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Things to Consider Before Starting a Business


After the Government’s Initiative to help start-ups, many youngsters are becoming inclined toward their own start-up. Starting a new Business and taking it to the level of success is tougher job than working with MNCs. Also, the possibility is very less. So, some aspects should be considered before starting a Business: 1) Every Entrepreneur should know at least one web development tool and one programming language. 2) Entrepreneur should never initiate a business which is completely dependent on funder’s money. 3) Every Entrepreneur should play with their own strength first. 4) Every Entrepreneur should learn to say “No”. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/296286

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Vacuum Approach to find the true talent

We often get placed or appointed for roles which we don’t want to pursue after few years but it’s not so easy to change the line of course. For example, if you are part of the technical team, it is not easy for you to switch to the managerial team. But the organizations must understand that rather than appointing people to work or designating work, they sometimes should create vacuum holes. By vacuum holes, I mean an opportunity which is open to all to work on. But then this might create a problem that everyone would want to work in some profile which they love and the actual work which is to be done will lose its priority. So the company should make policies to balance the two things. For example in Google, an employee can invest 20% of his/her work hours to do something he/she likes to do. So rather than appointing work, companies should create a vacuum and should see who steps up to fill it in.  Read the complete article by Mike Cohn (Founder of Mountain Goat Software) at: https://www.mountaingoatsoftware.com/blog/leave-work-unassigned-and-see-who-steps-forward

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Workforce Analysis helping Businesses

Even at the time of hiring, workforce analysis influences from starting i.e. creation of a job description and worker roles, till the recruitment of the person with better chances to succeed in the organization. Through the analysis, companies can make better hiring choices and monitoring the performance in real time. This will help companies to refine their organizational structure and develop talent and leadership within the organization. Workforce analysis will also help in reducing legal claims issues. These all will contribute in cost reduction and smooth working of the organization. Read more at: http://www.smartdatacollective.com/sarah-smith/358073/control-business-costs-workforce-analytics

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Social Change becomes Data Driven

Big Data has always presented new avenues to make huge profit in almost every sector. However, it would be our short sightedness to associate big data benefits only for profit seeking organizations. Non-profit organizations are also increasingly using/gathering huge data to drive the social change they aim at. Sima Thakkar, content marketing manager at Umbel and founder of goodindiangirl.com, enlighten us about the big data projects carried out by different NGO's. To have a look at all these interesting big data initiatives driving the change we all want, follow the link http://www.smartdatacollective.com/sthakkar/323866/when-big-hearts-meet-big-data-6-nonprofits-using-data-change-world

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Engage Your Customers with Thought Leadership

Thought Leadership is innovative thinking within a specific area of knowledge which helps shape the evolution of that field.

For content marketers, thought leadership is about setting an example in their industry through original content that informs and delights. According to Dorie Clark, “Thought leadership is necessary because it gives people a clear reason to choose you over the competition.

Nate Birt, Deputy Managing Editor at Top Producer Magazine, in his article at entrepreneur.com, has described five fundamental ways in which content marketers can command thought leadership. They are:

1. Create deep content on mission-critical subjects.

2. Invite users to exclusive beta testing of a new service.

3. Engage with real-time video using Periscope.

4. Start a cross-platform hashtag campaign.

5. Write news releases.

Using these ideas can help a brand to be at the top in its customer’s mind. To know more, please visit the following link:


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Test for Manufacturing Firms in Predicting Future



According to John Mills (Industry week), manufactures have less visibility than others and manufactures can’t wait for a longer period. In manufacturing companies conditions change frequently. In North America, factory activity has been trending down after the fall of 2014 and the Institute for supply Management said US index falling is falling since five consecutive months. Therefore, we need to predict the future of manufacturing firms by conducting some test quarterly. To know more about test read at:


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The success factors of Continuous process improvement

Continuous Improvement is the prevalent effort to improve services, products and processes by making incremental improvements within a business. This process must be a continual so that the opportunities for development can be highlighted, measured and evaluated

• Leadership that walks the talk- Leaders must exhibit certain distinct behaviors that not only describe support for the initiative but also the behavioral pattern that they wish all employees to emulate. 

• A major focus on “fire prevention” rather than “firefighting”- The problems that require fixing are generating a series of “fires” that on a constant basis distract managers from solving the main cause of their problems.

• Constancy of purpose- Successful continuous improvement programs includes that improvement is not only a management initiative but also a long-term practice that needs to incorporate everything an organization does.


• Shift from short term to long term mind-set- The company needs to have at look at the long-term result of the work it is doing.

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Organization must take on innovation and complexity or else

To cultivate innovation, it is important to think relationally in a collective manner across the business unit in a broad view. The prevalent characteristic for any project is mainly dependent on the type of project or specification of running project, said Fadi Samara, PMP, of C4 Advanced Solutions. Also the people factor is a matter of huge concern when working on a project with multicultural teams. Self-inflicted complexity should be avoided to do the thing in a simple manner. Micromanaging, focusing on narrow projects, unnecessary layers of management, confound accountability and lack of proper communication can make the project even more complex. Mr. Samara also said "People underestimate complex projects due to lack of experience". So, experience plays a vital role to make a project successful. Also to deal with project complexity, leadership is the most important skill for a project manager. More than 80 percent of respondents to the PMI Pulse of the Profession® survey ranked leadership as the most crucial one. Please go through the link for more details: http://blogs.pmi.org/blog/voices_on_project_management/2014/05/orgs-must-take-on-innovation-a.html

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Companies want to get social in their enterprise collaboration

Research firm Gartner has predicted that half of the large organizations will have internal Facebook-like social networks by 2016, and that 30 percent of these will be considered as essential as email and telephones are today. It also noted that 80 percent of social business efforts will not achieve the intended benefits due to inadequate leadership. A report on “unified communication and collaboration” (UCC), by another research firm, Frost & Sullivan, pointed out that employees have become accustomed in recent years to simple and user-friendly interfaces of free online communications tools, such as Gmail and Facebook, which allow them to collaborate in only a few clicks.

To know more about this talk-of-the-town topic, read Author Al Bredenberg’s article by visiting the following link:



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