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Marketers and big data: barriers, budgets, and opportunities

Many marketers find themselves faced with overwhelming amount of data and organizational complexity, rapidly changing customer behaviors, and increased competitive pressure. Data or information has always been the USP, but now people are not using that USP in their advantage. If an investment is made in big data, one can extract only the relevant information and analyze it to transform the business decisions for the future.

Please go through the link for more details:http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts/2014/24321/marketers-and-big-data-in-2014-barriers-budgets-and-opportunities

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Successful healthcare improvement requires analytics and effective communications

Communication is an absolute essential entity to allow successful improvement in healthcare industry. Effective communication will allow relevant and correct flow of data through the organization. With more relevant data, analysis will also be more accurate and will automatically lead to improvement in the healthcare industry.

Please go through the link for more details http://healthcareanalytics.info/2012/03/successful-healthcare-improvement-requires-analytics-and-effective-communications/#.UyhlIqIyX4s

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nice article
Monday, 24 March 2014 10:29
Nitin Sinha
Thanks For Your valuable posting, it was very informative. Am working inErp Development Company In India
Wednesday, 02 September 2015 08:52
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3 main barriers to widespread analytics use in healthcare organizations

Healthcare organizations are becoming proficient at creating and storing terabytes of data each month. Unfortunately, their skills to transform that data into knowledge and useful information are not quite so impressive.

The major primary obstacles to widespread analytics adoption are:-

·         Culture does not encourage sharing information.

·         Lack of understanding how to use analytics to improve the business.

·         Ownership of the data is unclear or governance is ineffective.

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For healthcare analytics, you need to have goals in sight


In USA, approx. 8o% of hospitals are using electronic health records, due to which it is possible to gather useful information for research & development. Now healthcare industries are actively looking for transformation of its major areas by meaningful use of analytics.

To know about its challenges and impact, please go through the link: http://ehrintelligence.com/2014/03/17/for-healthcare-analytics-you-need-to-have-goals-in-sight/




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The power of predictive analysis

 “The future is like a corridor into which we can see only by the light coming from behind”, well said by Edward Weyer Jr..  Like that, to analyze anything, the first step is to collect relevant data and develop predictive score for each element, the second step is to assess these predictive score and then implement it into a model. Finally prediction and conclusion can be made accordingly.  The book, Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die by Eric Siegel explains how predictive and other insights associated with predictive analysis work.

Please go through the link for more details:


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Analytics in Human Resource

Mick Collins a senior consultant with SuccessFactors, writes in his blog, how companies are growing with the use of big data analytics in the field of Human Resources.

For More Information :- 

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Analytics in Fashion Industry

A presentation by Geoff Watts, Chief Executive Officer  & Co-Founder of EDITD, where he speaks about how big data is helping the fashion industry. As apparel brands are going global, huge amount of retail and consumer data are generated .To tap these data, the fashion industry is taking the help of different analytical tools to get a complete picture of the industry during different time periods and take a decision.

For More Information :- 

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Big Data Analytics in Petroleum Industry

Adam Farris, Senior Vice President of Business Development for Drillinginfo, talks about how oil and gas industry is taking the help of big data analytics to analyze huge amount of unstructured data and use that information to optimize its operational performance so as to increase their profitability.

For Further Reference :- 

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Dashboard View For All

Rural development is the backbone of a  country’s development process. Now a small team from Harvard University is helping  the ministry of rural development  to create dashboard which would help the government to present the information in a simple & visual format  so that the projects can be implemented and monitored in a better way.

For Further Reference :- 

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Analytics in Energy Companies

Canadian Electricity Association is taking the help of analytics to deliver their customer with superior services, streamlining their processes to forecast future energy demands and thus keeping them ahead of their competitors in the industry.

For Further References :- 

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Analytics and Rail Transportation in USA

Lyndon Henry, technical consultant, Light Rail Now Project, writes about the general applications of Analytics and Big data in modern rail passenger and rail transit systems. 

For Further Reference :- 

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Use of Analytics in Logistics

According to an article by Michael Passingham, a V3 reporter, DHL, a Global logistics firm, has been able to cut the cost of running its worldwide distribution network with the help of big data analytics.

External References:-

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