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Tips to be careful with social media

One should search himself online and keep track of photos. There has been continuous warnings from the guidance counsellors. Research says that at the time of admissions the profiles of the students are checked by the institutes, which might lead to the revoke of admission. One also shouldn’t post false information about the wrongdoings. Posting forbidden information online is considered illegal as it may violate institutions rule. It should also be made sure that the information entered by the individual is appropriate about name, email address, etc. these information must not be made to look unprofessional in any manner. Also others should be treated nicely on the social media including comments and trolls. Read more at: https://mobile.nytimes.com/aponline/2017/06/19/us/ap-us-college-admissions-social-media-tips.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FSocial%20Media&action=click&contentCollection=timestopics&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=7&pgtype=collection&referer=https://www.nytimes.com/topic/subject/social-media


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