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Business’s booming after investing in big data analytics

Business’s booming after investing in big data analytics

Big data analytics are helping organizations connect their data and use it to identify new opportunities. Big data analytics examines large amounts of data to uncover hidden patterns, correlations and other insights. Here are some sectors where big data are making an impressive impact-: 

# 1. Healthcare 

Big Data Analytics in the healthcare sector helps patients and the healthcare ecosystem to be aware of the appropriate treatments and measures to be taken.

#2. Retail

In the retail sector, analytic solution offers insights to understand and respond to changing customer experience.

#3. Banking

The financial sector has to deal with vast volumes of data. This sector poses higher vulnerabilities to fraud and financial crimes.

#4. Manufacturing

In manufacturing, operations managers can use advanced analytics to dig historical data to study and improve production.

To know more, please read the article by Arya MM (Writer at infotechlead) -: http://www.infotechlead.com/big-data-2/biz-booms-investment-big-data-analytics-38700


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Test for Manufacturing Firms in Predicting Future



According to John Mills (Industry week), manufactures have less visibility than others and manufactures can’t wait for a longer period. In manufacturing companies conditions change frequently. In North America, factory activity has been trending down after the fall of 2014 and the Institute for supply Management said US index falling is falling since five consecutive months. Therefore, we need to predict the future of manufacturing firms by conducting some test quarterly. To know more about test read at:


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Advanced analytics to improve manufacturing

Manufacturing industry, in the past 20 years, have been able to reduce the quantity of wastage and the variability in the production process and improve their product quality after implementing Lean and Six Sigma programs. However, extreme variations are found in certain processing environments. Thus manufacturers need a better approach that would remove such flaws and advanced analytics helps in this way.  In manufacturing, managers use advanced analytics to identify patterns of data, relationships among discrete process steps and inputs and then optimize the factors that greatly affect the yields. Advanced analytics also helps to increase yield. Manufacturers that want to use advanced analytics to improve yield, consider how much data the company has at its disposal, as their first step. Some companies have too little data to be statistically meaningful and the challenge for these companies lies in taking a long-term focus and investing in systems and practices to collect more data. Advanced analytics and big data forms a critical tool to realize improvements in yield. Process complexity, process variability, and capacity restraints are present in such manufacturing environment. Read more at:  http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/operations/how_big_data_can_improve_manufacturing

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