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Have you ever thought of what it feels like to get “Hacked” ?



Ideally, your answer is "No" and aim of this blog is to keep you cyber safe in 2017. There are no ensured that malicious actors won't get to your data, here are some tips which will diminish the likelihood of having your data hacked. 1. Have unique, complicated, difficult to crack password.

2. Reduce the reuse of password.

3. On regular basis update your password.

4. Prevent “Dictionary Attacks”.

5. Keep your security and privacy settings current.

6. Enable two-factor authentication or 2-step verification.

7. Don’t store your password saved in the browser.

8. Have a security program installed.

9. Install software updates.

10. Be suspicious of URLs before you click.

Now play it safe.

To know more please read the following article:


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