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Good posture in a day keeps the doctor away

According to a recent study, Experts are saying that Excessive use of electronic gadgets is leading to hunched backs and high stress level among youngsters. Hunched back is a medical condition of exaggerated curving of the upper back.

This is condition is commonly being observed especially those who are between 9-18 years old due to weak abdominal muscles from years of sitting in a hunched postion. 

Orthopaedician are suggesting that it’s important to learn the correct way to sit, especially when using electronic gadgets. Simple exercises & practicing yoga improve spine flexibility and good body posture. So good posture in a day keeps the doctor away.


To know more, please read the article by The Health Site -: http://www.thehealthsite.com/news/are-you-hooked-to-your-smartphones-and-other-gadgets-doctors-say-it-can-give-you-a-hunched-back-ag0316/


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Analytics revolutionizing National security

Big data have existed since the time of the cave man existed in physical paper and other analog forms (stone, papyrus, tape) and was largely inaccessible. With the inception of Commercial Internet & new forms of commerce and social media, we can access information of "open source". Now technology can connect streaming and near real-time data to generate information very fast. Dynamic machine-learning algorithms can also help to discover hidden patterns and associations and graph databases has the ability to query and explore entities and their relationships in order to understand how opponent operates. It was also found that tools for geospatial analysis can help analysts to understand how events and groupings are related in space and time. To know more, please read the article by Mark Testoni (Writer at Homeland security today.us) -: http://www.hstoday.us/columns/critical-issues-in-national-cybersecurity/blog/big-data-analytics-from-forensics-to-foresight/d0c045fe32568eedefda4195d46472e6.html


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New trends in job posting

A recent study by MIT University shows that there is a 78% increase over the past three years in the job posting related to analytics and this led universities to launch specialized program in Master in Business Analytics. Nowadays, data analytics are used in marketing, finance, health care, logistics, insurance ecommerce, manufacturing and government services. To know more, please read the article by Michael Norton (Writer at lowellsun.com)-: http://www.lowellsun.com/business/ci_29635724/mit-reports-spike-analytics-job-postings


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Big Data analytics changing the aviation Industry

Big Data analytics changing the aviation Industry

In the aviation industry, aircraft maintenance and safety is always on high priority. With the increase in air traffic and air passengers, aircraft maintenance and repair firms are utilizing predictive analytics integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) to predict component failures and pilot stress level. Firms are developing a solution that can predict the likelihood of a component failure which can help to replace the part before it fails. In future, by analyzing breathing patterns of pilots before they board the flight, will help to monitor the stress level. To know more, please read the article by Jonathan Ananda (Writer at The New Indian Express) -: http://www.newindianexpress.com/business/news/Data-Analytics-to-Make-Flying-Safe-for-Pilots-and-Passengers/2016/03/16/article3329532.ece

mage Source - : https://pixabay.com/en/oldtimer-aircraft-take-off-aviation-1010805/



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Business’s booming after investing in big data analytics

Business’s booming after investing in big data analytics

Big data analytics are helping organizations connect their data and use it to identify new opportunities. Big data analytics examines large amounts of data to uncover hidden patterns, correlations and other insights. Here are some sectors where big data are making an impressive impact-: 

# 1. Healthcare 

Big Data Analytics in the healthcare sector helps patients and the healthcare ecosystem to be aware of the appropriate treatments and measures to be taken.

#2. Retail

In the retail sector, analytic solution offers insights to understand and respond to changing customer experience.

#3. Banking

The financial sector has to deal with vast volumes of data. This sector poses higher vulnerabilities to fraud and financial crimes.

#4. Manufacturing

In manufacturing, operations managers can use advanced analytics to dig historical data to study and improve production.

To know more, please read the article by Arya MM (Writer at infotechlead) -: http://www.infotechlead.com/big-data-2/biz-booms-investment-big-data-analytics-38700


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Wearable changing the future of life insurance

Wearable changing the future of life insurance

Wearables are more than a fitness tracker. Life Insurance providers are now using this gadget to track their customers' heart rate, sleep patterns and physical activity and reward policy takers with policy discounts and movie tickets. It is also being used to redefine traumatic medical events like heart attacks and claims correspond to that. To know more, please read the article by Ruth Liew (Reporter at ‘ The Sydney Morning Herald’ ) -: http://www.smh.com.au/business/wearable-tech-the-future-of-life-insurance-20160309-gnf60l.html

Image source -:http://www.healthworkscollective.com/veer-gidwaney/163271/how-wearables-will-transform-health-insurance-game



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Wearable for women safety

Wearable for women safety

With the increase in reports of urban women being abducted and assaulted, wearables are now also being designed for women's safety. The user of the device just has to click the device that is attached to the jewelry whenever she senses a threatening situation. The app will send an alert to the wearer's network. Family and friends will get the alert through the app on their phone. The App also has a GPS function through which you user can enter your location and time of your current destination and your family and friends can track your movement the entire time. To know more, please read the article by DNA WEB TEAM -: http://www.dnaindia.com/scitech/report-now-a-wearable-technology-for-safety-that-women-will-absolutely-love-2185044


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Wearables : A blend of technology with fashion

Wearables : A blend of technology with fashion

Wearables are now more than a gadget. With the latest designs, it is becoming a fashionable accessory. Wearables with fashionable accessories in a range of sizes, styles and finishes, screens, leather, semi-precious stones and 18k gold is not for men now. Wearable production companies are now catering their product also to women, especially the working class. To know more, please read the article by Sophie Charara (Writer at Wearable) -: http://www.wareable.com/fashion/wearable-tech-fashion-style


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3D printing helping complex architectural designs

3D printing helping complex architectural designs

3D printing technology produces smooth, detailed architectural models in an array of materials, including rigid photopolymers and plastic. Students from University of Tokyo guided by architect Kengo Kuma have developed a 3D-printing pen that can be used to create complex architectural structures out of plastic sticks. The Construction team named their model as ""large-scale hand-drawn structures"" which manually prints out strings of thermoplastic filament, guided by a digital tracking system. The support structures are made up of acrylic bonds providing structural stability in tension and also some strength in compression. To know more, please read the article by Dezeen Magazine -: http://www.dezeen.com/2016/02/22/tokyo-university-research-students-3d-printed-pen-complex-architectural-structures-plastic/



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Photovoltaic Technology for harvesting solar energy

Non-renewable resources are energy sources that we use and consume faster than nature produces them. Statistics are showing that if the current rate of consumption continues for oil, the supply is predicted to run out within the next 14 years. So a non-renewable source of energy is what planet earth needs. Researchers are employing a technique called Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition to produce large-scale thin films which make up the perovskite call. To know more, please read the article by University of Salford -:   http://phys.org/news/2016-03-technology-harvesting-solar-energy.html


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Technology Initiatives in Budget 2016

Technology is fundamentally transforming the world around us, in every aspect of our lives as well as in business. Budget 2016 has shown encouraging initiatives towards the commitment to focus on Digital India initiatives, technology platforms and data analytics to automation. The budget supports the few initiatives like-:

• Fiscal plans to fund the provision of entrepreneurship training across schools, colleges, and through an online program on a large scale

• An online procurement system for food grain procurement

• A new digital literacy mission scheme for rural India to cover 6 crore additional households in three years

To know more, please read the article by Jochelle Mendonca (Writer at ET tech)-:  http://tech.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/internet/budget-2016-tech-announcements/51191308


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Technology transforming Automobile industry

Technology is redesigning the automobile industry, giving car manufacturers the best chance to continue to increase sales and keep development cost down. With internet -connected cars, self-driving cars and car sharing apps, here are the most anticipated themes and vehicles at Geneva Auto Show 2016 -:

1. Smaller and Smaller

 Manufactures have found that customers are preferring sub 4 meter, vehicle over sedan cars and large suvs. Though car makers are producing crossover producing 380-430 bhp. Augmented technology is helping manufacturers a lot.

2. Futuristic technology

Automobile Industry is on the verge of wide-ranging transformation powered by the internet, information technology and changing attitudes toward the automobile. Developers are coming up with new technologies, by which people can reserve cars using an app and then use their phones to unlock and drive the vehicle.

3. Efficient Luxury

Manufactures are producing sedan as a plug-in hybrid combining efficient technology with high power as a selling point.

To know more, please read the article by CNN IBN -: http://www.ibnlive.com/news/auto/small-suvs-hybrid-vehicles-internet-powered-auto-technology-and-more-heres-what-to-expect-from-geneva-motor-show-2016-1209435.html



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How social media is helping Indian Railways

Indian Railways has solved many issues of distressed passengers using social media platforms. Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu said in his rail budget speech that his ministry had set up a social media cell responsible for taking action on passengers' request for help. After turning social media for feedback and complaint redressal mechanism, Railways are helping their passengers more efficiently. To know more, please read the article of Hindustan times -: http://www.hindustantimes.com/india/how-railways-is-acing-social-media-to-help-passengers-in-distress/story-O0mWmcHVSh8iyxatmeMMZK.html 



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Social Media for National Security

Social media has changed the world, but has opened huge exposures for national security. With "Digital dust" trails, intelligence officers are vulnerable in many ways. CIA recruiters even found that the questions they asked in the interview are being posted online by candidates. But it is also helping investigators to solve cases using social media. Investigators are using social media even in undercover, covert and even in internal security operations. It is being suggested that some guidelines should be maintained for men and women who serve over country for social media utilization. To know more, please read the article by Philip Ewing (Writer at NPR) -: http://www.npr.org/2016/02/24/467933392/why-the-cia-likes-and-dislikes-social-media


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How to find jobs using Social Media

Getting jobs these days are tuff. But, social media is helping people to get jobs. Here are some steps that you can follow to get a job -:

1. Set up strong profiles -: Create strong profiles on all social networking sites using short bio to show interest and skills for good online presences.


2. Start Networking -: Use social media to grow communication and professional network.


3. Get Recommended on LinkedIn -: Recommendations with positive references attract recruiters and manager.


4. Let Others Know You Are Looking -: Let your friends and relevant contacts know about what type of job you’re looking at.


5. Actively Seek Out Openings with Hashtags -: Use hashtags ‘#’ to search for relevant jobs.


6. Research Employers and Hiring Managers before Applying -: Social media profiles can be used as a research tool before applying for a job.


To know more, please read the article by Maria Onzain ( Writer at Tech.co) -: https://tech.co/steps-social-media-find-job-2016-02


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4c's of social media success

Social media is becoming the key factor in globalization. To sustain in this environment, corporates should follow the 4 C's of social media which are as follows-:

1. CONTENT: It demands fresh and original thoughts which create uniqueness and attracts people to like and share.

2. CONTEXT-:  Context is the direction to your content which explain where and how to carry your idea in social media

3. CONSISTENCY -: Consistency is key to everything in social media. It’s essential to be consistent.

4. CONNECTION -: Social media is all about building connections which if not done properly rise to fame won’t last long.

To know more, please read the article by Calvin Wayman (Founder of ThePeriscopePro.com and contributor at The Huffington Post) -:  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/the-four-cs-of-social-med_b_9283708.html?section=india


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Impact of social media in fashion industry

Fashion week was initiated for designer to preview next season's clothes to editors and influencers but now it is being superseded by social media. With apps and Livestream shows, fashion industry has switched to digital platforms and collections are now more public. Showcasing fashion shows live on Instagram and Snapchat promotes the see-now-buy-now approach. To know more, please read the article by David Yi (Writer at Mashable India) -: http://mashable.com/2016/02/20/social-media-killing-fashion-week/#H1GhDT65qZq1



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Use of Augmented Technology in Archaeology

Augmented reality or AR is the ability to insert and overlay digital data & virtual information and now it is being used for archaeological work and research. AR allows students, research scholars and professional to access the artifacts and collections with accurate details and measurement. It also helps to preserve the artifacts since they have the constraint of physical contact. To know more, please read the article by Jennifer Shin (Writer at Augment) -: http://www.augment.com/blog/visualizing-the-past-pioneering-technology-in-archaeology/



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Social Media affecting election campaigns

Social media has shifted the traditional election campaigns completely. By spreading the message through social media, marketing firms are mobilizing campaigns by engaging more people, get them tweeting and sharing and money for clients by online donations instead of depending on other sources. To know more, please read the following article by Michael D. Pitman (Staff Writer at Dayton Daily News)-:  http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/news/social-media-affecting-campaign-strategies-expert-/nqRwD/



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Super Bowl and real time data

The super bowl is the place where the big corporate battle within themselves to win a commercial spot. They use real time data. The use of real time data is helping marketers to solve some of the continuing mysteries of media value and also helping brands to understand the connections between paid and earned engagement. Want to experience more, then read this article by Rob Salkowitz (contributor in Forbes)-: http://www.forbes.com/sites/robsalkowitz/2016/02/07/whos-winning-the-super-bowl-ad-battle-live-blogging-the-big-game-with-real-time-data/#208c134c44c6


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