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Virtual Reality -: A new step towards wildlife conservation

Virtual technology with its 360o vision is bringing up a new dimension to augmented reality by introducing it in wildlife conservation. It is helping researchers to assess the conditions of distant species and environments without being physically present there. Lack of information on wild animals poses a barrier to conservation efforts who are currently classified as near threatened. The footage will enable researchers and policy makers anywhere in the world to don a VR headset and experience the location as if they were there. To know more, please read the article by Ivy Shih (Editor at The Conversation) -: http://theconversation.com/virtual-reality-brings-new-dimension-to-conservation-57291


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Photovoltaic Technology for harvesting solar energy

Non-renewable resources are energy sources that we use and consume faster than nature produces them. Statistics are showing that if the current rate of consumption continues for oil, the supply is predicted to run out within the next 14 years. So a non-renewable source of energy is what planet earth needs. Researchers are employing a technique called Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition to produce large-scale thin films which make up the perovskite call. To know more, please read the article by University of Salford -:   http://phys.org/news/2016-03-technology-harvesting-solar-energy.html


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Use of Augmented Technology in Archaeology

Augmented reality or AR is the ability to insert and overlay digital data & virtual information and now it is being used for archaeological work and research. AR allows students, research scholars and professional to access the artifacts and collections with accurate details and measurement. It also helps to preserve the artifacts since they have the constraint of physical contact. To know more, please read the article by Jennifer Shin (Writer at Augment) -: http://www.augment.com/blog/visualizing-the-past-pioneering-technology-in-archaeology/



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How to avoid unethical market research decisions

An ethics checklist along with a list of common unethical market research concerns that may arise during the research process are: Answering "yes" to any of the following questions could suggest that decision should be changed or more discussions should be conducted to ensure the business is making the most ethical decision. First, does my decision treat me, or my company, as an exception to the rule? Second, would my decision lose profits if customers were aware? Third, would I repel qualified job applicants by telling them about my decision? Fourth, does my decision meet other employee's opinions? Fifth, is my decision partial or biased? Sixth, does it divide the goals of the company? Seventh, will I have to pull rank to make others follow it? Eighth, would I prefer avoiding the consequences of this decision? Lastly, did I avoid any of the questions by telling myself that I can get away with it? Some biggest ethical concerns in market research are: First, conducting unnecessary research. Second, performing the wrong research will waste both time and money. Third, ignoring ongoing studies since Market research is constantly evolving. Fourth, Misuse of research according to licensing agreements which occurs because the user does not fully understand the limitations of the different license types.Read more about this at: 

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Big Data for your better health

When talking of Big Data, most of the times we mean business. But now, Big Data can improve your health too. Yes, it’s true.

Big Data is increasingly playing a role to modernize biomedical researches. Scientists, researchers and clinicians are leveraging the power of Big Data to generate aggregate of digital data through DNA sequencing, biomedical imaging and transforming a patient’s health record electronically.

With the help of Big Data, linkages can be found out between various genes, diseases and traits. Given that there is a huge database of genetic variants associated with diseases, like that of VARIMED, a list of gene-disease pairs can be established. This can be tracked down to the traits by developing disease – trait associations, depending on which a prediction can be made whether an individual will develop a particular disease.

To know more on how Big Data can play a role in improving our health, read at http://www.govexec.com/excellence/promising-practices/2014/05/how-big-data-can-improve-your-health/84904/?oref=voices-top

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Designing a meaningful research project

A research is meaningful only if the students get to learn something from a project and maximizes their knowledge while working on a project. Preparing questionnaire and determining sample size for conducting a survey is very crucial. Post- survey, preparation of report and giving recommendations are also very important. For companies this is a profitable situation as they get free advice with no costs involved.

To know more kindly refer to the below mentioned link: http://www.drharoldkerzner.com/designing-a-meaningful-research-project/

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Survey reports cloud technology to increase demand for IT Service Providers

If you are an IT Service Provider, then cloud technology is a potential area where you can look upon to increase your top line. ‘2014 IT Service Provider Benchmarking Survey’ by IT Business Management Software provider Autotask reports that cloud technology is the key driver for ITSPs. For the second year in row, cloud based apps were cited as the number one technology that’s changing clients’ expectations.

Keeping in tune with technological changes, as the demand for cloud services is increasing from clients, ITSPs can see cloud technology as an opportunity to grow their business. Compared to 2013, when increase in revenues was just five to fifteen percent, in 2014 this increase was reported between fifteen to twenty percent by service providers. This growing demand required extra workforce and ninety eight percent of the survey respondents reported increased hiring also.

Though cloud technology is proving advantageous, but security is a main concern and remains top priority for service providers’ clients. ITSPs can overcome this shortcoming by providing security support to their customers, thereby making it an area to grow their business.

To know more, please follow the link http://www.thewhir.com/web-hosting-news/cloud-technologies-drive-demand-service-providers-report


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Majority of Americans say the healthcare system isn't in a crisis

Through a study, Gallup (research organisation) found that two thirds of the Americans are satisfied with the current health care system. People who own insurance schemes are more satisfied with the current health care system compared to others who don’t have insurance schemes. According to Gallup, health care insurance status plays an important role in the life of an American. Researchers also found that most of the young and old people like the present health care system. The article by Laura Matthews, U.S political reporter for the International Business Times, speaks about the Americans’ reaction towards the current health care system.  


For more information please visit http://www.ibtimes.com/majority-americans-say-healthcare-system-isnt-crisis-1561795

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