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The Relationship They Share: AI, ML, DL

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are now the most exploring topics for any techie. In spite of enough differentiation between these terms, they are often used interchangeably. To put an end to this confusion one could say that ML and DL are nothing but cousins of AI. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Many applications of AI are being seen and used today. From voice-powered personal assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars and many more are applications of AI.

On the other hand, Machine learning is an artificial intelligence (AI) that is discipline geared toward the technological development of human knowledge. Machine learning allows computers to handle new situations via analysis, self-training, observation and experience.

Whereas, deep learning is a subset of machine learning which is a collection of algorithms used in ML to build and train neutral networks and act as decision making nodes.

So, though AL, ML and DL are interrelated but in this vast field of technology they all stand on their own and using them interchangeably would not be justice.

Read more at: https://towardsdatascience.com/cousins-of-artificial-intelligence-dda4edc27b55

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Technological advancement in BFSI

Smart-phones have widely changed our standard of living and access and management of our money. A recent study by EY and BBA states that customer usage of banking apps have risen by 354% in last five years, with an average of 159 logins per second. Not only for banking purposes, UK customers use mobile tools to manage their mortgage and investments, credit cards and savings. Some suggest that this increased usage on financial apps isn't  short term but will have a long term effect. The technology is helping customers in this financial revolution by adding check imaging, contactless payments and biometric identification. This will help in the launching  of Open Banking in 2018 when customers will have greater choice and control over their financial lives. Read more at :



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Golden Age of Innovation

Technology has made innovation easier. Creative dreams can be reality in a short span. Some of the golden innovations are as follows:

1. Digital Camera (1975) allowing us to click pictures without the help of a film.

2. Graphical tablet (1979) which allowed the artists to transfer their drawings to computers.

3. 3D printing (1984) is used in printing houses, castles and prosthetics.

4. Paint (1985) can be used to manipulate 3D objects.

5. `Photoshop (1990) made graphics editing easy.

6. Instagram (2010) made editing and sharing pictures to the world easier.

7. Thermochromic Paint (2016) is an artistic innovation.

Read more at http://mashable.com/2017/06/15/how-innovations-in-technology-inspired-creators/#jd9CE5ptemqu




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