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Why Football clubs use analytics?

Everyone knows that football is a simple game. But, nowadays, football clubs are focusing on statistical data and that in turn help clubs to take important decisions. Football clubs are applying analytics to answer important questions. For more read the article written by The Sunday Telegraph: http://www.newindianexpress.com/sport/Why-Football-Clubs-Place-Such-Importance-on-Analytics/2016/04/17/article3384984.ece


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Has Big Data Changed Football?

Big data is playing an important role in football during these days. Football is continuously making use of performance analytics and making use of available information more efficiently to achieve competitive advantage. Most of the top level European football clubs adopted structured analysis process and dedicated performance analysts. Now clubs are able to analyze their data at just one click of mouse. Today players are wearing GPS trackers during training, acceleration sensors and heart rate monitors which records their data of performance and after analyzing those data optimal steps can be taken to improve performance. Also analyzing the opponent's data can give the team a lead ahead to win the game. Today performance can be judge easily on and off the field. Selection of players can be done by analysis of performance. Finally we all are seeing a completely different game during these years. Read more at: http://www.smartdatacollective.com/bernardmarr/332906/how-big-data-and-analytics-are-changing-football

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Sports Analytics And Predictions

Sports analytics have become very popular now days. Predicting winners, player performance and team selection has taken a new form with the help of sports analytics. It has now become a new way of making money and building reputation in sports world. Analysts use the previous data to make predictive models and make future prediction using those models. There has been a shift from qualitative data that was traditionally used to quantitative data. Sports analytics have not been so easy in all sports. American Football, which has large number of variables that can change overtime, faces some difficulty seeking advantage of analytics. NFL teams hardly play 16 games a season implying very small sample size; it is very hard to get some pattern of data. Knowledge of the game and watching the games is equally as important as collecting data. In fact it is part of the data. Read more at:https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/how-people-are-beating-the-bookmaker-with-sports-analytics

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Rising Value of Sports Analytics

Other than having health implication, alcohol have a direct impact on match’s performance and cost the team valuable performance. So Arsène Wenger, manager of Arsenal started waving away team’s bad habits. His sophisticated approach and implemented policies, worked as catalysts for sport’s keen interest in analytics. The sports current value is predicted to rise due to the increasing accessibility to cloud computing, improved infrastructure allowing smart-phones and tablets play a bigger role in training programs.Arsenal’s rivals, Manchester United use analytics to maintain squad balance. Many sports are still unconvinced which shows that analytics still has room to grow. Other than elite sport, there is a rising valuation of sports analytics in amateur sport also. Major sporting institutions and amateur athletes still remain to tap in. Read more about it at:  https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/sports-analytics-market-to-reach-4-7bn-by-2021

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Better Fitness With Big Data Analytics

Big data like other day-to-day works, have also entered into fitness. Just like Fitbit and Nike+ Running App, some other technology tools are also available now. Swimmers can now use Speedo Aquabeat which is an underwater iPad. The tool Trace, used in surfing and wakeboarding can now be mounted to any board to track the motion, speed, height and the tricks used while landing. The AiQ Bioman Tank monitors temperature, heart rate, and breathing of our body. For volleyball and basketball players, Vert app measures the jump and send the data to the smartphone comparing ability over time. Prescription sunglasses used for outdoor sports are also at a high popularity now. Read more about this article at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/7636-top-5-unique-sports-tech-gadgets-making-fitness-better

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Big Data vs. Human Spirit

Big Data Analytics which is nowadays so useful in sports, also couldn't save England cricketers during their recent World Cup match against Bangladesh. The then coach of England, Peter Moore started believing in numbers more than the spirit of the cricketers. But a great-turnover came up over the team when they defeated New Zealand in a series of one-day match by 3-2. Both teams broke one-day records and entertained the English cricketing public like never before. This wasn't done by analysis of numbers but by abilities of cricketers. Thus, Big Data is all-time powerful but can never be more than what human spirit is. Same example goes for recruitment. Read more about this article by Matthew Reaney, Director and Founder (Big Cloud) at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/big-data-and-the-human-spirit

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Hiring new players using analytics

Analytics are now being deployed by sports clubs to buy new players. With the huge amount of data being generated, selling clubs are now looking for ways to increase the chance of their players being bought for more money and buying clubs are looking for ways to assess the potential of new players. Analytics comes into play here. Clubs are now using data to assess the potential of new players, with efforts being devoted to developing data programmes to accomplish this task. There are several companies who offer this kind of service, but a significant number of clubs have outdone, these companies with their hiring process by carrying out deeper analysis and using metrics. Read more at: https://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/data-in-player-transfers-in-the-premier-league

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Role of analytics in sports

Analytics is being widely used in many areas and sports is no exclusion. Data analytics has successfully scripted victories for many teams, already. Data analytics can be applied to any sport be it tennis, baseball or cricket. But, sports analytics is a completely new concept in India. Sports analytics is the amalgamation of sports and information technology. Sports teams are now hiring data analysts who feed data in their algorithms, which then process the data fed and perform numerical calculation to figure out the strategy for the next match. The analyst then informs the coach and the team players about the prescriptive strategies. Read more at: http://www.cio.in/feature/big-data-is-here-to-have-a-good-innings

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Formula 1 being engulfed by Analytics

A Formula 1 car (F1) may take 5 months from the drawing board to production. Testing programs of the car's speed, stability, aerodynamics and tire degradation around a racetrack is done by the engineers and data analysts. Some teams uses technology which enables its existing systems to process this data faster than ever before.  It is not just about interpreting analytical information, but being able to make strategic decisions as a team. It would be interesting to see the sport getting audiences more integrated with real-time data. Exposure to basic forms of live data via a mobile app may give viewers an indication of why teams make the strategic decisions that they do. The F1 car technology shows how the sport is in pole position in terms of technology innovation especially with data. Read more about this article at: http://channels.theinnovationenterprise.com/articles/f1-and-data-analytics-it-s-a-numbers-game

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Big Data Analytics in Cricket

Many cricket teams are using Big Data Analytics to make important decisions about how to play and attack. There are sensors in the pitch and therefore we get loads of data per match which gives an opportunity to analyze this data with legacy data to make a very meaningful perspective. For example, we get data like- what % of balls by a bowler in a match are short pitch resulting in what % of total wickets or runs attributed to that type of balling in this match compared with past matches which makes the application of Big Data Analytics more meaningful. Read more at: http://tyronesystems.com/cwc/?p=1144



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Analytics And The World Of Cricket

Technology has made a huge impact on the game of cricket and 'Analytics' has revolutionized cricket match viewing experience. According to Amitava Ghosh, ex-CTO at TaxiForSure, there are two broad categories of data visualization statistics. He further explains that one is a fun based static which is used to entertain viewers, and the second one is performance oriented, analytical statistic which helps to enhance a player's performance, which in turn helps the team to strategize better. To know more, follow: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/cricketnext/analytics-brings-in-meticulous-approach-to-cricket-says-amitava-ghosh-excto-taxiforsure/533528-78.html



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Sponsors shift Investment to Sports Analytics

The National Hockey League (NHL) is focusing on making a substantial investment in analytics to evaluate players' performance. Other than ticket pricing, analytics can be applied in other revenue stream like sponsorship investments by corporate partners. Using analytics in sports sponsorship provides answers to sponsors like why they are getting value by working with a sports organization. It also helps to state issues when a team or athlete is unsuccessful in competition. Thus, a wealth of new data is available to sports organizations. To know more, go through the article by Adam Grossman, Ben Shields, Irving Rein (authors of The Sports Strategist: Developing Leaders for a High-Performance Industry) at: http://blog.oup.com/2014/10/advancement-sports-analytics-business/

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Lessons learnt from sports analytics

Nowadays, analytics is a key factor in sports industry. Analyst is part of any team whether it is a baseball team or an international soccer team. Yet, some sports team does not appreciate the value of analytics in the sports industry. Lloyd Melnick (CEO of fiveonenine games), in his article writes about some lessons on how sports teams use analytics that are relevant to all businesses which Davenport (Author of the book: Competing on Analytics) concluded. To know more about these lessons, follow: http://lloydmelnick.com/2014/09/04/lessons-from-sports-analytics/




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Over-relying on Data

Data is more than just power. Organisations across all industry verticals are upgrading their data management systems, investing in new resources, and using their rich databases to streamline the practices of their departments. Indeed the message from experts is clear: organisations that fail to adapt and evolve to meet the emergence of big data, face the prospect of falling behind. As with any phenomenon, however, there are lessons to be learnt. 

The way data is being used in sports is a poignant example. Moneyball, the popular book inspired by Oakland Athletics manager Billy Beane, explained the core philosophy of the manager’s vision for the baseball team: using statistical analysis to maximise player acquisition and performance with a low budget. 

The Moneyball philosophy had huge ramifications for the sporting world. People started adopting variants of it in all sports – from soccer to basketball to football. Arguably the most noticeable application of Beane’s philosophy was by Andy Flower, the former England cricket coach. Flowers was known for his admiration of Beane’s work, and he too would use statistical analysis to not only determine who would be on the field but also what decisions players should make once they were selected and enjoyed notable victories also. Both of them have stood by data analytics and the benefits it can bring. Yet, what is often untold is that data was both a virtue and a vice for both men.

His 5-0 defeat at the Ashes last year was one of England’s most disappointing performances to date. As commentators suggested, it was a classic case of overreliance on data, replacing intuition with numbers, and allowing data to dictate rather than inform. Flower ultimately got the balance between trusting people and numbers wrong. He was in good company, those who thrive will not be those who use data most—but those who use it most smartly. But data is emphatically not a substitute for intuition and flair - either in the office or on the cricket field.

These instances of sports analytics are particularly relevant for organisations looking to add big data analytics to their existing operations. The example of Beane and Flower show how data does not have all the answers, and relying too heavily on it can have devastating effects.

Read more at: http://www.espncricinfo.com/magazine/content/story/724435.html

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