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Pioneering in the Field of Healthcare

India after having taken steady and fast steps in the field of healthcare has reached a point where it tends to supply over 20% of the world’s generics and about half the vaccines globally. This upsurge is because of the advancements and detailed research made in the field of biology which has enabled the pharmaceutical companies to understand specific health ailments and target them accordingly. Even after all the innovations and developments that have been taking place India’s position in the health related sustainable development seems to be grim. To address this, the government has to come up and take the necessary steps. It is necessary that we embrace innovation. Care should be taken that there is no disruption arising in the health systems and also that there is no financial crunch faced by the pharmaceutical companies.                                                                      TO READ MORE: 



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Use of social media in pharmaceutical industry

Use of social media in pharmaceutical industry

Pharmaceutical firms use social media to educate, market, listen to and connect with customers, patients and physicians. Some approaches include: - 1. Education- Firm offers disease specific educational aimed at consumers. Its aim is to help patients to understand their disease, so that they may engage with their healthcare providers to improve outcomes.
2. Connecting with customers/patients and physicians - The industry can use social media to create patient support groups and communities.
To know more, follow: http://www.toprankblog.com/2011/01/social-media-marketing-pharma/

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Application of Big Data Market Intelligence in Pharmaceutical companies


Consultants and pharmaceutical companies alike control the market intelligence channels to better understand their target patient population. Big Data offers a lot of opportunities to optimize commercial strategies from helping to identify opportunities for new therapies to assessing the success of current products. Surveyed companies are using Big Data initiatives to better target products or to assess the performance of products already on the market. Pharmacy companies are more likely to focus Big Data initiatives on current products, mainly on the success of drugs on the market. Many surveyed consultant companies use Big Data to assist in developing new therapies compared to the pharmaceutical companies. As data become more useful and the benefits more obvious, the prevalence of Big Data-driven market intelligence initiatives will continue to increase. A decision on regulations guiding social media marketing in particular also help companies decide which market intelligence strategies to attack. From the earliest to latest stages of drug marketing, companies are working quickly to discover the opportunities posed by Big Data. Read more at: 

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