
SigmaWay Blog

SigmaWay Blog tries to aggregate original and third party content for the site users. It caters to articles on Process Improvement, Lean Six Sigma, Analytics, Market Intelligence, Training ,IT Services and industries which SigmaWay caters to

The Link-Blogging & Social Media

Blogging and social media must coexist, complementing each other. The first step is that content should be of high quality but what if it has no viewers? To run a successful blog, one has to engage with the audience via social media and always interact. So, instead of pleasing others to share your blog, the trick is to find a piece of article/news which is performing well and all you need to do is improve it. It should be rich in content. You must find your own way to improve one's digital strategy. Read more at: https://hellboundbloggers.com/articles/blogging-social-media-intertwines/65003/


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The ways to conflict employees for increased output

The pillars of strength for a company lie in the resources and pool of the employees. The infrastructural support and the formation of the structure of an organization are much dependent on the level of employees.  The retention of the employees sets a pathway to all round development of a company. The employees leave for they get a better option somewhere or they are bored with the same pattern of job. The team work may not be that satisfactory and sometimes they are not even engaged with the job designated. A major factor is a wrong terms with the boss. So to retain and develop the structure of the system we need to give them some incentive as well as a proper working and social environment. A way to appreciate for the good job done gives them some boost up in their working process. Moreover there is always a need of settling disputes and identifying the right person for the right job. The managers are always up for it to sustain the working process and to sustain the growth of the company.

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How analytics can help Indian banks to improve customer life cycle?

Banks are the backbone of every economy. With the help of data analytics, banks are defining the modern age of customer retention & services through out the world. However, the Indian BFSI sector is yet to implement data analytics in their day-to-day operations. Mohan Jayaraman, Experian Credit Information Company of India, explains how Indian banks can improve their customer lifecycle by using data analytics. To read about his views visit:


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Big Data Analytics in Petroleum Industry

Adam Farris, Senior Vice President of Business Development for Drillinginfo, talks about how oil and gas industry is taking the help of big data analytics to analyze huge amount of unstructured data and use that information to optimize its operational performance so as to increase their profitability.

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Analytics and Rail Transportation in USA

Lyndon Henry, technical consultant, Light Rail Now Project, writes about the general applications of Analytics and Big data in modern rail passenger and rail transit systems. 

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The impact of big data analytics on Enterprise Performance Management

Enterprise Performance Management or commonly known EPM is a management field of Business Performance Management which considers the visibility of operations in a closed-loop model across all facets of the enterprise. 

Nowadays, big data analytics is helping EPM in factoring a lot more unstructured data than what was possible earlier, along with duly capturing customer sentiments and feedback. A second key impact of Big Data on EPM is that analytics will be a function not restricted to the IT team, but the wider organization will be able to deconstruct data with the use of easy-to-use analytics tools.

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