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Data Embedded!

Data Embedded!

According to a new industry study, demand for embedded analytics is increasing. The study has found a growing number of users who wants analytics integrated with applications. The study also suggests that the trend toward embedded tools is being driven by the view that an application's value is tied to the data and the analytical tools available to an application. The goals of embedded analytics include moving beyond the traditional business intelligence approach of extracting insights data and differentiating platforms in a market being flooded with analytic approaches. Read more at: http://www.datanami.com/2016/04/18/analytics-increasingly-seen-embedded-apps/


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Steps to launch a new product or service

Every organization plans to launch new a product or service, but only few of them get success. The main reason for failure is they won't able to target the right customers or they won't able to explain their product or service to customers. Jennifer Lonoff Schiff (Business and technology writer and a contributor to CIO.com) talks about steps that can help you to reduce the risk of failure:

• Make sure the product or service works – before you start selling it.
• But don’t worry if your product isn’t absolutely perfect at the get-go.
• Create a dedicated landing page with an email opt-in.
• Build and/or join a community
• Cultivate influencers in your industry or niche.
• Ask people to spread the word – and give them free product or pay them to talk about it, if necessary.
• Notify top customers and followers in advance of your release.
• Use social media to get the word out.
• Advertise on Facebook.
Read more at: http://www.cio.com/article/2937141/startups/9-tips-for-launching-a-new-product-or-service.html

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Application of Big Data Market Intelligence in Pharmaceutical companies


Consultants and pharmaceutical companies alike control the market intelligence channels to better understand their target patient population. Big Data offers a lot of opportunities to optimize commercial strategies from helping to identify opportunities for new therapies to assessing the success of current products. Surveyed companies are using Big Data initiatives to better target products or to assess the performance of products already on the market. Pharmacy companies are more likely to focus Big Data initiatives on current products, mainly on the success of drugs on the market. Many surveyed consultant companies use Big Data to assist in developing new therapies compared to the pharmaceutical companies. As data become more useful and the benefits more obvious, the prevalence of Big Data-driven market intelligence initiatives will continue to increase. A decision on regulations guiding social media marketing in particular also help companies decide which market intelligence strategies to attack. From the earliest to latest stages of drug marketing, companies are working quickly to discover the opportunities posed by Big Data. Read more at: 

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Some Sales Applications of Marketing Intelligence

First leverage prospects' social media profile information. Second, get to know leads with landing page form data- Marketing collects all that information when they're generating leads for a reason -- it gives them insight into leads that lets them target, segment communications, and route leads to the appropriate salesperson. Third, track social media mentions- Social media monitoring is often looked at as a marketing function, but sales teams miss huge opportunities when they aren't actively tracking social media mentions. Fourth, use the best performing offers when prospecting and selling- It's not every business that can close a sale after just one conversion event; it's more common that a prospect reconverts time and again as their relationship with your company grows and they move further along in the sales process. Fifth, build an arsenal of your most powerful content- People buy from people they trust, so it's crucial that every salesperson establish them as a trusted resource when speaking with prospects. Sixth, jump on leads right when they come in- Quick lead follow-up is crucial for sales success. Seventh, prospect smarter, not harder- Collecting site information like company name, location, name, number of visits, and length of visit lets prospecting salespeople do some serious recon work before hopping on a call with a new prospect. Read more at: 

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