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Tech Companies And Artificial Intelligence

AI collected tremendous investments with Indian start-ups this year and big tech companies are flowing money on it. Tech giants are searching for new opportunities in AI to improve or revolutionise their regular operations.  This year tech industry has seen a significant AI investments in start-ups and companies. Some of them are Niki.ai, Absentia Virtual Reality Private Limited, QorQL, Innefu Labs etc. Start-ups mainly use their funds to improve its AI platform for predictive analytics and biometric authentication. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295272

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One click away to understand big data analytics

One click away to understand big data analytics

Big data analytics is becoming self-explanatory day by day to even a lame person who has lesser knowledge in statistics, analytics and data science. It is a positive sign with respect to current business purpose because we need real time analysis and that can be only possible if data interpretation and visualization becomes more feasible. There are different software like R, SAS and many other online service providers like google analytics, Piwik helps to create better data visualization and interpretation of customer and business data. Even our very own Microsoft excel has some in built data interpretation and visualization programs. But one program, called Quill, takes the trend a step further, producing text-based reports that explain the data clearly and concisely.  Think of it as an executive summary created by a computer to explain a set of data at the click of a button. So it’s time for personalize big data analytics.

to read, follow: http://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2016/04/27/will-we-soon-no-longer-need-data-scientists/#540a99bf55f3


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Benefits of Cloud Computing

Cloud solutions can help businesses lower total costs and transition from a fixed cost structure to a variable one while freeing up critical IT resources for strategic initiatives and innovation. In case of Cloud applications cloud providers are responsible for the maintenance, operations, and bandwidth of the software and not the cloud customers. Finally, cloud applications are accessed through standard web browsers, providing scalability and agility to the customer. Unlike traditional on premise software applications, cloud applications are located and managed remotely and built with a single code-base customized to the company's needs. Some advantages of cloud computing are: Increased speed in responding to unforeseen events, Easy to get the latest updates, adoption is quick and simple, improved information security, deployment time decreases from years to months, lower risk with subscription based cost model. Increased strategic agility, short deployment times, lower risk and costs - the advantages of cloud computing are compelling. To know more, go to: http://blogs.sap.com/innovation/cloud-computing/6-benefits-of-cloud-computing-032893 

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CRM software in a happy phase

In an article written by Colin Barker,computer journalist, we come to know how CRM software is going through a phase of boom.Two main reasons for this boom were attributed to increase in investments in both  digital marketing and customer experience initiatives.CRM software is dominated by big names in the industry who account to almost half of the entire revenue earned by the industry.

For more information please visit:-

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Diminishing differences between CRM and Contact center software.

In an article written by Sheila McGee-Smith, the founder of McGee-Smith Analytics, we come to know about the diminishing or reduced differences between CRM and Contact center software. Cloud based CRM vendors are new a new phenomenon. Traditional contact centers were telephony based and they are now trying to move to a multi channel environment. With both CRM vendors and Contact center vendors eyeing for the coveted market of multi channel customers and in doing so the lines between CRM and Contact center software are getting faint.

For more information please visit:-






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Is OpenSSL secure in its dominance?

OpenSSL is a software library which is used in everyday for proper functioning of internet. It is not only used for SSL by websites, but also for all sort of software with cryptographic need use it. OpenSSL is dependent more on API more than its OpenSSL library. Including both of this in the system may cause a risk for the major developers like Red Hat. For more information, go through the article written by Larry Seltzer, an expert in technology.


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Organizations need data analytics to tackle supply chain fraud

According to a new survey conducted by Deloitte, it is found that as complexity in global supply chain networks continues to increase, less than one-third (26 percent) of business executives are using data analytics tools and processes to help manage third party relationship risks.Thirteen percent of those surveyed are still learning how to use analytics software and 22 percent use no data analytics at all. Few market leading companies leverage advanced data analytics tools and forensic accounting to identify anomalies in their transactional data & getting astonishing benefits while rest are lagging far behind in this issue. Nearly one-third (31 percent) of business executives surveyed, said that their organization has faced supply chain fraud, waste or abuse in the past 12 months.

Mark Pearson, principal, Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP, speaks about why organizations need data analytics to tackle supply chain fraud. To read more, please visit the following link:


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What your Analytics software is hiding from you

While various Analytics softwares help you to track & get basic traffic and visitor data, they also have few yet hazardously significant holes. There are many reasons for getting irrelevant, non required and Null/missing data. Some examples of the areas from which you might be getting conflicting data are Internal Traffic, Direct Traffic, Mobile Traffic, Private Browsing Traffic, Keyword Traffic, Social Media etc.

To know more, visit the following link:



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Monday, 24 March 2014 10:30
Nitin Sinha
with analytics, main concern is privacy of data collected. cloud solutions offers the same danger.
Tuesday, 25 March 2014 15:46
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Technology: reshaping branch banking!


Today, technology is an integral part of any business looking for sustainable growth. Banking sector is no different. Handling branches is an important day-to-day operation and hence, banks need to deploy adequate resources for the same. From simplifying payments with person-to-person transfers to eliminating the need for passwords with voice recognition software, technology is revolutionizing how account holders manage their money. The result is that bank branches are looking less crowded.

To read more, visit:



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