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The Uneven Skepticism of Aid Journalists


Rosenbaum was accused of searching Reed’s medical records and violating HIPAA (she has been cleared of that by an investigation) because she mentioned the stage of uterine cancer in the essay, begging the question how she knew the stage of the cancer.While banning morcellation certainly saves women from the dreaded complication that Amy Reed regrettably faced, what about women who do not develop complications from open procedure, such as pulmonary embolism, because of using the less invasive technique? Who cheers for events that don’t happen? Safety for some patients comes with unsafety for other patients.How did our skeptical healthcare journalists respond to this accusation? Presumably they decimated the sloppy, self-serving, logic of the accusation, which is nothing more than a jejune and desperate personal attack on the author.Read mroe at : http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2016/03/20/overoutrage-and-the-asymmetric-skepticism-of-healthcare-journalists/


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Predictive analytics revolutionizing the healthcare system

In technology adoption, the healthcare sector is still lagging behind, due to its intricate compliance and security requirements. The healthcare sector has been mainly focusing on medicines, which is evolving continuously. However, the scenario is changing, as healthcare providers have started to compete for market share. Healthcare marketers are trying to identify prospective patients, most likely in need of their healthcare services and retain them in their institutional networks. Hence, predictive analytics is being applied to big data, in order to determine consumer behaviors and patterns in their operational areas, according to their healthcare service usage. Read more at: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/the-underexploited-big-data-sweet-spot-for-healthcare/

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Tips to manage customer’s privacy and customer’s digital expectations

“Social media is a pivotal element in the healthcare marketing, and an essential tool for patient education and relationship development.”- Anne-Marie Montague (Senior Writer/Strategist PCI)
Consumer digital expectations and patient privacy protections are inversely related. This makes important for health care organizations to invest in the strategy, governance and vigilance deliver a good social media presence to its customers. Tips to manage customer’s privacy and customer’s digital expectations:
• Realistic and Proficient Social Team Staffing – and Authority
• Clear Internal and External Social Media Policy
• Staff training
• Contingency Planning
• Internal Partnership for Timely Response
• Continuous Review and Assessment
Read more at: http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/252221/social-media-considerations-for-healthcare-markete.html

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Use of Predictive analysis in healthcare

In healthcare, conclusions drawn from predictive analytics can directly influence patient's health but unfortunately it's not used widely because of the vendor hype and sales exaggeration of sales. Nowadays, doctors are using predictive analytics in treating breast cancer also. They ask questions like: Of the last 10,000 Asian females, with a tumor like this, how were they treated, what was the outcome, what were the side-effects to ensure she gets the right kind of medicine. That is what we call a learning health care system. Using data and predictive analysis is the need of the hour to improve our health care delivery.?Read more at:  http://www.zdnet.com/article/harvard-medical-professor-big-data-and-analytics-help-cure-cancer/

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Predictive Analytics in Health Care

Lots of experiments are going on in using predictive analytics in health care. But, only few succeed. The need is to learn from what has been done and work further.

Jennifer Bresnick, in her article on HealthITAnalytics.com, has summarized some of the ways healthcare organizations have already found success by turning big data into a strategic asset that can help providers react quickly and effectively to the ongoing challenges of quality care delivery. They are:

  • Hospital quality and patient safety in the ICU
  • Precision medicine, personalized care, and genomics
  • Population health management, risk stratification and prevention
  • Reducing preventable hospital readmissions

To know more, please visit the following link:


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'R' to energize analytics

The use of the statistical software R in healthcare analytics is growing and has become quite widespread. Some reasons for appreciating R as the statistical tool are: It is an open-source software. There are several graphical user interfaces like R Studio. The R user community is very large and always there to answer any conceivable question. The availability of numerous packages that add capabilities ranging from machine-learning to Six Sigma quality improvement; if you need it done, chances are that somebody’s built a package that does it. The capabilities and features of R are to expand and has future scope due to its active user base. To know more the use of R in healthcare analytics, follow the link: healthcareanalytics.info/2014/05/get-up-to-date-with-r/#.U95q6OOSyBk

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Secure and not Short messaging for healthcare

For healthcare Analytics one of the greatest contributors of data is mobile phones. Not only doctors but even patients access their Smart phones or tabs to track healthy behaviours. But the problem is the risk increasing simultaneously. Although Short Message Service (SMS) can be a quick and effective way to communicate, there are definite drawbacks to the use of SMS. First of all delivery of a Short Message service is not guaranteed. Also, the Joint Commission has, in essence, banned physicians from using SMS for any communications that would result in the transmission of ePHI [electronic protected health information] data or orders for a patient to a healthcare organization (such as hospital or other service). So a safer alternative like Secure Messaging should be used instead. It enables secure and protected transmission of healthcare information that employs bidirectional encryption of point-to-point delivery of messages, stores information on a secured network server, and ensures delivery of the message to a single known receiving entity. Read more at: : http://healthcareanalytics.info/

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Big data: Solution to health problems if used correctly

Today, a smartphone app would tell one what to eat, how much to eat, when to visit a doctor etc. based on analysis of medical research, medical history of that person, family medical records etc. Quality of our health will be increasingly improved by the quality of data and the ability to bring it all together. The growth of big data in the health industry will only take place once privacy concerns are addressed because health data, unlike the marketing data, is lot more personal. Big data analysis is already being used to make diagnoses in some hospitals. In Canada, Toronto Hospital uses big data to detect blood infections in premature babies. It could save the American health care system $300 billion per year and the European public sector €250 billion, according to a 2011 report. Doctors today are using Watson, IBM's supercomputer, to keep up with health research and to leverage the latest breakthroughs. Big data analytics also could be used to follow epidemic outbreaks. For example, Big Data enabled doctors and scientists to learn so much about the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and how quickly it spread, within weeks of the World Health Organization's initial warnings. In such case social networks and mobile data are used to ensure the delivery of real-time information. Read more at:http://analytics.theiegroup.com/article/53b6b4c43723a83b82000035/Big-Data-Could-Help-Your-Health-If-You-Let-It

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Practice fusion releases free healthcare analytics tool

Insight, a free healthcare analytics software tool launched by Practice Fusion uses real time data from healthcare industry to show patterns against various diagnoses and prescriptions against diseases across seasonality, age, gender and other parameters.

Membership can be taken where more details such as patient and doctor details etc. are available. This software can also be useful for pharmaceutical companies to change their strategies. To know more kindly visit:



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The key to survive in the new brutal world of healthcare

The healthcare industry is going to face a great challenge in coming decades. Increasing population & demographic shifts in the society will drive the industry to incur huge costs. Hence to survive, the industry must consider the following remedies: First, healthcare organizations must agree to come under a same umbrella to provide better care to the customers. This process is known as "precision M&A". Secondly, companies need to provide innovative ideas to serve the mankind. Last but not the least; companies should build "powerhouse" business which will go hand in hand with upcoming market & demographics. For more details please visit: http://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2014/05/08/the-key-to-surviving-the-new-brutal-world-of-healthcare/#&SM_LENGTH=7

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Do seniors have too many medicare plans to choose from?

In an article by Phil Galewitz (senior correspondent at Kaiser Health News), we get some insights about the most common problems faced by senior citizens; whether it is about choosing a Medicare plan or a prescription drug plan.

To read more, visit the following link: http://capsules.kaiserhealthnews.org/index.php/2014/05/do-seniors-have-too-many-medicare-plans-to-choose-from/#more-28240

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Healthcare business intelligence market worth $4.7 billion by 2018

According to new market research report published by MarketsandMarkets, we get to know that Healthcare Business Intelligence (BI) market (estimated at $2,376.6 Million in 2013), is expected to reach $4,738.2 Million by 2018, growing at a CAGR of 14.8% from 2013 to 2018. Cloud BI and mobile BI have a great market growth potential as mobile usage is growing in the healthcare community. Based on end application, the market growth will be mainly driven by clinical applications. North America will dominate the market and is also expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.

To read more, visit the following link: http://www.marketwatch.com/story/healthcare-business-intelligence-bi-market-worth-47-billion-by-2018-2014-05-12

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The application of lean and six sigma technique to Clinical and Translational research

Lean and Six Sigma are popular techniques used in production industries to improve efficiency and quality. Now these process improvement techniques are also applied in healthcare and in software development. To read more about how Lean and Six Sigma can be applied in clinical and translational research, visit Sharon A. Schweikhart (Ph.D.) and Allard E Dembe (Sc.D.)’s, article link as given below

For more please visit: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2835466/

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NSW takes the lead with connected healthcare

The government of NSW has released their long awaited integrated care strategy. This strategy emphasises on greater collaboration among the big players in health care industry and motivates partnership between hospitals and community based service. The article by Darragh O’ Keeffe, Editor of Australian Ageing Agenda, speaks about this strategy and its benefits.


For more information please visithttp://www.australianageingagenda.com.au/2014/03/20/nsw-takes-lead-connected-healthcare

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Thats a well written summary man
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 05:14
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Majority of Americans say the healthcare system isn't in a crisis

Through a study, Gallup (research organisation) found that two thirds of the Americans are satisfied with the current health care system. People who own insurance schemes are more satisfied with the current health care system compared to others who don’t have insurance schemes. According to Gallup, health care insurance status plays an important role in the life of an American. Researchers also found that most of the young and old people like the present health care system. The article by Laura Matthews, U.S political reporter for the International Business Times, speaks about the Americans’ reaction towards the current health care system.  


For more information please visit http://www.ibtimes.com/majority-americans-say-healthcare-system-isnt-crisis-1561795

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New aid In healthcare

Health Catalyst, provider of data warehouse platform and analytics applications, has developed Healthcare Analytics Adoption Model. This model helps any healthcare organization by providing: 

• A framework for evaluating the industry’s adoption of analytics

• A roadmap for organizations to measure their own progress toward analytic adoption

• A framework for evaluating vendor products

For more information, please go through: http://www.healthcatalyst.com/healthcare-analytics-adoption-model/

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Challenges in Long Term Care Industry

 Long term care industry is facing its biggest challenge at present. It has mainly two problems, buyers are often dropping polices more than the industry predicted and on the other hand LTC companies are struggling to survive in nearly zero interest rate. Incorrect forecast of lapse rate had squeezed the profit of the companies and forced them to increase premiums which have lost its attraction to new potential buyer. Hence LTC companies are in the verge of trimming their product line and reducing discounts. In spite of bringing new polices, the companies are still facing their biggest challenge. For more details please visit http://www.forbes.com/sites/howardgleckman/2012/08/29/whats-killing-the-long-term-care-insurance-industry/

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Thats a well written summary man
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 05:16
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