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Social networks and bots

Social Media is the most important tool used for Business. Big Brands take help of social bots to improve their customer process. The Researchers from University of Southern California and Indiana University found that between 9%-15% active Twitter accounts are social bots and the accounts are controlled by software which is algorithmically generating content and establishing interactions. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/290645

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Some chatbot platform tools

One can make an AI powered Chatbot in a very short period of time. You just need to figure out what problem you are going to solve with your bot, choose which platform your bot will live on (Facebook, Slack, etc.), set up a server to run your bot from, and choose which service you will use to build your bot.

Here are some of resources to get you started.

Platform Documentation:

1.Facebook Messenger Platform, 2.Telegram, 3.Discord , 4.Slack , 5.Kik etc.

Some third party Services can be used to build Chatbots. They are:

1.Chatfuel, 2.Botsify:Botsify, 3.ChattyPeople, 4.FlowXO, 5.Boikit ,6.Beep Boop , 7.MEOKAY, 8.Wit.ai ,9.Api.ai ,10.Octane.ai etc. To know more about these, read: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/289788

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Introduction To Chatbots And Its Future

A chatbot or talkbot is a computer program which conducts a conversation via auditory or textual methods. The service could be ranging from functional to fun, and it could live in any chat products like Facebook Messenger,Text Messages, etc. There are two types of chatbots,

1.Chatbot that functions based on rules and  2. Chatbot that functions using machine learning or AI.  Chatbots  are  gaining popularity  as people are using messenger apps more than they are using social networks. To know more about chatbots, read: https://chatbotsmagazine.com/the-complete-beginner-s-guide-to-chatbots-8280b7b906ca

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Taking insurance to the next level with the help of technology

Chatbots are fast becoming a business imperative for businesses that want to engage with their customers. , with artificial intelligence and natural language processing, online chat is becoming the preferred way to communicate with the brand for many users who want an on-the-spot answer to their query. It partnered with enterprise-focused chatbot developer SmallTalk to provide tailored insurance policies for small businesses via a social channel. 

Chatbot technology is redefining the way we view and engage with some of the largest and most traditional industries, including insurance. Palo Alto, Calif.-based start-up Next Insurance has launched an insurance chatbot to enable small businesses to quote and buy insurance via a Facebook Messenger chatbot. Thus bringing simplicity, transparency, and easy access while buying insurance.

Read more at : http://www.zdnet.com/article/next-insurance-launches-facebook-messenger-chatbot-to-replace-the-insurance-agent/


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