alike.An increase in productivity and financial gains was reported by each firm in the short term. Because each firm in the case study,operated in a different field,benefits of the adaptation of AI,manifested in different ways.The impact on the workforce was more varied depending on the labour market and the impact cascaded across supply chains,partners and customers.However each firm also faced its opportunity and challenges. The effects were not independent or exhaustive The area of research could be extended. More such case-studies will acknowledge other areas in which AI could work.

Read more at: https://www.aitrends.com/ai-adoption/real-world-impact-of-ai-on-labor-economy-told-through-case-studies/


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important Legal Tips for Startups and SMEs

The world’s current state of economy in the world is changing faster than it was ever before and since there are many cloud solutions currently in the market, many blocks that were difficult in the past are now easy and business owners have all the tools available to go ahead in their business activities. But, even with the current business conditions, there are many obstacles that the business owners might face and these difficulties must be tackled rightly. This article explores the six most useful legal tips that can help business in crafting a legal strategy. Read more at: https://it.toolbox.com/blogs/maryjanes/6-useful-legal-tips-for-startups-and-small-businesses-040918


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GST is NOT a Whammy!

With the rolling out of the GST, there has been a whole set of expectations and  beliefs as to how this entire system is going to have an impact on the economy and bring changes in the existing structure. The main reason behind the fight to pass the GST was to subsume the various existing taxes into just one tax (one nation, one tax) and to mitigate the cascading effect of the taxes. The expectation is that the GST is going to increase the GDP by 100-150 basis point in the coming few years. But there are analysts who believe that this new system is going to have a short term negative impact and this shall last till the time the economy gets into the line of  this new system. But this disruption will mostly be reflected in the manufacturing activities. But at the end, the story is that the GST is being seen as a blessing in disguise, from which the economy is definitely going to be benefited! TO READ MORE GO TO 



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Big Data goals fantastic in football

Big Data has joined the crowd of millions with the fever of 2014 FIFA World Cup on. Much like the social media, marketing, advertising- big data has become important. With a whooping figure of 3.2 billion people who watched the last World Cup, this year the figure is expected to explode even further. Ronaldo's Nike shoes ad is one of the example to illustrate the growth and potential of online videos. It was seen online by 78 million people before it appeared on TV. 12.2 million tweets about the 'first-match' all during the hours match was played, depicts the social captivity of the universe. An event of this magnitude is likely to generate Big Data. The 2014 World Cup is so big that it is expected to have a negative impact on the economy of Brazil, as "major Brazilian cities have the power to grant local public holidays on the dates that World Cup matches are played". Read more at: http://www.infinitive.com/category/big-data/

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Stabilisation of the banking industry

The main cause of 2007-2009 recession was bursting of real estate bubble. But it was the banking crisis which led the U.S. economy to a far worst situation. Now the key question is whether banking industry is able to solve their problems. Losses suffered by banks created a number of fundamental problems in the industry. An article by Michael Sivy, a chartered financial analyst and a former securities analyst for an independent stock research firm, speaks about the needs to be addressed to get financial system back to full strength.

For more information, please go through: http://business.time.com/2013/02/05/has-the-banking-industry-really-been-fixed/

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