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Social networks and bots

Social Media is the most important tool used for Business. Big Brands take help of social bots to improve their customer process. The Researchers from University of Southern California and Indiana University found that between 9%-15% active Twitter accounts are social bots and the accounts are controlled by software which is algorithmically generating content and establishing interactions. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290645

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Winnie Grows Bigger!

Winnie Grows Bigger!

The lives of parents are pierced with questions, many of which go unanswered. Winnie is the ultimate solution for this problem. Winnie is a social network for parents where they can share stories and tag locations. Users can also tell stories about their interesting interactions from the location or simply share their moments of joy. Parents can note small details. Winnie is also building a platform for all parents  so that no one has to go on this journey alone.. Read more at: http://thenextweb.com/apps/2016/06/09/winnie-social-networking-app-parents/#gref


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The various ways to reach the world by social media

A platform to reach the audience and communicate best is how we define the social media in recent days. The social networking sites have multiplied their reach through the proper tools of communication but then we have to follow some basic few steps to keep us updated and tied with the social world perfectly. The marketing steps start initially with the targeted audience whereby we can sustain the people in numbers. To follow people, posting more pictures and keeping the sites updated with the latest know how. There is need to post something out of the box and attract the audience by accessing through the different social media sites. The posts should be in numbers and the time allotted for social networking sites should be the most. The interaction with the audience should be regular and sometimes personal touch is also needed. There should be some proper research and reading for the social media books. The content of the page should be convincing enough to pool the audience. The social networking promotions should have some special factors such as a good avatar and an innovative background which will attract the mass. The trending technology of using email conversations and twitter and so on are also important for communication. The boost for yourself and the social media to reach out to the people can be achieved by integrating the various ways. Read more at-http://www.business2community.com/social-media/20-ways-amplify-social-media-reach-01280718

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Social Media In This Competitive World

The scope of Facebook is much wider than that of WhatsApp and Instagram. So it would be hard for the outsiders to exist as they would lack audience. But capitalizing on the audience that already exist might be a solution to that. Thus the future of social media will be two-tired. Social leaders include Facebook and Twitter on one side, and the other side include challengers proposing concepts. Hence being the first to launch a new concept will no longer suffice in this competitive world if the concept isn't an innovative one. Now, check-ins need to be incorporated into this social network platform. Read more on this article by Marie Dolle (Head of Content) at: http://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/mariedolle/2015-05-28/social-media-era-consolidation-infographic 

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Big data: Solution to health problems if used correctly

Today, a smartphone app would tell one what to eat, how much to eat, when to visit a doctor etc. based on analysis of medical research, medical history of that person, family medical records etc. Quality of our health will be increasingly improved by the quality of data and the ability to bring it all together. The growth of big data in the health industry will only take place once privacy concerns are addressed because health data, unlike the marketing data, is lot more personal. Big data analysis is already being used to make diagnoses in some hospitals. In Canada, Toronto Hospital uses big data to detect blood infections in premature babies. It could save the American health care system $300 billion per year and the European public sector €250 billion, according to a 2011 report. Doctors today are using Watson, IBM's supercomputer, to keep up with health research and to leverage the latest breakthroughs. Big data analytics also could be used to follow epidemic outbreaks. For example, Big Data enabled doctors and scientists to learn so much about the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), and how quickly it spread, within weeks of the World Health Organization's initial warnings. In such case social networks and mobile data are used to ensure the delivery of real-time information. Read more at:http://analytics.theiegroup.com/article/53b6b4c43723a83b82000035/Big-Data-Could-Help-Your-Health-If-You-Let-It

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Extracting insights from mobile data

Mobile phones serve a dual purpose in the context of Big Data. Each mobile phone, non-smart phones inclusive, creates numerous types of data every day. These include call detail records, SMS data, and geo-location data. In case of smartphones, such devices also generate log data via the use of mobile applications, financial transaction data associated with mobile banking and shopping, and social media data from updates to Facebook, Twitter and other social networks. The volume of portable information and the velocity at which it is made is just going to build as both the worldwide population and cell phone infiltration rates ascent, and the utilization of online networking expands. When investigated viably, this information can give knowledge on client opinion, conduct and even physical development designs. Because of the sheer number of cell phones being used, Big Data specialists can tap versatile Big Data examination to better see such patterns cross over large population and sub-portions of clients to enhance engagement strategies and improve the conveyance of administrations. It gets to be especially valuable for examination purposes when joined together with outside information sources, for example, climate information and investment information, which permit experts to relate macro-level patterns to focused on sub-portions of clients. To read more: http://wikibon.org/blog/the-dual-role-of-mobile-devices-for-big-data/

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Customer care and untapped social space

Nowadays, social media customer care represents a tremendous growing opportunity for businesses to foster strong customer relationships. According to Bianca Buckridee (presently the vice president of social media operations) JP Morgan's twitter page enables customers to see the individual with whom they are talking which in turn restores some of the intimacy and comfort that is lost in a phone conversation.   Katy Phillips, a senior analyst for American Airlines, identifies social space as an important factor which has helped them build customer loyalty and brand reputation and will continue to create some "wow'' moments for customers. In spite of such boons of social media customer care, not many businesses have exploited it. Evolve24-a Maritz Research company, found in 2011 that approximately 70% of customer service complaints made on Twitter were unanswered. The panelists at the recent Wharton Social Media Best Practices Conference believe that the percentage has not changed significantly. Read more at: https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/ignored-side-social-media-customer-service/

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Taking a shift in social media: what you need to think

No one can deny the fact that in recent times, social media has come in forefront when companies need to market their products and services. It has become an important channel. This has been also revealed in a survey done by Social Media Examiner. In its annual report, the findings say that marketers continue to emphasize social media and 92 percent of marketers think that social media is important for their business – a rise from 86 percent last year. Expanding business by using social media has made the winning race more competitive.

But, at a time, when the word social media is buzzing everywhere, there are some concerns. Social networking site Facebook is losing its shine. Facebook reach is declining. To stay ahead in the race, marketers must think of other platforms and strategies where they can invest.

What are they? Know them at http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/233959 .

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Social media marketing: optimizing search ranking

An article by Jason Bowden, Chief Warrior at Digital-Warriors, conveys that there are many social media marketing tools that you can use in order to escalate your SEO campaigns for better search ranking. Social media SEO has become an important element in every marketer's digital marketing funnel. Writing good content is not good enough to benefit your business with maximum exposure online. Without using the social media search engine optimization process you will unlikely reach a wider audience for your content.  It is a must to integrate social media SEO if you want to get maximum exposure of your business with better lead generation and conversion results. The more you can encourage your website visitors to share your business across the social media channels the better exposure your business gets. Optimizing your images for SEO can benefit your digital marketing campaigns. Getting a feedback from your SEO performance is crucial for an effective and successful social media SEO.



To know more visit http://socialmediatoday.com/jayson-bowden/2416346/social-media-marketing-resources-optimize-your-search-ranking 

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Why location-based social data is the new currency?

An article by Sofie De Beule, community manager of Engagor, conveys that the majority of mobile consumers use their devices to broadcast their location by checking in on Foursquare, posting a photo on Facebook from dinner with friends or getting directions. Thus location-based social data has become the new currency to engage and build stronger relationships with consumers. Therefore, location-based marketing - targeting people with advertising, based on their location - is essential for businesses to partake in. To keep the mobile-savvy consumer engaged longer, one-to-one connection and delivering the right content through a personalized message based on their personal, localized data is essential. As the connected consumer continues to rely on their mobile device to determine where they will go and how they will spend their money, companies need to embrace location-based marketing.



To know more visit http://socialmediatoday.com/sofie-de-beule/2399336/why-location-based-social-data-new-currency 

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Social media: guide to understand its full potential for your business

Social media - one of the most sought after tool for marketers to increase their business. Using social media, you may probably think to broadcast your products, post updates to social networking sites and introduce promotions. But, that is not the whole thing.

Every action carries a strategy. It is true in this case also. Unless and until you give updates about your products, customers will not get it. You have to build a community like situation and not just concentrate on sales. You have to create relationships using social media and along with that build a value, which is really important. Social media is giving rise to a concept called co – creation, which is much like a give and take policy. You create value for your customers through interactions, sharing experiences, etc. and they provide value to you in the form of feedbacks, contributions to your community and growing your network.

So, what are the guidelines that you will follow so that social media can be truly made to work for your business? Read them at http://timesofsandiego.com/opinion/2014/05/16/make-social-media-truly-work-business/ .

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Startups, predict your future with Big Data

If you are a startup and you are worried about your success, then wait. Big Data is here for you to predict your success in business.

To be successful in business, a lot depends on your employees. You need to have the best talents and also ensure that your employee turnover is low. In an era, where you have technology in your hands, and you are surrounded with social networks, looking for right persons for your company and ensuring their satisfaction are not difficult tasks. Also, the good thing is, it is not always that you have to pay for expensive tests and assessments to analyze your employees’ data all the time.

Read more at: http://thenextweb.com/entrepreneur/2014/05/02/use-big-data-predict-success-startup/  to know how big data can help you in getting the right employees, reduce employee turnover, thereby predicting success of your startup.

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Social media: enhancing B2B marketing

B2B marketers are recognizing the benefit of engaging with audiences via social networks. By creating an online persona for your brand, you're humanizing it. To succeed in social strategy, B2B companies need to adopt the mindset of engaging as an individual first and business second. This personal tone will make your brand more approachable. For success in social strategy, you have to customize your brand image on your company profile, share videos, and upload presentations using LinkedIn and Twitter. The social site revealed that more than 30 percent of Twitter users search for B2B brands online, compared to 12 percent of average internet users.



To know more about the article by Boone Baill, Seasoned marketing and communications professional, follow http://socialmediatoday.com/bonniebailly/2383241/social-secrets-softer-side-b2b-marketing 

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Advanced SEO techniques: the increasing importance of social media

Search Engine Optimization is an effective tool in internet marketing which helps to understand how search engines take user queries in the form of keywords and turn them into search engine result pages. The algorithms in the search engines are geared more towards understanding and appreciating the importance of social signals.  Shares, likes, posts, comments and followers will expand your business not only in the branding aspect of your business, but search engines as well.



To gather more insights visit the article by Joe Chierotti, lead strategist and VP of Search Engine Optimization in InternetReputation.com, follow http://socialmediatoday.com/joe-chierotti/2367216/advanced-seo-techniques-importance-social-media 

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Social media: optimizing business profiles

An article by Tom Treanor, founder of Right Mix Marketing, conveys that it is important to maintain a balance between all social media accounts to know the strengths of each social networking site which can give your business organization an interesting mix and help you to reach your target audience. Everybody knows about the popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn but there are plenty of others which are slightly less famous but can form an essential ingredient in social media strategy. Thus, from your Facebook page people should be able to go to your Instagram account or your Pinterest page and so on. He also mentioned that one of the biggest strengths of Google plus is that it gives you opportunities to link up with all your other social profiles. It also becomes important for your website to have all your social media profile buttons displayed prominently. Your social media profile has to be driven by the right kind of images and videos. Thus, leveraging the right kind of social media tools can indeed become a huge productivity enhancer for your business organization.


To know more follow http://www.business2community.com/social-media/businesses-can-optimize-social-media-profiles-0844522#!EjbHw



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Instagram: new friend for small businesses

Nowadays businesses are seeing a drastic decrease in organic reach to their followers on Facebook. To increase the reach, organizations must use other social media platform. Instagram is one of such platforms. Instagram is a social media platform that allows its users to share images with other followers and is an easy way to get your business' name out into the universe. This article by Stephanie Jones, social media manager of WSS Marketing, tells us about some tips on how to manage your account in Instagram and turn you into a small business Instagram marketing guru.

Read more at http://socialmediatoday.com/wss-marketing/2350871/instagram-small-businesses-your-new-best-friend


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Social media: unleashing the power of employee advocacy

An article written by Mike Bailey, owner of Grey Kite Resources, talks about how social media can play an important role in becoming an advocate for the organisation you work for. He mentioned that when employees share anything with their social networks, they reach 20 times more people than a typical brand sharing with the same number of followers. He also discussed about different guidelines to be followed for employee advocacy.


To know in details read the article on http://socialmediatoday.com/Beyond_Engagement/unleashing-power-employee-advocacy



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