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Stress due to over usage of technology

Is Technology using you or are you using technology? This can be answered by the amount of time you spend with your smartphone. Over usage of technologies does have an impact on the users? There are different withdrawal symptoms for different individuals. Find out ways to overcome this and enjoy life instead of facing a lot of stress due to technology. Read more at: http://www.wellandgood.com/good-advice/technology-wrecking-mental-health/


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Tools for boosting & manage your Instagram Social marketing

Instagram become more than just a regular picture sharing app. With a user base projection of over 500mn in 2016, Advertisers are choosing Instagram over conventional media tools even in events like the super bowl. So here are some tools one can use to manage your Instagram strategies-: # Gramfeed: Social media management and search engine for Instagram. It is useful for advanced searches for trending hashtags, dates, location, users and influencers. One can visualize photos on a map and manage multiple accounts as well as other basic features from Instagram, such as posting comments, managing followers, etc.

# Repost: This app makes it simple to share photos and videos posted by others, directly from your mobile device, while giving credit to the original post (and user). This app is helpful, if user generated content is part of the content strategy. 

To know more about various other tools, please read the article by Frederic Gonzalo (Author at 4hoteliers.com) -: http://www.4hoteliers.com/features/article/9583



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Popularity of android technology is growing

According to Gartner's latest report on global smartphone sales of Q1 2016, the sales of the major North American companies have taken quite a hit. Apple and Samsung held on to the top two spots with 14.8% and 23.2% of the market respectively. While Huawei and Oppo were the big winners this past year, Lenovo fell off the map entirely. The ambitious projects of Microsoft and BlackBerry, though, have simply not worked, with them holding 0.7% and 0.2% of the market, and it looks extremely unlikely for them to compete with the Android market and neither company seem particularly keen to try developing their own brands with the collapsing market shares. Read more at: http://www.extremetech.com/electronics/229092-latest-smartphone-sales-data-is-grim-news-for-windows-phone


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Is Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Angel or Devil?

The term "Artificial intelligence" (AI) was first introduced by the John McCarthy for the study of intelligence which is carried out using a computer. AI is becoming reality and both fear and faith are also increasing day by day. Even many movies like the terminator, ROBOT, RA-One are based on AI and machine taking control. Similarly, the world famous physicist Stephen Hawking shows his fear on the growth of AI and IoT by saying that the full development of AI could "spell the end of the human race". It is expected that by 2020, about 80% of adults will own a smartphone. It is also changing the way people relate to one another and their surroundings. There are apps for most of things that you can think of, like fitness apps, cooking apps and much more. Today AI and IoT are allowing people to do more things on their phones and off them too. Read more at: http://www.notchcommunications.co.uk/blog/2015/03/the-dawn-of-artificial-intelligence-and-the-internet-of-things

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How Millennials Assimilate Content

Each and every generation thrives on a different technology. The Millennial Media Report examines the relationship that the various generations share with technology and also the way they obtain information online. The report focuses on three age groups - Millennials (18 - 34), Generation X (35 - 54) and Baby Boomers (55+). With the rise of Smartphones, it has been observed that the Millennials have been discarding their desktop devices. Mostly, they access the internet through their phones. At present the trend is for screens sized between 5 - 6 inches. The rising popularity of mobile has huge ramifications across industries. The growing emphasis on mobile is likely to increase in the following days and the firms can develop by exploiting it.

To know more about this study, please follow the link: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/the-millennial-media-report

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Investing in Predictive Mobile Analytics

Through Predictive analytics, customer behavior can be predicted to learn engaging with them and improve their experience. Mobile on the other hand is making marketers refocus their analytic efforts. Thus, predictive mobile analytics enable organizations discover consumer behavior by looking at data of how apps are used and finding their acting patterns. Using this information, marketers can focus on their marketing and advertising initiatives, looking at customer engagement during a promotion in real-time to facilitate greater targeting. Through predictive analytics, one can find the targeted customers. Digital tags enable to create a digital dossier where browsing history can link to a particular unidentified individual helping maintain their privacy. Thus can establish repeat behaviors that lead either to a purchase, or a rejection. Read more about it at:  https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/why-you-must-invest-in-mobile-analytics

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Better Fitness With Big Data Analytics

Big data like other day-to-day works, have also entered into fitness. Just like Fitbit and Nike+ Running App, some other technology tools are also available now. Swimmers can now use Speedo Aquabeat which is an underwater iPad. The tool Trace, used in surfing and wakeboarding can now be mounted to any board to track the motion, speed, height and the tricks used while landing. The AiQ Bioman Tank monitors temperature, heart rate, and breathing of our body. For volleyball and basketball players, Vert app measures the jump and send the data to the smartphone comparing ability over time. Prescription sunglasses used for outdoor sports are also at a high popularity now. Read more about this article at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7636-top-5-unique-sports-tech-gadgets-making-fitness-better

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Social Media Marketing Increases Digital Marketing

Changing attitude of the young generation along with urbanization in India is driving the expansion of digital marketing in the Asia hugely. Noticing such changes, digital ad spending is also increasing gradually. Increasing use of mobile is enhancing marketing by helping product research work better.  Smartphone has penetrated regions in Asia Pacific like never before. This increases the usage of mobile app which indirectly increases mobile internet ad spending as marketers are benefiting. Western marketers are also looking to move into this region as they can have better social measurement. They focus on the impact of social on key business objectives. Digital marketing increases in countries like India, China that grow into true economic powerhouses with increasing ROI. Read more about it by Stuart Found (Global Digital Events Manager) at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/how-is-digital-marketing-expanding-in-asia


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Big Data for Hardware

Smartphones are fantastic examples of devices whose success largely depends on the performance it delivers. Big data researchers are working towards developing the network, computing and cloud architecture required to sustain their projects. The sheer volume of data generated by us doubles every two years and there is an urgency to make storage devices manageable and affordable. SSA (Solid State Array) at the hardware level and SDS (Software-Defined Storage] at the software level are becoming quickly affordable. With the evolution of in-device memory, a variety of data will now come into light that may revolutionize the applications of Big Data in the mobile industry. In-memory databases will allow real-time analytics and awareness of the ‘live’ transaction data – rather than delayed ‘fact-based’ analysis of old data. Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/howardbaldwin/2015/06/22/flash-ways-to-make-big-data-run-faster/

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Achieving success in digital marketing

The key to successful digital marketing lies in its content. Original, interesting and varied content will catch customer’s attention. Digital marketing campaigns should be both written and visual, rich in information, images, videos etc. One should keep an eye on metrics to make a note of most attracted posts so as to improve one’s content. As almost every individual now possesses a smartphone, marketers should make sure their advertisements are mobile friendly. Social media, with its rising popularity, can be used as a platform for marketing to specific demographics. Customer’s trust might show up the brand loyalty, increasing the chance of sharing and promoting their marketing on social platform. Read more about this interesting article by Maria Maguire (International Events Director) at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/5-ways-to-improve-your-digital-marketing

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Increasing Demand For Social Media

According to a recent study in 2014-15, it was found that today's high school students are heavy internet users using social media channels to stay well-informed with current affairs and to be connected with family and friends. 52% of them are part of at least one community on Facebook and 65% of them have Google+ accounts; 6 out of 10 use Whats App. According to the study, it was also found that 75% of these students spend an hour online every day. Two-third who survey, shop online. 63% use Wikipedia, 51% use PDF and 44% use videos as learning resources. Read more about this article at:  http://www.dqindia.com/over-75-of-indian-school-students-spend-an-average-of-1-hour-on-social-media-every-day-tcs-study/

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Mobile Marketing in 2015

In 2015, mobile device will be the key driver for commercial and marketing activity. According to a recent study it was found that only 13% of the world population will be connected with a smartphone or tablet and mobile messaging will play a vital role. Ramsey Masri (CEO of OtherLevels), writes in his article link about tactics and strategies that mobile marketers should consider in 2015: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/mobile-digital-marketing/moving-the-mobile-marketing-needle-in-2015/1421




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Mobile Advertising

In a recent research by CCS Insight it was found that more than half of online purchases in the UK this Christmas are being made on a mobile device, whether it is from a tablet or a smartphone. But the fact is that retailers are not prepared for mobile advertising. M-commerce is now predominant and it will continue to increase. The retailers who are into mobile advertising have an opportunity to leap ahead of their competitors and capture consumers’ attention. Read more at: http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/mobile-digital-marketing/merry-mobile-christmas/1288



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