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Mixed Reality (MR) and its usefulness in CRM industry

Mixed reality or MR is a new technology which is coming up and will soon become a buzz-acronym within the CRM industry. In a nutshell, mixed reality combines the best elements of virtual reality or VR and augmented reality or AR and both AR and VR headsets are expected to flourish in terms of sales over the next five years, but it is expected that the value of these headsets will go beyond their utility with gaming platforms. As the demands on CRM teams to deliver a more personalized service is increasing, the mixed reality technology is being trialed in certain segments of the travel sector as MR can allow staff to match client data to the person they are seeing as part of their day-to-day activities. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/mixed-reality-will-bring-crm-to-the-front-line-of-the-hospitality-market-78818



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Post-modern Markets: A change in today's world

The pact of era divides itself in three stages-pre-modern, modern, post-modern. The era with an ideology of marketing that walks with these three stages can be explained, now marketing is turning up to post-modern where it pushes down emotional and the left brain. The trend which is playing the most exogenous aspect to the buyers by recollecting them together and pushing all ideas of innovation tech to experience made to buyers. The greater impact that can change and will continue to change many marketing businesses are AI and machine learning, which provides accuracy based on sales. Marketers should focus on its strategies to use machine learning with much more creativity, use more analytical tools, should be emotional and more suitable. Read more at: www.thedrum.com/news/2017/06/06/get-ready-the-era-post-modern-marketing   

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Role of augmented reality in an enterprise

Augmented reality depicts the user environment in real-time through photographs or maps, unlike virtual reality which sketches artificial environments. For a successful enterprise augmented reality it is of utmost importance that it is able to integrate backend enterprise systems, can be used in real-world business environment, and is able to improve reality by adding virtual means for better and clearer understanding. For the creation of enterprise augmented reality, enterprise integration plays a crucial role. Enterprise augmented reality will bring about a revolution in technology markets. To read more follow:- http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/integrate-my-jde/what-is-augmented-reality-in-the-enterprise-73990


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Virtual Reality -: A new step towards wildlife conservation

Virtual technology with its 360o vision is bringing up a new dimension to augmented reality by introducing it in wildlife conservation. It is helping researchers to assess the conditions of distant species and environments without being physically present there. Lack of information on wild animals poses a barrier to conservation efforts who are currently classified as near threatened. The footage will enable researchers and policy makers anywhere in the world to don a VR headset and experience the location as if they were there. To know more, please read the article by Ivy Shih (Editor at The Conversation) -: http://theconversation.com/virtual-reality-brings-new-dimension-to-conservation-57291


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New and future trends in digital advertising strategies

Digital technologies are expanding and digital advertising strategies are also evolving. Ellen Gomes (a valued contributor to Business 2 Community), writes in this article about some new digital marketing strategies, some future  digital marketing strategies and some tips on how you can increase marketing ROI by incorporating them into campaigns. They are - Mobile Video Advertising, Native Advertising, and Behavioral Targeting. Some future trends are - Virtual Reality, Wearables, and Beacons and Bluetooth Low Energy. Read more at - - http://www.business2community.com/brandviews/marketo/6-trending-cutting-edge-digital-marketing-strategies-need-know-01385304#McXhWKt6rROtT7KR.97



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Remote reality-the future of virtual reality

The rate, at which virtual reality is undergoing evolution, it may soon be possible in the recent future to virtually teleport from one place to another, via remote reality, even at the most distant corners of the earth. Networking is the most important factor required to make this possible. High speed internet must be accompanied with advanced audio and visualization technology, to make the media feeds, received by the users more realistic and communicable. Drones and robots will come handy in the age of remote reality and it is important to match the system response speed with the immediacy of real world actions, to avoid motion sickness of users caused by the deferment. Read more at: http://venturebeat.com/2015/07/13/omnipresence-and-the-coming-age-of-remote-reality/

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