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The thick and thins of the Result only work environment

ROWE stands for “Results Only Work Environment and it was created by Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson for the purpose to focus more on the qualitative approach than the quantitative one. The method is commonly used in USA and the white house has also witnessed the action of ROWE. The process claims for a flexible work environment and gives an added benefit for increasing the profit of a business and by reducing the cost as well. The pros for the process include the freedom to work and the self dependency of one individual. The cost saving process starts off when one works back at home giving the same efficiency as that of an employee working in office. The performance level is same or even more if compared for this process. The cons include the slackers and the inability of the management to continuously evaluate the employees. The direct communication is considered one of the best to improve business. ROWE is a solution for the existing workforce and for the ones in the mere future which will get more advanced through innovation.

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