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Data Breach in Healthcare: Is Cloud Really a Solution?

Healthcare is perhaps the most valuable and personal data. The risk of data breach is growing as there have been millions of data breach cases. Health data stores are mostly held in on-site software solutions, or, at cloud services, where the data stores are managed by third party hosting providers. But since cloud is not immune to such attacks, this may not be the perfect solution. A recent report by sky-high networks shows that around 93 % of these cloud services pose a security breach threat to the healthcare organizations. Since it is an open source, the origin of the threat is sometimes hard to detect. Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/danmunro/2015/07/06/healthcare-moves-to-the-cloud-but-is-the-cloud-ready-for-healthcare/


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Are Password Managers Good Enough?

Next time while you are trying to log in and the "remember your password?" window pops up, think before hitting yes. Password managers help users sync their usernames and password so they can choose strong passwords which are hard to guess, thereby reducing the risk of hacking. But if the password manager fails, putting all the passwords in one place would be regretted since now all the accounts run a risk of security breach. Password manager stores passwords either on the user's machine or uses cloud-based security. Both could turn unsafe as the former is vulnerable to malware and in the latter case the password is sent to remote servers. To know more, read: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jun/17/do-we-really-want-to-keep-all-our-digital-eggs-in-one-basket


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