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How AI and ML can contribute towards developing an intelligent cloud?

With reference to the aura spread by artificial intelligence and machine learning every enterprise is making their ideas with the relevance of these two giants. We are aware of the concept of cloud computing that it provides the storage and networking space over the internet which eventually reduces human efforts and cost. This sounds absolutely awesome. But what’s next? Can cloud be developed as “Intelligent Cloud”? Introducing the union of AI, ML and cloud, this will definitely raise the standards of cloud computing in future. The intelligent cloud will have the ability to learn from the enormous amount of data, builds up predictions accordingly and end up analyzing situations. This platform seems to perform tasks with high speed and provides greater efficiency. 



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Post-modern Markets: A change in today's world

The pact of era divides itself in three stages-pre-modern, modern, post-modern. The era with an ideology of marketing that walks with these three stages can be explained, now marketing is turning up to post-modern where it pushes down emotional and the left brain. The trend which is playing the most exogenous aspect to the buyers by recollecting them together and pushing all ideas of innovation tech to experience made to buyers. The greater impact that can change and will continue to change many marketing businesses are AI and machine learning, which provides accuracy based on sales. Marketers should focus on its strategies to use machine learning with much more creativity, use more analytical tools, should be emotional and more suitable. Read more at: www.thedrum.com/news/2017/06/06/get-ready-the-era-post-modern-marketing   

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Is Robotics a curative measure for “cube farms”?

Despite Robots, RPA- Robotic process automation is a part of AI umbrella. Many institutions, like the bankers, are looking for RPA for accessing more efficiency in their system, for cost minimisation, efficient work with operation smooth working, and for customer satisfaction. Bankers use RPA for making things easy and building a smooth working environment that will automatically improve the customer experience. By increasing efficiency and waving out from cube farms, environment RPA application is providing a new software tool that will automate the efficiency in the workplace. Read more at: http://www.bankingexchange.com/news-feed/item/6872-what-you-need-to-know-about-robotics?Itemid=653  

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Artificial Intelligence and Insurance Sector

There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence is impacting all walks of life toady-be it driverless cars, automated surgeries, AI robot and more. AI was recently introduced at the Zurich Insurance company for claims handling and it did the magic- saved 40,000 work hours, while speeding the claim processing time to just five seconds. The insurers are now planning to reap the benefits of this technological advancement and expand the use of AI. The days are not far when AI boats will be deployed to help in setting up policies and process insurance claims. The accuracy is expected to increase over time better performance. For a good read, follow the link below: https://eandt.theiet.org/content/articles/2017/05/ai-adopted-by-zurich-insurance-to-assess-personal-injury-claims/


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