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The ways to conflict employees for increased output

The pillars of strength for a company lie in the resources and pool of the employees. The infrastructural support and the formation of the structure of an organization are much dependent on the level of employees.  The retention of the employees sets a pathway to all round development of a company. The employees leave for they get a better option somewhere or they are bored with the same pattern of job. The team work may not be that satisfactory and sometimes they are not even engaged with the job designated. A major factor is a wrong terms with the boss. So to retain and develop the structure of the system we need to give them some incentive as well as a proper working and social environment. A way to appreciate for the good job done gives them some boost up in their working process. Moreover there is always a need of settling disputes and identifying the right person for the right job. The managers are always up for it to sustain the working process and to sustain the growth of the company.

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