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Tips to be careful with social media

One should search himself online and keep track of photos. There has been continuous warnings from the guidance counsellors. Research says that at the time of admissions the profiles of the students are checked by the institutes, which might lead to the revoke of admission. One also shouldn’t post false information about the wrongdoings. Posting forbidden information online is considered illegal as it may violate institutions rule. It should also be made sure that the information entered by the individual is appropriate about name, email address, etc. these information must not be made to look unprofessional in any manner. Also others should be treated nicely on the social media including comments and trolls. Read more at: https://mobile.nytimes.com/aponline/2017/06/19/us/ap-us-college-admissions-social-media-tips.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FSocial%20Media&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=7&pgtype=collection&referer=https://www.nytimes.com/topic/subject/social-media


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Cohort analysis and its benefits

The cohort analysis tool can help to dig in deeper which traffic and page views don't allow. The cohort is grouping because of similarities. It's perfect for finding certain things at a glance. But the website keeps changing very often. When those changes happen, it's important to put these metrics in context. Cohort helps by layering on a filter to add context to the data you're looking at. By viewing those segments, one can produce more accurate findings. Also, cohort sorts the data in every way possible. There is a list of factors, one can analyze using this tool. Cohort analysis allow you to view data by segments of people, helps determine changes and facilitates comparison so that the strategy can be set accordingly. Read more at: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/cohort-analysis-google-analytics/



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Increasing Demand For Social Media

According to a recent study in 2014-15, it was found that today's high school students are heavy internet users using social media channels to stay well-informed with current affairs and to be connected with family and friends. 52% of them are part of at least one community on Facebook and 65% of them have Google+ accounts; 6 out of 10 use Whats App. According to the study, it was also found that 75% of these students spend an hour online every day. Two-third who survey, shop online. 63% use Wikipedia, 51% use PDF and 44% use videos as learning resources. Read more about this article at:  http://www.dqindia.com/over-75-of-indian-school-students-spend-an-average-of-1-hour-on-social-media-every-day-tcs-study/

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Growing use of Social Media

Social Media Participation has been limited to younger population and is rarely used by the older population. This has been a prevailing argument again social intelligence.  According to New Media Trend Watch 33 percent of the 80 million people born between 1946 and 1964 use social media, among which only US accounts for 26 million individuals. For Facebook and Google+ the population between 45 to 54-age is the fastest growing, seeing a 46 percent jump for Facebook and 56 percent leap for Google+. This growth has not been contained to the mainstream social networks and has spanned online communities, blogs and open comment sites, aside from the massive networks. According to Pew,presently 67 percent of Internet users between the ages of 50 and 64 are using online social circles. Beyond this, the segment of Internet users 65 and older who use  social media has significantly increased from 13 percent in 2009 to 43 percent in 2013.To know more go to: http://www.listenlogic.com/2013/11/senior-moment-social-media-shifts/

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