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The Growth of  IoT Market

Adoption of Internet of Things rose dramatically in the year 2016. Factors like the increased numbers of sensors and connected devices, a growing pool of IoT developers, and real-time data and analytics support for IoT systems are a few of the major reasons for its expansion. "The Internet of Things Market", by Aman Naimat, presents a snapshot of IoT culture. It  describes a data-driven analysis of the companies, industries, and workers using IoT technologies. As the volume of data sets grow and more robust computation power evolves and scalability will lead to more IoT breakthroughs which in turn will lead to more  business investment in the future. You can read more at : https://www.oreilly.com/ideas/all-grown-up-the-iot-market-today

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How To Implement IoT Technologies In An Organization

With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT), an organization can reach to a wider audience. For example, a toothbrush maker nowadays, may not be concerned about making plastic toothbrush handles. Instead, they may come up with an electronic device that can track the way a user brushes their teeth and also advise them on dental hygiene.  Nowadays, IoT devices are used by governments to measure and transmit real-time data from streetlights, traffic cameras etc. This article by ianmcgrath (IT Manager), explores the ways that enterprises can leverage IoT technologies. Read more at: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/it-small-business/the-4-levels-of-iot-implementation-74279



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B2B v/s B2C CRM solutions

Customer relationship management (CRM) plays an important role in the sales department. 

The B2B CRM features include:

1. Vast lead development:-this feature allows easy delivery to build a strong relationship between the customer and the company.

2. Provides a platform for multiple decision makers rather than creating separate records for each individual.

3. It helps to deal with the complexities of sale processes.

4. Provides tailor-made products to satisfy the customers

5. To maintain and maximize the client lifetime value, one-to-one account management is an important feature.

The B2C CRM features include:

1. The amount of leads dealt with in B2C CRM is far greater than B2B CRM.

2. It also provides integrated customer service.

3. B2C prospects can be viewed easily by the latest social media updates from the CRM

4. Quick follow-ups with the consumers.

5. It requires real time data to stay updated about their customers. 

Both B2B and B2C CRM has its own advantages so the application must be selected which is best suited to the requirements.

To read more: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/the-differences-between-b2b-and-b2c-crm-solutions-73757


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Analytics Revolutionizing National Security

Big data have existed since the time of the cave man existed in physical paper and other analog forms (stone, papyrus, tape) and was largely inaccessible. With the inception of commercial Internet & new forms of commerce and social media, we can access information of "open source". Now technology can connect streaming and near real-time data to generate information very fast. Dynamic machine-learning algorithms can also help to discover hidden patterns and associations and graph databases has the ability to query and explore entities and their relationships in order to understand how opponent operates. It was also found that tools for geospatial analysis can help analysts to understand how events and groupings are related in space and time. To know more, please read the article by Mark Testoni (Writer at Homeland security today.us) -: http://www.hstoday.us/columns/critical-issues-in-national-cybersecurity/blog/big-data-analytics-from-forensics-to-foresight/d0c045fe32568eedefda4195d46472e6.html


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Unify and simplify your data access with OData

Although a vast amount of data available on the internet, we can't simply use that data because they are using different APIs, different languages, different point of access. The Open Data Protocol (OData) solves this problem. It helps the users to make a critical decision as it gives real time data from different systems. It can become the standard protocol of choice for mobile and cloud apps in the increasingly agile enterprise, as it allows users to analyze data in real-time from any number of sources. Read more at: http://www.cmswire.com/web-cms/why-odata-may-be-a-marketers-best-friend/

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Analytics revolutionizing National security

Big data have existed since the time of the cave man existed in physical paper and other analog forms (stone, papyrus, tape) and was largely inaccessible. With the inception of Commercial Internet & new forms of commerce and social media, we can access information of "open source". Now technology can connect streaming and near real-time data to generate information very fast. Dynamic machine-learning algorithms can also help to discover hidden patterns and associations and graph databases has the ability to query and explore entities and their relationships in order to understand how opponent operates. It was also found that tools for geospatial analysis can help analysts to understand how events and groupings are related in space and time. To know more, please read the article by Mark Testoni (Writer at Homeland security today.us) -: http://www.hstoday.us/columns/critical-issues-in-national-cybersecurity/blog/big-data-analytics-from-forensics-to-foresight/d0c045fe32568eedefda4195d46472e6.html


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Transformation of Business Intelligence process

Earlier, organizations need to analyze the impact of external factors on the basis of performance. They used old statistical modelling tools and took months of data collection and analysis and guessed the external factor which had more impact on the business. These models became outdated as soon as they were developed as external data were constantly changing. During the economic crisis, companies did not understand the economy. But, nowadays, as consumer behavior and other useful data sets have become more available, businesses can address challenges and opportunities by improving bottom line profits and helps to generate higher revenue by following correlation of real time data model.  For more read the article written by Rich Wagner (President and CEO of Prevedere) at : http://www.informationweek.com/big-data/transforming-an-antiquated-business-intelligence-process-/a/d-id/1324197

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Super Bowl and real time data

The super bowl is the place where the big corporate battle within themselves to win a commercial spot. They use real time data. The use of real time data is helping marketers to solve some of the continuing mysteries of media value and also helping brands to understand the connections between paid and earned engagement. Want to experience more, then read this article by Rob Salkowitz (contributor in Forbes)-: http://www.forbes.com/sites/robsalkowitz/2016/02/07/whos-winning-the-super-bowl-ad-battle-live-blogging-the-big-game-with-real-time-data/#208c134c44c6


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Upcoming trends for CRM tools

CRM tools are important. According to a report, this is a $23.3 billion market and is continually adapting today's sales and marketing needs. CRM companies are now focusing on four major areas as we move into 2016. They are - SaaS adoption, mobile CRM, the impact of IoT and wearable tech, and real-time data. Read more about the trends of CRM tools at - http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/whats-upcoming-for-crm-tools-in-2016-70405



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How Baseball and Big Data Marketing are related

Baseball is an exclusive game. It has been played for over centuries and hence is defined by the long history of data collected over the years which has hardly changed. We can relate baseball and big data. Baseball combines analysis of historic structured data with real-time event data and sequential insights. The following three factors have a direct analogy in consumer marketing: 1. in baseball, a manager look at batting averages, spray charts, and righty-lefty matchups whereas a marketer might look into historic purchases, create segmentation of behaviors and demographics, and add channel preference.
2. In baseball, a manager might look into real time data e.g. how pitch is affected, player’s approach. On the other hand the marketer looks into how he can capitalize on real-time events.
3. For a pitcher, set up pitch is important On the other hand, in marketing, the flow of emails or offers dictates the next offer or product promoted.
Read more at: http://www.tibco.com/blog/2015/08/10/baseball-and-big-data-marketing-closer-than-you-ever-thought/





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