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Qualities Of A Data Scientist.


Data Science is one of the hottest job of the 21st century. But is it easy to be a data scientist , and the answer is it’s not hard. But here are some of the things that one need to avoid to be a bad data scientist :


  • Focus on tools rather than business problems :

Yaa tools do matter, but what is even more important is the problem you are working on, it should be the basis of all your decisions.


  • Planning communication last :

Communication helps in getting various insights about our ideas and hence help in improving our approach to handle a particular problem.


  • Data analysis without a question / plan :

Data without a plan or motive is useless and we often end with more of the things we don’t need than the things we really need.


  • Don’t read enough :

This is a mistake that everyone makes, to be updated with the recent development tends helps in constantly improving our skill set and hence benefits the organization.


  • Fail to simplify :

Data Scientist generally fail to maintain the core idea behind their product and hence end upwith something which is much complicated for the end users.


  • Don’t sell well :

The job of data scientist doesn’t end with creating the product , he must know how to sell it, how to reach to the end users.

You can read more at http://ucanalytics.com/blogs/6-worst-mistakes-for-data-scientists-and-how-to-avoid-them-explained-with-quotable-quotes/


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How to find jobs using Social Media

Getting jobs these days are tuff. But, social media is helping people to get jobs. Here are some steps that you can follow to get a job -:

1. Set up strong profiles -: Create strong profiles on all social networking sites using short bio to show interest and skills for good online presences.


2. Start Networking -: Use social media to grow communication and professional network.


3. Get Recommended on LinkedIn -: Recommendations with positive references attract recruiters and manager.


4. Let Others Know You Are Looking -: Let your friends and relevant contacts know about what type of job you’re looking at.


5. Actively Seek Out Openings with Hashtags -: Use hashtags ‘#’ to search for relevant jobs.


6. Research Employers and Hiring Managers before Applying -: Social media profiles can be used as a research tool before applying for a job.


To know more, please read the article by Maria Onzain ( Writer at Tech.co) -: https://tech.co/steps-social-media-find-job-2016-02


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