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Financial Risk Management And The Use of Technology

After the revolution of fin tech in India, the payment sector has seen that Indians are opting for online transactions and transfers. But it is important to keep in mind the security aspect of digital transactions. With increasing use of technology, the market of risk management is growing fast. AI is playing a huge role in financial risk management because of its ability to deal with lots of data with high accuracy.Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294816

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Tech Companies And Artificial Intelligence

AI collected tremendous investments with Indian start-ups this year and big tech companies are flowing money on it. Tech giants are searching for new opportunities in AI to improve or revolutionise their regular operations.  This year tech industry has seen a significant AI investments in start-ups and companies. Some of them are Niki.ai, Absentia Virtual Reality Private Limited, QorQL, Innefu Labs etc. Start-ups mainly use their funds to improve its AI platform for predictive analytics and biometric authentication. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295272

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Value of BFSI sector to SaaS players

This year was good for SaaS startups in the country. Indian markets adopted newer technologies into its systems. More opportunities for SaaS players are expected from the BFSI sector. SaaS companies use business model that provides software solution over the internet and they charge the customers according to the usage of software since most of the financial solutions have gone online. The software uses around 2000 data points to evaluate the credit score and corresponding interest rate. Many big data analytics startups provide solutions to industries. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/policy-trends/digitisation-push-makes-bfsi-sector-attractive-to-saas-players/articleshow/56325400.cms?from=mdr


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Startups: Emerging Workplace for Indians

Even though the stability of startups is highly uncertain, still it is the most sought-after category of workplaces in India. Established startups such as Flipkart and Paytm rule the roost, some other best startups for workplace in India are Robolab Technologies, Fynd, 1mg.com,etc. According to CEO of Aasanjobs, based on parameters like career development, work engagement, compensation, relationship management and work environment, startups were surveyed to form a list of best workplace in India. Read more at: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/small-biz/startups/startups-most-sought-after-category-of-workplaces-in-india-report/articleshow/58929944.cms


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Incongruity experienced by Entrepreneurs

Many entrepreneurs who are about to launch a startup, at the very introductory stage think about what is going to happen at the end. The thought process includes how they will encash the funding in lavish parties or the big checks brought in when the company is bought under some stalwarts of the industry. While keeping up “high hopes” proves to be motivational for them, the experts have expressed this habit to be a mistake.

David Skok is a Boston area entrepreneur who has founded four start-ups and is a regular blogger touching on relevant topics reaching out to people just like him. Skok is one of the experts who is skeptical about using external factors such as accumulated wealth as a driving force for beginning entrepreneurs. He says - “The big lesson I learned was that, in the start-up world, if your primary focus is on making money, you usually won’t make money.”

Know more :  http://www.business2community.com/leadership/the-entrepreneurial-paradox-01689339#Mb6MJc1MVAxSYSjV.99


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Tools That A Startup Needs To Keep Handy!

Technological progress comes like a magical tool for all those who once dreamt of building a business of their own. Different tools like AngelList which helps you to spot best investment opportunities, Asana which help people to stay upgraded with their tasks, Dropbox which helps a company to keep all its folders and data safe and private, helps the start-ups and new businesses to operate more efficiently. Startups and small businesses can always use one of the most famous social media for professionals "LinkedIn", to highlight their accomplishments. Skype is a leader in VOIP calling which can always be used for holding video conferences with colleagues and clients. Bright journey, Evernote , Flipboard, Github, Grasshopper,  Meetup , Square, Triplt, all with different purposes and use  are some of the other such tools which, if used efficiently help start-ups, new entrepreneurs and marketers to taste success very early. Read more at: http://www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2016/30176/17-handy-tools-for-entrepreneurs-startups-and-marketers

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It's Merging Time!

The financial year 2016-17 is predicted to be the year of acquisitions in the startup industries, with the number of acquisitions and mergers by bigger companies forecasted to surpass previous years' figures. Large companies such as Flipkart and Snapdeal are looking to make strategic purchases to consolidate cap tables and minimize competition. Read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/tech-news/FY-2016-17-to-be-the-year-of-acquisitions-in-startup-industry-Analysts/articleshow/52444353.cms


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Startups must consider network monitoring

One thing that startups must take into consideration is network monitoring. Even IT startups have failed to implement it. It's understandable that startups are on a tight budget, but there is free network monitoring solutions available as well. Network monitoring plays a vital role in company's online presence. It can do lots more than just providing security solution. It can help with project management, tracking customer insights, and system maintenance and also plays a vital role in network security that helps in preventing unauthorized access. Read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/byod-cloud/why-startups-cant-afford-to-take-a-pass-on-network-monitoring-71598

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Work made easier with Drop shipping.

Drop shipping refers to the direct delivery of the products from a manufacturer to the retailer or the customer. This is very convenient if you are going to start an ecommerce business. This decreases the overhead as the costs of purchasing inventory or managing warehouses is eliminated. The businesses using drop shipping find scaling easier. For example: if you receive four times as much offers, you'll usually need to do four times as much work. But with drop shipping most of the work to satisfy the additional orders is to be done by the suppliers. This makes businesses flexible. Most of the startups find difficulties in raising funds. So, it is easier to start with drop shipping. It even offers the largest variety for the customers. Being directly linked to the manufacturers selling the products, number of middlemen decreases. Fewer the middlemen, bigger the profits of a business. Read more at: https://econsultancy.com/blog/67406-what-is-dropshipping-and-is-it-right-for-your-business/

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The Big Revolution caused by Big Data

Industries are growing techno-savvy and understanding that being able to gather, identify, and comprehend patterns in data is critical for their long-term success. We are finally entering an age of data-powered farming that work on open data sets of weather and yields, IoT, drones and smart agricultural machinery. Such digital tools are becoming as important as traditional tools in the agricultural sector. IoT sensors are also helping companies predict and manage risk for automobile policies in real-time. Governments and industry are cooperating to share data on natural catastrophes in the hope to predict them. Drones are even being used to inspect and manage energy sites like turbines and rigs. Governments too will start using Big Data for evidence-based policy making. Read more at: http://yourstory.com/2015/06/big-data-unleashing-value-for-startups/

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