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Benefits of social media for small businesses

Small business doesn’t have huge capital and are not always prepared to employ different marketing techniques. On the other hand, social media usually involve little or no expense. Because of this, small businesses that do not have large amounts of capital can take full advantage of social media. So, social media is the ideal solution for smaller organizations. By using the various social media outlets, small businesses can increase their marketing and advertising efforts with very limited capital. Read more at- http://www.business2community.com/small-business/social-media-great-small-businesses-01384198#Wg4lKRTHvLZM2KAY.97



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Advantages of Open Source CRM

Open source CRM is very useful for small businesses. In small businesses, you have to maintain a balance between spending time doing what you do and devoting enough time to technology without sacrificing that relationship with the consumer. This article unfolds the seven advantages of open source CRM that will lift your business higher. They are: Affords Stability of Software, Allows Modification to Your Needs, Costs Little or Nothing at All, Provides Plenty of Support, Removes Required Licensing, Streamlines Productivity, and Reduces Operating Costs. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/open-source-crm-will-give-your-small-business-a-leg-up-70065




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SEO tools for small businesses

In a recent research it was found that small businesses with less than 20 people account for 89.8% of all businesses in the USA. Many of these small businesses could not even afford big SEO agency prices. So, how can small businesses get to the top of search engines, manage their social media and grow their own online presence? The answer is they can use free and paid DIY SEO analysis and management tools. Scott Taft (SEO manager at Seer Interactive) writes in his article about these SEO tools. TO know more, follow: : http://www.business2community.com/seo/10-top-seo-analysis-tools-small-businesses-01333092



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Business Depends On Its Customers: An Insight

According to the 5th annual Sensis Social Media Report, the percentage of small businesses with social media accounts has declined from 37% in 2014 to 31% in 2015. 68% of the broader population use social media sites, 61% of small businesses don't know how much they spend on social media each year, with just 17% actively measuring return on investment. 57% of small businesses don't know whether they've recovered their investment in social media. 70% of consumers' access social media from a smartphone, 52% use a laptop, 34% use a tablet and 28% rely on desktop computer. To know more, please read this interesting article by ANDREW SADAUSKAS (tech-company editor) at: http://www.smartcompany.com.au/technology/social-media/46997-small-businesses-flying-blind-on-social-media-and-some-are-walking-away-report.html 

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Phone: A Key Driver in Marketing Mix

This is the age of digital medium where telephones may not be of prime importance in a content planning meeting. But, according to a recent research, it was found that more than half of consumers still prefer to talk to a person over phone when they decide to interact with a company. Phone presence can be critical for small businesses that are just getting established and forming a brand identity. Tristan Barnum (CMO of Voxox), writes in her article about some points which marketers must keep in mind when they're developing their communications strategy for the voice channel. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2015/27298/three-ways-to-make-your-phone-presence-a-key-driver-in-your-marketing-mix



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