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CRM blunders to avoid

CRM or Customer Relationship Management industry is growing day by day which expected evaluation of $36.5 billion by 2017. More and more companies are using CRMs to harvest their data and increase their profits. Despite the growth, still some people make mistakes which cost them a fortune. So here are three blunders to avoid –

·         Ignoring Social Media Integration

·         Forgetting Mobile

·         Annoying Customers with Too Much Marketing Material


Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/insidecrm/3-crm-blunders-you-need-to-avoid-73160

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Politics and data analytics

Some volunteers of a nonprofit volunteer outfit are going door to door in Odisha. They are collecting data about schools, health facilities, Panchayat, roads, etc. These data points are being analyzed by a not-for-profit development organization which will use this data and will draft a development plan for Member of Parliament. The idea is to filter the data into meaningful information which will help in reducing the gap between real needs and actions. Some big consultancies are also working together with politicians for the same purpose. Data analytics tools are used to determine demographic profiles and socioeconomic aims. Read the full article here: http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2016-02-02/news/70283182_1_data-analytics-tools-prime-minister-narendra-modi

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Market Inteligence Made Easy

Market intelligence can be used to assist almost every decisions faced by a company. Market intelligence helps a company to increase revenue, profit or market share. Three basic steps on how to go about gathering market intelligence and what types of market intelligence will deliver useful insights are:§ Don’t reinvent the wheel –A huge amount of learning can be gathered using workshops specially if guided by skilled external moderator.
§ Choose your battleground – Clearly stating your key objective will help in your business plan and actions will be taken.
§ Don’t stop digging –It is not only important that market intelligence is acted upon when it is collected but also a constant feedback is needed. Read more at: https://www.b2binternational.com/publications/guide-to-market-intelligence/

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Application of market research in product lifecycle stages


There are four main stages of the product life cycle: Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. Some examples of the different types of marketing styles and research necessary for each stage are: First, Introducing a new product into the market is going to require knowing information on your competition, buyer behavior, and distribution channels. Second, Growth-You will need to recognize new or improved competitors, possibly consider expansion in production and markets, and figure out how to maintain a positive image to your consumers. Third, Maturity- When your product becomes you will need to research your competitors more than anything else so you can potentially obtain their customers. Fourth, Decline- If your product reaches the decline phase, you will need to work diligently to get as much profit out of sales as possible. As your product comes to a decline stage, you might also want to consider going back to the drawing board to get creative with new ways to change the product completely to revamp sales. Read more about this aspect at: 

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Continued growth for cloud computing

In an infographic by cloudtweaks.com (a web based cloud magazine), we come to know about the level of growth that cloud computing is expected to achieve in next few years. Public cloud IT services are said to achieve a $100 billion by the year 2016.This infographic also shows us the segment wise growth rate in cloud computing. We also get to know about the predicted market share of different forms of cloud computing till the year 2016/2017 from this infographic.

For more information please visit:-

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The enterprise products with disruptive potential for 2014

The IT enterprise field is slowly going to a saturation point. But, this sector is still facing competition. To know more on the growth areas in IT sector, go through the article by Dion Hinchcliffe, an expert in IT and business strategy.


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The public cloud market – where is it heading?

Hyper growth - this term is on its way to become attached with the 'Public Cloud' market.

As per the report of Forrester Research, the global public cloud market is expected to rise to $191 billion by 2020 as compared to 2013 which stood at $58 billion. The reason behind this growth is the shift from on premise technology to cloud which has proved to be cost effective. Nowadays cloud technology is considered as a replacement of the existing systems. Forrester’s report also predicts that by 2020, the global public cloud platform service will soar to $44 billion, the cloud business service will hit $14 billion and the cloud applications which will be Software – as – a – Service or SaaS, will hit $131 billion. The cause of this whopping valuation is attributable to the fact that more and more CIOs and their technology management organizations are taking initiative for this change.

So, what’s the future of public cloud market? Read at http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9247883/Public_cloud_market_ready_for_hypergrowth_period_ for more details. 

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Social Media Marketing Strategies to drastically improve your effort

A recent research by Fast Company revealed that 93% of marketers use social media to promote their business.  It is the number one daily activity among Americans. Social media sites, email providers and the Google are eating up the largest chunk of the time spent over the internet. Social media is reaching beyond our traditional perception; it’s getting bigger and bigger with time. From a marketer’s Point of view, if you are not marketing on it, you are likely missing a large chunk of your target consumers. As a product of the Mark Zuckerberg generation, it is easy to understand why people are so obsessed with social media. For marketers, the potential to grow their business via these networks is endless. The following base strategies will help you take control of your social channels and give them a much needed facelift.

·         Create a game plan & stick to it.

·         Treat each channel as an individual entity.

·         Go above & beyond in Customer Service.

·         Embrace any kind of mishaps.

·         Track & talk.

·         Stay active on Google+.

To read more, see Margot da Cunha’s blog by visiting the following link address:


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The potential value of predictive analytics in HR

 HR predictive analytics empowers a company to anticipate and prepare for the future. There is a continuous growth in the use of predictive analytics for the last few years. Studies have shown that predictive analytics act as a decision support system, enabling managers to take best decisions, resulting in an average of 5-6% higher gains than competitor companies.

Predictive Analytics 

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Human resource is one of the important functions within an organization. Better it is, better employee satisfaction.
Monday, 24 March 2014 11:11
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Technology: reshaping branch banking!


Today, technology is an integral part of any business looking for sustainable growth. Banking sector is no different. Handling branches is an important day-to-day operation and hence, banks need to deploy adequate resources for the same. From simplifying payments with person-to-person transfers to eliminating the need for passwords with voice recognition software, technology is revolutionizing how account holders manage their money. The result is that bank branches are looking less crowded.

To read more, visit:



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Monday, 24 March 2014 07:57
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What’s Behind the Growing Trend of PEO industry!

 According to the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations (NAPEO), employment growth has increased by 9 percent higher than other small businesses.
The Florida Association of Professional Employer Organizations (FAPEO) identified the reasons behind the growth of PEO industry. These are controlling costs
, saving time and paperwork hassles, providing professional compliance ,reducing turnover and attracting better employees, providing claims management compensation, providing better benefits packages, providing professional human resource services , reducing accounting costs.

To read more, Visit: http://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwgeeks/article/More-Businesses-Rely-on-Professional-Employer-Organizations-to-Increase-ProfitsiPEO-Solutions-Identifies-Whats-Behind-the-Growing-Trend-20140214#.UyF1TT-SyZY  


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Analytics in Human Resource

Mick Collins a senior consultant with SuccessFactors, writes in his blog, how companies are growing with the use of big data analytics in the field of Human Resources.

For More Information :- 

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How analytics can help Indian banks to improve customer life cycle?

Banks are the backbone of every economy. With the help of data analytics, banks are defining the modern age of customer retention & services through out the world. However, the Indian BFSI sector is yet to implement data analytics in their day-to-day operations. Mohan Jayaraman, Experian Credit Information Company of India, explains how Indian banks can improve their customer lifecycle by using data analytics. To read about his views visit:


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