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Technology- converting fuel into life

With the increasing rate of mining and filtering fossil fuel, the day is near when all the fuel present in earth will be gone. Well some scientist have figured out a technology which can be the next perpetual source of energy after sun.

In a recent study, scientists have found a catalyst that splits water into oxygen and hydrogen like plants do with the help of photosynthesis. Scientists are also believe that cars in the future will run on liquid hydrogen, with a single filling lasting 2,000-3,000 kilometers with the help of this catalyst. Though this discovery is far away from actual implementation and require more research.

To know more, please read the article written by ARAM TER-GHAZARYAN (Writer at Russia beyond the Headlines) -: http://rbth.com/science_and_tech/2016/04/13/new-technology-might-end-the-worlds-dependence-on-oil_584357


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Gadgets better than sleeping pills

A recent study revealed that about 30% of Indian adults who are corporates suffer insomnia and 25% sleep apnea. This is a clear indication towards unhealthy condition among the corporates. But there are gadgets which helps you to monitor your sleep and they are becoming quite popular among all age groups. These gadgets are way better and has no side effects like memory loss caused by sleeping pill. 

To know more, please read the article written by Shobita Dhar (Writer at The Times of India tech)-: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/computing/Why-this-tech-could-put-you-to-sleep/articleshow/51181484.cms




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Cia monitoring the social media

CIA is getting serious about monitoring social media and with their venture capital In-Q-Tel investing in high-tech companies, they want to ensure that they remains on top of the latest and greatest technology breakthroughs and advancements. For example Geofeedia, which collects and analyzes geo-tagged posts on social networks like twitter and Instagram which the actual used to track news events in real-time.

To know more, please read the article written by YONI HEISLER (writer at bgr.com) -: http://bgr.com/2016/04/18/cia-surveillance-social-media-in-q-tel/


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Which is the most liked app among teens?


According to recent study, snapchat is the most popular app among teenagers in US. A survey on 6500 teens in US to see what their opinion about the most important social network, 

# 28% voted for Snapchat 

# 27 % voted for Instagram which is a very close call

Leaving the rest for twitter and facebook. The study shows that teens tend to be more interested in viewing pictures and videos rather than text-focused media seen on Twitter and Facebook . Snapchat introducing things like Snapchat Discover and debuting live coverage at the Oscars,  as well as the popular face swapping feature and constantly adding new filters for images makes it interesting while other apps failed to do that. 

To know more, please read the article by written by Kelen Beck (Tech news reporter intern at Mashable)  -: http://mashable.com/2016/04/14/snapchat-teens-winner/#nxajcWykJSqm


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A week without social media

What if we tell you that staying away from social media for a week will benefit more than workout or even swimming. At least an independent study says it’s true. Here are some thing you must try to avoid anxiety, depression and health hazards caused by social media -:

# Try to be on bed without your phone -: lesser will be the contact with your phone, happier you will be.

# Workout to tone your body and to be fit 

# Learn how to be alone - We are constantly connected to social media which create an illusion that we are never alone but it’s important to take some time for yourself. 

To Know more , please read the article written by FlockU in The Huffington post - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/i-quit-social-media-for-a_b_9627574.html?section=india


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How social media is changing the Middle East

Middle East Asian countries are being stereotyped as conservative countries but with changing times and technologies evolving, such thoughts will soon be a myth. Iranian youngsters are helping their mother land for the tourist who visiting by showing warm, fun and defiant reality of everyday life in their country. They are using social media to connect with people. This is helping local vendors as well as art museums and exhibits to put attract visitors. You  can easily guess by this figure that Iran has close to 45,000 Facebook members and has branched out to Tumblr, Instagram and Telegram Messenger social media is becoming an integral part of Iranian culture.

To know more, please read the article by Gus Serendip ( Writer at The Guardian) -: http://www.theguardian.com/travel/2016/apr/19/exploring-iran-travels-facebook-instagram-couchsurfing




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How B2B can use social media

Social media has emerged as the best sailing ship of all time and now B2B companies are also using to social media to position themselves in this competitive market. Here are some tips on how B2B companies can take the most out of social media -:

# Creating valuable content -: Content is king and keeping in mind content should be taken care the most. Developer should create good content and tag prospect customer.

# Focus on brand identity -: Companies should focus on sales or conversion but they need to  present the content in a way that’s meaningful to customers and prospects.

To know more please read the article written by The Young Entrepreneur Council in Small Business trends - : http://smallbiztrends.com/2016/04/b2b-social-media-tips.html


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Video memes - New way to express your feelings

We share smiley, pictures and even videos, share our emotions, but now video memes can be used to express the same. App developers have created an app which can create video memes. Developers believe that it can replace the images and GIF's. This app has a full library of some 5,000 clips, or you can browse categories like "Excited," "Love," "LOL," "Angry," etc. We can share it to imessage or Messenger, as well as other networks like Facebook, Twitter, Slack, GroupMe and more. Videos are shared in MP4 format. To know more about this app, please read the article by Sarah Perez (writer at TechCrunch) -: http://techcrunch.com/2016/04/06/this-new-app-lets-you-express-your-feelings-with-video-memes-not-gifs/


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How to answer all queries in social media

Social media is important to every business and relationship with customers. According to a research customer's expect to get a response through social media got doubled since 2013 and still 7 out of 8 messages to companies go unanswered for 72 hours. Customers want all their queries to be answered which include marketing information and customer service which marketing managers are not trained to answer. To solve this query teams need to be cross functional and follow these steps -: • Develop a social care team which can address all social information effectively and efficiently

• Create brand guidelines for standards, tone, and style of social media communication

• Assign specific employees from each department to social media tasks

To know more, please read the article written by Keith A. Quesenberry ( writer at Harvard Business Review ) -: https://hbr.org/2016/04/social-media-is-too-important-to-be-left-to-the-marketing-department


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Wearable you can carry at the back of your Hand

A new wearable is being developed which can be worn at the back of our hand. Developers have named it "E-skin" which is ultra thin, ultra flexible, and constructed of layers of silicon oxynitrite and parylene. This is possibly the step towards ultra-flexible watches and phones. This technology has uplifted a new type of medical applications. To know more, please read the article written by Rachel Dicker (writer at US news)-: http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2016-04-18/new-e-skin-allows-for-unrestricted-movement-and-wearable-technology


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Technology for visually challenged

Technology has taken a big leap and has proven its potential to serve mankind. New apps are being developed to help people who have lost their vision. These apps are helping them in day to day activities like checking the bills, voice-assisted technology to send text messages, send and retrieve email, and even shop online. It also comes with a voice automated GPS to guide the direction. To know more, please read the article by Troy Moon (writer at PNJ) -: http://www.pnj.com/story/news/local/escambia-county/2016/04/17/technology-gives-blind-more-independence/82758416/


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Technology transforming Business

With the advent of technology growing and advancing day by day, we need to keep up or lose out in this race. Organizations keep upgrading their technology for higher productivity of work and higher efficiency with decreasing costs. The problems which the people in the organization face are learning about the new and complex technology and skills. Technology is transforming and if in workplace people want to excel they have to keep learning. To know more, please read the article at -: http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20160327/business-news/Technology-is-transforming-business.606958


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Tools for boosting & manage your Instagram Social marketing

Instagram become more than just a regular picture sharing app. With a user base projection of over 500mn in 2016, Advertisers are choosing Instagram over conventional media tools even in events like the super bowl. So here are some tools one can use to manage your Instagram strategies-: # Gramfeed: Social media management and search engine for Instagram. It is useful for advanced searches for trending hashtags, dates, location, users and influencers. One can visualize photos on a map and manage multiple accounts as well as other basic features from Instagram, such as posting comments, managing followers, etc.

# Repost: This app makes it simple to share photos and videos posted by others, directly from your mobile device, while giving credit to the original post (and user). This app is helpful, if user generated content is part of the content strategy. 

To know more about various other tools, please read the article by Frederic Gonzalo (Author at 4hoteliers.com) -: http://www.4hoteliers.com/features/article/9583



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Virtual Reality -: A new step towards wildlife conservation

Virtual technology with its 360o vision is bringing up a new dimension to augmented reality by introducing it in wildlife conservation. It is helping researchers to assess the conditions of distant species and environments without being physically present there. Lack of information on wild animals poses a barrier to conservation efforts who are currently classified as near threatened. The footage will enable researchers and policy makers anywhere in the world to don a VR headset and experience the location as if they were there. To know more, please read the article by Ivy Shih (Editor at The Conversation) -: http://theconversation.com/virtual-reality-brings-new-dimension-to-conservation-57291


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Developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence

The future of AI is filled with amazing opportunities. Alan Turing designed the Turing machine about a century ago. It is expected that in the coming times the machines will pass the Turing test. To add to the surprise, the AI machines are being expected to use all the five human senses. Governments, the world over are planning to make simulation models which make use of big data as input to predict the criminal or terrorist activities. AI has been improving human lives by uplifting the healthcare and medical facilities. To make the computer - human interaction more natural, scientists are working on the Natural Language Processing Algorithms. Read more about it at: http://nerdsmagazine.com/artificial-intelligence-five-highly-anticipated-developments/


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Agile Marketing for Your Brand

To be ready for the next big trend or story, it is essential to build your personal brand online. To stay on track, good research and analytics is very important. If you are thinking of what's being shared on social media, there are many ways how your brand can take advantage of agile marketing. It can help in staying ahead of what is to come and be prepared for news and events. Today one needs to be active on social media and track content and trends. It is essential to build an audience. Knowing the need of the audience is a good start along with a flexible marketing plan. Few steps that can increase brand awareness are: - # Track the latest hashtags # Conduct thorough research # Be ready for change. As you involve agile marketing as a regular part of your personal branding strategy, it's good to remember that this is a process which involves careful attention and planning. To read more about agile marketing follow : http://www.business2community.com/branding/use-agile-marketing-bring-visibility-brand-01461244


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Analytics Revolutionizing National Security

Big data have existed since the time of the cave man existed in physical paper and other analog forms (stone, papyrus, tape) and was largely inaccessible. With the inception of commercial Internet & new forms of commerce and social media, we can access information of "open source". Now technology can connect streaming and near real-time data to generate information very fast. Dynamic machine-learning algorithms can also help to discover hidden patterns and associations and graph databases has the ability to query and explore entities and their relationships in order to understand how opponent operates. It was also found that tools for geospatial analysis can help analysts to understand how events and groupings are related in space and time. To know more, please read the article by Mark Testoni (Writer at Homeland security today.us) -: http://www.hstoday.us/columns/critical-issues-in-national-cybersecurity/blog/big-data-analytics-from-forensics-to-foresight/d0c045fe32568eedefda4195d46472e6.html


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Everyone trying to “scale agile” or “be agile at scale” is attempting to address these scale areas

Everyone is having the understanding with how to “do agile” or “be agile,” individually or as a team. Regardless of whether people are doing and being agile correctly and successfully, everyone is now busy either scaling agile or being agile at scale. But the questions are. Why? What are the main reasons for all agile conferences these days to have scaling sessions on their programs? Why are many new agile books not about individual teams anymore? Which market needs have been identified by the global explosion of scaling programs, consultants, coaches, certificates, frameworks and seminars? That is what found is: 1) Growth. 2) Coordination. 3) Orchestration. 4) Legacy 5) Complexity. To read more about it follow the article written by Jurgen Appelo (Pioneering management in creative organization)at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/jurgenappelo/2016/02/24/the-five-areas-of-scaling-agile/#7dc2fbcc2efd


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All About Application Migration

Presently companies have started shifting or planning to shift on cloud and updating there entire data center with modern infrastructure solutions. They are optimizing their entire ecosystem to support mobility and new kinds of end-point technologies. To stay updated on today's market, need is to design an environment that's ready for virtualization and cloud. Organizations are running into application migration challenges.  Some apps can't be virtualized. Some are simple and can't be moved into a cloud ecosystem. Some apps have critical legacy dependencies and some apps are challenged by compliance and security measures. So here's the good news: new technologies are enabling a very granular understanding of applications and their unique requirements. Let's look at some ways that can work with challenging applications and some application migration options. # Understanding the Application DNA # What to Do With Mainframes? # Working Around Dependencies # Getting Creative with Challenge Apps # Ripping Off the Band-Aid. To read more, follow: http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2016/02/23/application-migration-know-your-options/


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Coolest gadgets of 2016


Gadgets or Gizmos as some refer to it have come a long way. Technology has evolved in so many ways helping man in different fields like medicine, lifestyle and entertainment to name a few. Gadgets are now available where it is possible to experience anything, anywhere through virtual reality. According to TIME Magazine, here are some shortlisted ‘Coolest Gadgets of 2016’ 

# HTC Vive Headset- You don’t just sit and experience while wearing the headset. Instead, through head-tracking technology and a pair of hand-held wireless controllers, you’re encouraged to interact with your environment, climbing ladders, painting the air, and even shooting zombies.

# Loop-Loop connects to online photo services via Wi-Fi, streaming your favorite pictures wherever you are.

# Ili Wearable Translator- The world’s first wearable translator, can connect two people have full conversations in separate languages, without the help of a Smartphone or even an Internet connection.

To know more, please read the article by John Patrick Pullen (Contributor in Time Mag.) -: http://time.com/4169302/ces-2016-coolest/


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