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The Uneven Skepticism of Aid Journalists


Rosenbaum was accused of searching Reed’s medical records and violating HIPAA (she has been cleared of that by an investigation) because she mentioned the stage of uterine cancer in the essay, begging the question how she knew the stage of the cancer.While banning morcellation certainly saves women from the dreaded complication that Amy Reed regrettably faced, what about women who do not develop complications from open procedure, such as pulmonary embolism, because of using the less invasive technique? Who cheers for events that don’t happen? Safety for some patients comes with unsafety for other patients.How did our skeptical healthcare journalists respond to this accusation? Presumably they decimated the sloppy, self-serving, logic of the accusation, which is nothing more than a jejune and desperate personal attack on the author.Read mroe at : http://thehealthcareblog.com/blog/2016/03/20/overoutrage-and-the-asymmetric-skepticism-of-healthcare-journalists/


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Social Network Analysis Identifies Cancer Biomarkers

Growing social networks have caused rapid development of tools for understanding the interactions between members of the network. The Department of Computer Engineering, at TOBB University, in Ankara, Turkey used Social Network Analysis (SNA) tools to identify the biomarkers present in patient genomic data. Genomic databases comprise of about 20000 genes. Such an approach dramatically decreased the features that need to be analyzed to find useful biomarkers. The team demonstrated their proof of principle with three types of cancer: lymphoma, colon cancer and leukemia. They combined clustering and classification to help in detecting the links between the various genes to validate the outcome. Now they shall extend it with a view to improve diagnostics and tailoring therapy for individual patients based on their personal Biological Network Analysis. Read more at: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2015-06-social-networking-analysis-cancer-biomarkers.html

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Use of Predictive analysis in healthcare

In healthcare, conclusions drawn from predictive analytics can directly influence patient's health but unfortunately it's not used widely because of the vendor hype and sales exaggeration of sales. Nowadays, doctors are using predictive analytics in treating breast cancer also. They ask questions like: Of the last 10,000 Asian females, with a tumor like this, how were they treated, what was the outcome, what were the side-effects to ensure she gets the right kind of medicine. That is what we call a learning health care system. Using data and predictive analysis is the need of the hour to improve our health care delivery.?Read more at:  http://www.zdnet.com/article/harvard-medical-professor-big-data-and-analytics-help-cure-cancer/

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