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How to improve your company’s image

Business developer's role is to develop your organization's revenue and profit. The four basic rules to increase revenue are:

1. Increase relation with more number of clients,

2. Increase your fees,

3. Retain your existing clients,

4. Buy different companies.

 Your sales person should be given training time to time despite of the past training and initial knowledge due to changing market scenario. If the company is not doing well, then you can follow some basic rules about how to improve your growth through better interaction with your clients and grow faster.

Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/business-innovation/company-best-class-average-laggard-01778358#qxC2O2djpW5Xv2J4.97

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Customer relationship and CRM

Maintaining a good relationship with customers is the most important thing in any business. Promises made to customers must be fulfilled. The CRM system can help in this area by reminding you the details of your interactions with customers and also can remind you of the details of all your contacts with the customer, i.e. everything from the initial sales calls to follow-up and service work. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/giving-customers-what-they-want-with-crm-75060



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Companies and Relationship Intelligence

How do companies attract and engage new clients while making sure the existing clients are happy? The simple answer to this question is, manage.

However, you will not find many executives who would respond to this conjecture candidly. You will, however, find plenty of companies that take the “we manage” approach with one of its most valuable assets: relationships.

While running any enterprise technology company, we’ve seen just how consistently data can be used to help improve sales. But we do know, all its good intentions to provide sales managers with a way to monitor pipeline and sales activity, CRM is still hugely inefficient. Representatives are required to spend time manually entering data, and then spend more time searching through it. While senior management clearly values the ability to monitor these representatives through CRM, the vast majority of sales people dislike the extra work and overhead it creates and generally use CRM begrudgingly – and rarely to its full potential.

Read more at : http://www.business2community.com/strategy/relationship-intelligence-companies-acquire-01702402#tAmo7XUOWfJJ6g3Z.97

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Why CRM Is Important For Organizations

Customers are important for any business, but, understanding a customer is very hard. This is where CRM comes into the picture. CRM helps in maintaining the relationship with customers by tracking all important data. Companies must put CRM into good use as it helps in greater conversion rate, thereby reducing marketing costs and ultimately building a sustainable business. Companies must look for customer pain points, analyze customer buying trends, etc. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/using-crm-to-understand-your-customer-74484



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Some basic things about CRM

A customer relationship management (CRM) is a database which keeps all the data about the customers, their name, what they like. It determines which factor is driving the customers and which makes them angry. CRM works efficiently, when the customer calls, gives all the information like customers' name, age, if he has some disability, his all transactions with the company. All this information comes up on a single screen. CRM also has many key features which will help to know about the system. Read more at: https://www.callcentrehelper.com/an-introduction-to-customer-relationship-management-crm-systems-88296.htm


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How to increase customer satisfaction

Customers are most important for any business. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and U.S. Small Business Administration, nearly 70% of customers leave a brand because they were unsatisfied with the overall service they received. This dissatisfaction leads to lower revenue and brand’s negative publicity. It’s important to maintain a good relationship with customers. To know more about how you can increase customer satisfaction, while boosting both sales and your bottom line, follow: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/utilizing-customer-relationships-to-build-on-small-business-profit-69960



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Serving Customers Better With Analytics

Rapidly changing consumer demands are becoming one of the major concerns of the financial institutions. Analytics is the technology which can be adopted to address this need. With evolving customer expectations, analytics solutions, too, have adapted, but the question under consideration is whether the banks are prepared to adopt and benefit from the next-generation analytics solution. As viewed by Thomas H. Davenport, evolution of analytics is a three-stage process of which Analytics version 3 is the latest generation which merges qualities of previous technologies and focuses on prescriptive analytics. Based on the data collected, Analytics 3.0 will enable the financial institutions can create tailor made services for customers. However, to fully reap the benefits, the institutions have to make sure that the right technologies and practices are in place. Read More at: http://internationalbanker.com/banking/are-banks-ready-for-next-generation-analytics/

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E-Mail Marketing is better than Social Media in generating leads

According to KC Claveria (Marketer from Vancouver, B.C.), if social media used rightly, can help you in maintaining better relationships with customers. According to the Mckinsey & Company report, “email conversion rates are 40times higher as compared to Facebook and Twitter combined.” This shows that for generating leads, email marketing is very important. Email marketing is better than other marketing channels because:
• With email, you’re reaching an audience that already knows you.
• There’s too much noise on social.
• People are more likely to see (and click on) your email.
• You get to say more on email.
Read more at http://www.business2community.com/email-marketing/why-email-marketing-beats-social-media-in-lead-generation-and-what-you-can-do-about-it-01246702#5FUji2OQheQ8LXzA.99

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Transparency: A key to build trust and long-term relationship with customers

According to Enza Lannopollo (Researcher at Forrester), "organizations ability to protect the customer's privacy is the building block of trust and long-term relationship." According to the Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF) annual research report surveyed 15000 respondents, about 49% of respondents say that lack of trust limits them from downloading the app, 72% of the respondents are not happy with sharing personal data and 34% of the respondents say that lack of trust stops them from buying online apparels.
This shows that trust is one of the most important factors while buying, downloading or sharing personal data on mobile apps. Craig Piezle (executive director of the Online Trust Alliance), offered 9tips for making an effective transparency process:
1. Communicate the value to the consumer.
2. Have a clear and concise privacy policy written for the customers, not for your legal team.
3. Provide the ability for consumers to opt out.
4. Restrict any sharing with third parties.
5. Have a lawyer’s privacy policy with icons.
6. Consider having privacy policies written in multiple languages.
7. Define your retention practices.
8. Move from a compliance mindset to stewardship.
9. Embrace doesn’t track.
To know more about the benefits of using transparency and why transparency is important in today’s customer driven society. Read an article “Big Data: Protecting Privacy Is Good For Business” by Pam Baker (Author of Data Divination: Big Data Strategies) at: http://www.informationweek.com/software/enterprise-applications/big-data-protecting-privacy-is-good-for-business/a/d-id/1320367

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Choosing The Right CRM System

Choosing the right CRM System is very important, especially for small businesses. When one selects a CRM system, it is important to decide what features are needed, which ones would be nice to have and which ones are not needed. CRM systems need to be realistic and easy to use. Vendor stability is important while choosing a CRM system of any size. CRM systems should help a company to grow, get you closer to your customers and increase the bottom line. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/rightsize-your-crm-65250



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Building Customer Loyalty: Some Tips

Customer loyalty is very important for any organization. Organizations must focus on how to build customer relationship and create customer loyalty. Chris X. Moloney (Director of Market Development and Strategy for Maritz Loyalty Marketing) writes about some tips on how to build customer loyalty and improve customer retention. They are: 1. Forget Price, Quality and Service Levels. 2. Satisfaction does not equal Loyalty. 3. Know your Best Customers. 4.  Treat Different Customers Differently.5. Understand and Use Marketing ROI. To know more details about these tips, follow: http://www.customerfocusconsult.com/articles/articles_template.asp?ID=19#.VB-mgZSSyJI


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Customer care and untapped social space

Nowadays, social media customer care represents a tremendous growing opportunity for businesses to foster strong customer relationships. According to Bianca Buckridee (presently the vice president of social media operations) JP Morgan's twitter page enables customers to see the individual with whom they are talking which in turn restores some of the intimacy and comfort that is lost in a phone conversation.   Katy Phillips, a senior analyst for American Airlines, identifies social space as an important factor which has helped them build customer loyalty and brand reputation and will continue to create some "wow'' moments for customers. In spite of such boons of social media customer care, not many businesses have exploited it. Evolve24-a Maritz Research company, found in 2011 that approximately 70% of customer service complaints made on Twitter were unanswered. The panelists at the recent Wharton Social Media Best Practices Conference believe that the percentage has not changed significantly. Read more at: https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/ignored-side-social-media-customer-service/

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Social media: optimizing customer relationship management

An article by Ted Shelton, Vice president of Cognizant Business Consulting, talks about the substantial changes coming to every industry - how work is done, who does the work, and how value is derived from the work by all of the stakeholders - employees, companies, and their customers. Most companies have one or more CRM systems - often more than one as a separate CRM initiative may have been pursued for sales vs. service or even for multiple different sales and service channels (even when serving the same customer). The goal is to get a rich multi-dimensional understanding of your customer, and to have that information available to all departments of your company that engage with customers.



To know more follow http://socialmediatoday.com/tedshelton/2387741/crm-and-customer-code-halo

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Big Data: that helps to make bonding with your customers

Building a strong relationship with your customers is very important for your company to prosper because then only they will return to you and buy products or services from you time and again.

Earlier, what used to happen is that customers went to favorite retailer and the product they needed was made readily available in front of them – this happened because the retailer knew what type of product they wanted. Now there is a shift. People are going to supermarkets or even they are buying products online. Unlike the old days, where the retailer chatted with customers to know their likings, they do not chat with the owner – be it supermarkets or online shops. So, how, you as a shop owner or a retail owner must try to maintain strong relationship with your customers in order to attract them and make repeated purchases?

Thanks to Big Data, you can now again personalize your relationship with consumers and build strong bonding with them so that your customers buy more and more. But what are the ways to do so? Read them here: http://venturebeat.com/2014/04/21/5-ways-big-data-is-helping-companies-help-their-customers/.

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Happy employees: Improving customer loyalty

An article by Jodi Beuder, valued contributor to Business 2 Community, conveys that a company must place a priority on having well-trained, happy employees who can understand how to deliver outstanding customer service and in turn improve the customer relationship. He also mentioned few steps which will enhance the process.

Read more at http://www.business2community.com/customer-experience/improve-customer-loyalty-create-happy-employees-0849156#!EirPI 

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