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How Robots are Still Behind Us

In today’s world, where technology is playing an important role, most of us fear about future. It has been noticed how robots have already stated taking place of humans resulting in humans to lose their jobs. Not only in factories but robots have also taken over sports, medicine and more. However, we humans do have some skills that is tough for robots to beat us in. Below are few of them:

  1. Creativity: A piece of art, music, a new recipe and more reflects our creativity. Thus, even though robots can replicate what already exist, it still fails to create something new.
  2. Physical Skills: There are some routine jobs which needs to be done quickly and involve out flexible physical skills. Though robots are developing yet they haven’t reached the stage where they could help us in doing our routines.
  3. Empathy: Now a days, robots can successfully analyse our emotions but a small change of ton still confuses the program. That empathy, caring nature is still missing.
  4. Flexibility: Few decisions are needed to be made from our gut feeling. However, robots miss that. They are only able to make decisions from the data that they have read.
  5. Technical Maintenance: Robots are still machines. They require planning, designing, implementation and management. These skills can only be provided by humans. Maintenance can only be done by humans. 

In the end, even though robots can take over few of our jobs, still they will always work under us rather than against us. 

Read more at https://www.techworm.net/2018/08/jobs-robots-will-take-from-humans.html


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Economic productivity and effects of Artificial Intelligence

The economic productivity of the country should rise up if there are improvements in technology and artificial intelligence but this is not the case. When the industry employs AI then this lead to more leisure on people’s part and making them useless. According to a survey it has been found that there is a rise in inequality in wages and hence AI needs to be implemented. There should be greater productivity gains but it is dipping. The reason could be slow commercialization. Though it displaces labour but it creates jobs in other sectors. Automation does not replace jobs but it does a part of the jobs.

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Is Automation Leading to Extinction?

It is said that with the future of technology another thing that is coming nearer to us is the risk of human extinction. Raymond Kurzweil, Google’s Director of Engineering and Futurist, published a book, The Singularity is Near, in which he welcomes a future in which AI will overcome human intelligence. Though we are still know that as super intelligence, but for now we do encounter AI in almost every aspect of our lives. Though in his book, the author welcomes AI as positive, most people fear job loss and the worst as human extinction. History indicates that any advancement in technology not always turns out to be bad. But, one could not ignore that with current technologies almost 45% of the jobs for which we are paid are now automated. This has become a topic of debate and no one knows what stands for us in advent of future. To know more visit: https://medium.com/@tjajal/automation-and-the-rise-of-meaningful-work-d1c7d596fee6


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Artificial Intelligence and Revolutions

Technical revolution is always an unbiased phenomenon but the human makes that positive or negative. After the mechanical revolution of the 19th century, AI is considered the next revolutionary phenomenon in human civilisation which will make a significant impact on technology and global socio-economic condition. AI’s decision making capability is still not highly advanced so AI can’t replace humans now. AI will kill some jobs and create some exciting jobs also. Technical innovation creates new opportunities and friends also. Read more at:https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/288956

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Technology Causing Destruction Of Jobs

Technology is making machines faster, smarter, smaller and cheaper. Technology is serving as a smart alternate to humans. Thus, job destruction is very common in all industries at present. Survival will depend on experience, knowledge as well as the capability to adapt and learn quickly, i.e., adaptive quotient and change velocity. Developing skills and adaptability is a must to save your job from technology. Education system should be framed in a way so that the mentality of being lifelong learners and adaptability can be built in children from school itself. Read more at http://www.stuff.co.nz/waikato-times/opinion/93663839/when-technology-takes-over-and-your-job-disappears


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Do Companies need Data Scientists ?

Yes, if companies need anything in 2017 they are Data Scientists.

But why , what is so special about them? And the answer is :

Data scientists tracks millions of data sets and provides concrete information for organizations looking to break their data into meaningful information that can be used at all levels in the organization.

As this is the data century , every company wants to recommend its users what they are most likely to choose and hence the need of Data Scientists to study the data and extract various pattern from it and hence creating a 360-degree view of their customers. This not only impresses the customers but also helps the companies in understanding their customers better and hence improving their services according to the customers.

So , in a nutshell yaa companies do need Data Scientists.

You can read more at  http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/why-large-companies-need-data-science-experts-like-you


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