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Bots and its use in mobile apps

It is hard to believe that Bots will replace websites and mobile apps, but there are some logical reasons why that is possible. Messaging apps are growing very fast and if this becomes a popular way of communication, then every business is going to need a way to engage on these platforms. Bots will be faster than websites and mobile apps will be smart enough to understand what are you saying by their Artificial Intelligence power. Bots don’t need to be downloaded like other mobile apps. Bots will be easier to use than any other technology ever created. Read more at:https://chatbotsmagazine.com/how-bots-will-completely-kill-websites-and-mobile-apps-656db8e6fc03

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Social networks and bots

Social Media is the most important tool used for Business. Big Brands take help of social bots to improve their customer process. The Researchers from University of Southern California and Indiana University found that between 9%-15% active Twitter accounts are social bots and the accounts are controlled by software which is algorithmically generating content and establishing interactions. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290645

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Facebook chatbot : A storm in tech world

Facebook bots can offer your clients with personalised choices and also the same interactive communication of rebuke a customer service rep.

They will conjointly offer businesses with intrinsic message templates, which might be enforced with none programming data.

The last of the capabilities are the welcome screen and null state calls-to-action to help customize your bot.

They will also change the way customers search for information by sparing users the hunt for specific criteria for a product or service.

According to Tech Crunch, bots may render 1 -800 numbers obsolete by eliminating wait times and menu trees.

Chatbots are the newest release in its quest to revolutionize customer service through social media.

Interested in bringing your customer service to the next level? Chatbots may be able to grant that wish.Read more at: http://socialmediaexplorer.com/content-sections/tools-and-tips/facebook-chat-bots/


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