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Lean Six Sigma improves Rural Healthcare System

Six Sigma improves quality and efficiency by identifying and treating the causes of errors and defects and minimizes variability in manufacturing and business processes. The Lean Six Sigma principles- define, measure, analyze, improve and control, were applied to a rural Indian hospital to improve quality and care for patients. The approach was also able to identify other administrative issues. The successful implementation of this approach surprised the management and eventually brought about a cultural change within the organization. This could be a significant step towards improved healthcare for rural communities in the developing world. Read more at: http://www.news-medical.net/news/20140813/Six-Sigma-approach-in-manufacturing-industries-can-improve-healthcare-for-rural-communities.aspx

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Hospital Leadership and its need for Social Media

Checking emails have become the primary activity for smart phone and tablet users. Thus informing patients about new health care services through emails have become compulsory. Images are the best method of interacting with, informing and empowering patients.  This is because brain processes visual data faster which consists of 90% of the transmitted data. Twitter these days have become the best medium to interact with the aging population who consumes a major portion of the health services. In 2014, more than 50% internet users will redeem a digital coupon which can be used by partners for patient cost saving and adherence.  Marketing needs to be done on multiple platforms and for many devices because the internet device connection has become vast which includes Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. The reviews of previous patients' online matters the most as 90% people get influenced by peer recommendations. Among the 10.3 billion Google searchers and 78% internet users a major portion hit the top links. Thus the top hits of any organization conclude the bottom line. Content marketing is cheaper than traditional marketing and generates an income 3 times as many leads. So for any strategy the target audience and their choices are to be realized first. Patients receiving newsletters along with emails spend more and are more informed. Most patients prefer articles to direct advertisements. Thus advertising campaigns along with patient experience testimonies, community reviews are important to highlight work being done inside out. Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/nicolefisher/2014/07/15/10-things-hospital-leadership-need-to-know-about-social-media-and-marketing/

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Enhance hospital operation using Lean & Six Sigma

In words of Mahatma Gandhi:
“Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory”.

In sync with the above said words we find a case study which describes the efforts which were taken by a hospital to enhance its efficiency and productivity by using Lean & Six Sigma. Through this, management was able to reduce average door-to-physician time, outpatient length of stay and overall satisfaction level of their patients.
Please go through the link for more details: http://www.projmasters.com/project-management-consulting-services/project-management-case-studies/enhance-hospital-operation-using-lean-six-sigma/

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How lean strategies saved a critical access hospital from financial crisis

The 25-bed critical access Monadnock Community Hospital faced a huge deficit as a direct result of an unexpected ice-storm that hit the state of New Hampshire in December 2008, causing a two-week power outage. The hospital was in deep financial trouble.Fortunately for the hospital and the region, the hospital management had decided to look into various options to bail the hospital out of this crisis. The hospital's lab department had some success following a lean Six Sigma model, so the hospital authority pursued the strategy hospital-wide. Mr. Peter L. Gosline, president and CEO of Monadnock Community Hospital, had highlighted the success of the hospital's five-year "lean" journey during the American College of Healthcare Executive's 2014 Congress in Chicago, a model that he estimates has saved the organization $1 million a year!

To read more, visit the link address given below:


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Healthcare to contribute $1 billion to IT sector in 2014: Gartner

It is estimated by the research firm, Gartner, that in the year 2014, healthcare providers of India will spend approx. $1.08 billion specially to improve technological supports and IT infrastructure. R Chandrashekhar, President, Nasscom, said healthcare sector will focus more on implementing information technology to enhance their value chain.

Please go through the link for more details: http://www.dnaindia.com/money/report-healthcare-to-contribute-1-billion-to-it-sector-in-2014-gartner-1966870


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New aid In healthcare

Health Catalyst, provider of data warehouse platform and analytics applications, has developed Healthcare Analytics Adoption Model. This model helps any healthcare organization by providing: 

• A framework for evaluating the industry’s adoption of analytics

• A roadmap for organizations to measure their own progress toward analytic adoption

• A framework for evaluating vendor products

For more information, please go through: http://www.healthcatalyst.com/healthcare-analytics-adoption-model/

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