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How Mobility Impacts Collaboration

Smart phones are used by everyone these days, but they are not used in the same way across the board. Millennials engage with mobile devices differently than older employees, so if this is an important segment of your workforce. The mobile customer survey found that some data points which will help SMBs to use mobile more effectively to help employees collaborate. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/voip-news/three-ways-mobility-impacts-collaboration-70704



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KPI to evaluate mobile marketing performance

According to the Eyal Hilzenrat (Vice president of products and partnerships at YouAppi), mobile marketing is the future of marketing and installing the app is the beginning of this journey. And to the performance of your mobile marketing, use the Engagement metrics, Revenue metrics and Interest Metrics. KPI to mobile marketing are:
• Number of times the mobile app was accessed during the first 24 hours / first week (after installation)
• Permission granted to the app
• Time spent in-app
• Number of screens/pages accessed during in-app visit
• Number of subscriptions / registration
• Purchases
• Number of items placed in a shopping cart
• Number of articles read
• Number of pages visited
• Social Shares
• Retention rates
• Brand awareness
Read more at: http://www.adweek.com/socialtimes/top-12-key-performance-indicators-for-maximizing-mobile-app-revenue/621659

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Business Depends On Its Customers: An Insight

According to the 5th annual Sensis Social Media Report, the percentage of small businesses with social media accounts has declined from 37% in 2014 to 31% in 2015. 68% of the broader population use social media sites, 61% of small businesses don't know how much they spend on social media each year, with just 17% actively measuring return on investment. 57% of small businesses don't know whether they've recovered their investment in social media. 70% of consumers' access social media from a smartphone, 52% use a laptop, 34% use a tablet and 28% rely on desktop computer. To know more, please read this interesting article by ANDREW SADAUSKAS (tech-company editor) at: http://www.smartcompany.com.au/technology/social-media/46997-small-businesses-flying-blind-on-social-media-and-some-are-walking-away-report.html 

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Contact Center Management Software: Boon For Organizations

Social media and smart phones help dissatisfied consumers to raise their voice. Most companies understand the extent to which a company’s image can be damaged, but many companies do not know that technology also exists to help and improve their customer service standards. To know more how Contact center management software can help companies to take corrective action, follow: http://www.callcentertimes.com/Home/tabid/37/ctl/NewsArticle/mid/395/CategoryID/1/NewsID/869/Default.aspx



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Mobile Marketing: An Insight

According to a recent survey conducted by Insights West and iamota found that people are using their smartphones than before. They also found that people were taking pictures (96%), accessing social media (77%), reading online news (74%), and checking or comparing prices of products while in store (57%). It was also found that 73% people use their smartphones to research products or services and 42% do it weekly. So, now it has become essential for brands to connect with their clients via mobile technologies. To know more, follow: : http://www.smallbusinessbc.ca/growing-a-business/mobile-marketing-you-can%E2%80%99t-afford-not



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Secure and not Short messaging for healthcare

For healthcare Analytics one of the greatest contributors of data is mobile phones. Not only doctors but even patients access their Smart phones or tabs to track healthy behaviours. But the problem is the risk increasing simultaneously. Although Short Message Service (SMS) can be a quick and effective way to communicate, there are definite drawbacks to the use of SMS. First of all delivery of a Short Message service is not guaranteed. Also, the Joint Commission has, in essence, banned physicians from using SMS for any communications that would result in the transmission of ePHI [electronic protected health information] data or orders for a patient to a healthcare organization (such as hospital or other service). So a safer alternative like Secure Messaging should be used instead. It enables secure and protected transmission of healthcare information that employs bidirectional encryption of point-to-point delivery of messages, stores information on a secured network server, and ensures delivery of the message to a single known receiving entity. Read more at: : http://healthcareanalytics.info/

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Hospital Leadership and its need for Social Media

Checking emails have become the primary activity for smart phone and tablet users. Thus informing patients about new health care services through emails have become compulsory. Images are the best method of interacting with, informing and empowering patients.  This is because brain processes visual data faster which consists of 90% of the transmitted data. Twitter these days have become the best medium to interact with the aging population who consumes a major portion of the health services. In 2014, more than 50% internet users will redeem a digital coupon which can be used by partners for patient cost saving and adherence.  Marketing needs to be done on multiple platforms and for many devices because the internet device connection has become vast which includes Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The reviews of previous patients' online matters the most as 90% people get influenced by peer recommendations. Among the 10.3 billion Google searchers and 78% internet users a major portion hit the top links. Thus the top hits of any organization conclude the bottom line. Content marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing and generates an income 3 times as many leads. So for any strategy the target audience and their choices are to be realized first. Patients receiving newsletters along with emails spend more and are more informed. Most patients prefer articles to direct advertisements. Thus advertising campaigns along with patient experience testimonies, community reviews are important to highlight work being done inside out. Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/nicolefisher/2014/07/15/10-things-hospital-leadership-need-to-know-about-social-media-and-marketing/

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A growing rage of online gaming market across worldwide

The fastest growing market for smartphone and tablet are used for gaming purposes more than desktops and gaming consoles. Gaming through social networking sites is also increasing. Reportedly the Asia Pacific region has the highest number of gamer in the world. Social gaming market witnessed high growth rates in Japan than mobile games. In China gaming users are also increasing remarkably every year. In India, mobile is forecast ed to be the fastest growing segment in the gaming industry with revenues matching up the level of console gaming. In the U.S. advanced online gaming and gaming on mobile devices has outpaced social gaming in popularity. In Latin America, Brazil is the largest online gaming market. In Mexico mobile was the most preferred platform for gaming users whereas in Europe, Germany was the leading country that generated huge revenues from game downloads. But in France, computer was the most frequently used gaming platform than smart phones. Mobile gaming in South Africa outperforms online gaming on other platforms.Read more at:

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