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Robots, Now in Space

On 29th June 2018, NASA launched, CIMON, the very first AI-Powered robot into the space. The bot is built with a really interactive AI program which is meant to interact with the people in the space station. Also, it can even assess the human mood and is programmed to answer the voice commands in English. And one more great thing, is it is unlike any mechanical bot/part of space station. It has got its own smiley like face on a space and it can itself move around the space station in zero gravity. It is really interesting to see the pace and direction of technological advancements. 

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Advancement in Space technologies

NASA has revealed that it is going to fund for futuristic space technologies. There are eight projects which are part of the Innovative Advanced Concepts Program. There are various phases and aspects of the project. Out of the many revolutionary things in this project is that, engineers are developing an aircraft which can stay aloft for a long time. If this project is a success, it will be a great leap for mankind. Check out the article to know about the other parts of the project: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3589538/From-Magnetoshells-humans-Mars-growable-habitats-Nasa-reveals-funding-futuristic-space-technology.html


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NASA’s database is available for all

NASA is finally socializing themselves by providing an extensive access to their database. NASA dedicated a whole department to develop space technology for earth-borne purposes, and some of their projects were proven useful on Earth. Their 3D imaging and mapping system can be helpful to research on change in earth surface. From island forming due to volcanic eruption to finding the Zika virus carrier mosquitoes' tress, NASA's open source activity could play an important part. So one has to pay a little amount to access their database and get a handful of data from their server.

To read, follow: http://www.natureworldnews.com/articles/21765/20160508/nasa-technology-databases-now-available-to-public-domain.htm


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