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Is Basic Anlysis Required In The World of Artificial Intilligence?

Many big companies are trying to adopt sophisticated artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies without practicing basic data analysis. But this will affect the companies adversely. Without basic automation and strategic vision of solving basic problems using basic data analytics, companies cannot use the AI and advanced technologies to reach the correct results. The different ways of AI are not yet fully discovered by the companies .AI has the full. potential to reinvent business but before that proper automated and structured analytics are needed to be prepared to nourish the advantages of AI. Read more at: https://hbr.org/2017/06/if-your-company-isnt-good-at-analytics-its-not-ready-for-ai:


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Analytics Help CMOs To Innovate

Employment of analytics professionals into the marketing world goes far behind the usage of visualization techniques and data processing. Marketing enterprises are keen on hiring data and analytics professionals. It's a well-recognized fact that analytics not only help companies to take profitable decisions but also provides them with opportunities to build strong relationship with customers, increase sales volume etc.  Daniel Kehrar (VP Marketing, MarketShare) in his article on Forbes listed out the five ways in which brand marketers can innovate with analytics and they are as follows:

1. Use insights to enrich what you offer.

2. Perfect your programme.

3. Eliminate digital and channel silos.

4. Be predictive.

5. Merge brand measures with direct response.

Read more at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesinsights/2015/06/29/5-ways-brand-marketers-can-innovate-with-analytics/


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