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Bots entering e-commerce

Walmart acquired Flipkart is one of the two biggest e-commerce platforms in India with eight million shipments per month on an average. With ever increasing speed of people coming online each day, Walmart new Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) will help in meeting these demands faster. This pilot project of sortation will be applied at Flipkart’s Soukya sortation center in Bangalore, where the 100 self-guided robots will sort the packages according to the delivery pin codes. While these AVGs are expected to increase efficiency by 60%, i.e. 4500 shipments in an hour, the easy mobility of the AVGs will always help Flipkart in expansion of supply chain operations. However, according to Jeff Bezos, AVGs won’t take away employment opportunities but only increase efficiency. Read more at https://www.businessinsider.in/flipkart-announces-delivery-robots-automation/articleshow/68493938.cms

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Create Value from Waste: How AI aids Waste Management.

Sensors, robots and vision systems have entered the recycling industry. They have improved the accuracy of segregating different types of plastics and items contaminated with food and other substances. The increased sorting rate is a bonus. One start-up is focused on recycling robots. Their system is trained by being shown millions of images. Its most recent dual robot system called Cortex can sort, pick and place items at 160 units per minute. The company has sold AI driven robots to a Japanese company to separate reusable materials such as electronic equipments. demolition debris and. Another start-up supplies sensors that provides information about moisture and chlorine levels. Their latest innovation is material sensor that can detect PET trays and a laser feature that can identify blank objects and silicon cartridges. Read more about the AI behind these innovations at: https://www.aitrends.com/ai-in-industry/ai-helping-recyling-industry-improve-accuracy-speed-sorting-rate/


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How Robots are Still Behind Us

In today’s world, where technology is playing an important role, most of us fear about future. It has been noticed how robots have already stated taking place of humans resulting in humans to lose their jobs. Not only in factories but robots have also taken over sports, medicine and more. However, we humans do have some skills that is tough for robots to beat us in. Below are few of them:

  1. Creativity: A piece of art, music, a new recipe and more reflects our creativity. Thus, even though robots can replicate what already exist, it still fails to create something new.
  2. Physical Skills: There are some routine jobs which needs to be done quickly and involve out flexible physical skills. Though robots are developing yet they haven’t reached the stage where they could help us in doing our routines.
  3. Empathy: Now a days, robots can successfully analyse our emotions but a small change of ton still confuses the program. That empathy, caring nature is still missing.
  4. Flexibility: Few decisions are needed to be made from our gut feeling. However, robots miss that. They are only able to make decisions from the data that they have read.
  5. Technical Maintenance: Robots are still machines. They require planning, designing, implementation and management. These skills can only be provided by humans. Maintenance can only be done by humans. 

In the end, even though robots can take over few of our jobs, still they will always work under us rather than against us. 

Read more at https://www.techworm.net/2018/08/jobs-robots-will-take-from-humans.html


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Where are we? – Advancement in AI

The pace at which technology is moving is unmatchable. Every day some advancement in technology comes into lime light. Among the various fields in technology, one of the major and trending technology is AI. It is growing each day and proving to be a solution in many applications. Below are the 10 areas where Artificial Intelligence can be noticed:

  1. Robots predicting the future
  2. Robot Soldier
  3. Survival Robots
  4. Police using AI algorithms to predict crimes
  5. AI-based medical treatment
  6. Autonomous drones and weapons
  7. Supercomputers with imaginations
  8. AI communicating with AI
  9. AI hackers
  10. AI in court

Every thing in this world have a positive side and a negative side. Similarly, a few cases have been there where Artificial Intelligence have gone wrong. However, chances of improvements are always there. 

To know more about these 10 areas and other uses visit: https://www.techrepublic.com/pictures/10-terrifying-uses-of-artificial-intelligence/


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Still about a decade away from a real robot friend

CES 2018 showed the present scenario of the robot industry. The best of the companies presented the best of their futuristic gadgets, mostly smart home integration. The current progress is ready steady and mesmerizing but we are still about a decade behind having a real human like butler, or in better words a real human like robot friend sitting next to us. 

Read more at: https://www.popsci.com/personal-robot-butlers-ces-2018

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How Banks Are Using Artificial Intelligence Upfront And Behind The Scenes

According to authors, AI is radically changing  the face of banking.  From daily  customer dealings ,learning from them and interacting  with them to becoming the face of their brand , AI/Robots simplifies complex tasks, by, informing  customers about their account balances, prevailing interest rates on mortgages, securities, making  transfers and payments based on voice recognition authentication, interacting in different languages thereby making transactions smooth and flexible and resolving customer grievances online. AI covers the following three techies :   1) Language processing, enabling  communication between computers and  humans, 2)Enables computers in locating similarities and comparing disparities between new and existing datasets , to sketch out patterns, via Machine Learning  and  3)Advanced software system  that provide personalized advice.   Read more at https://aitrends.com/financial-services/how-artificial-intelligence-will-revolutionize-banking/


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Technology – Shaping The Future of Money.

At Singularity University’s Exponential Finance Summit in New York last month, Peter Diamandis talked about technology, money and a demonetized world. We all have access to everything at the palm of our hands due to advanced technology, robots implying higher efficiency and lower cost. But technological unemployment follows. The counterbalance to technological unemployment, is the demonetization of living. The most common example of this phenomenon is the smartphone where a bunch of different things can be performed in a single device. Demonetization is one of the factors of technological disruption, where money is taken out of the equation for a given product or service, making it available to everyone. Communication, Entertainment, Energy, Transportation, Housing, Education, Healthcare are a few fields of example Diamandis gave in this context. Read more at https://singularityhub.com/2017/06/08/technology-will-erase-jobs-but-also-make-everything-cheap-or-free/


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Robotics-A New Dawn in Agriculture?

Salinas Valley in San Francisco is adapting to a new technology in its agriculture. Robots with water knives have come into the picture. With increasing population and an ageing workforce,automation is a necessity to feed the mass. The technology does not aim to replace the farmers, but it works hand in hand for rapid effective production. The firms are modifying their products to cope up with the technology. Soil sensors are used to tackle the crisis of water. The ocean level is rising and with the ever-growing population,automated farming is the only way forward and Salinas Valley will be the pioneer of a revolution that is set to take place around the globe.Read more at: https://www.wired.com/2017/05/robots-agriculture/


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Defy Automation To Protect Your job

In the digital era where an individual is afraid of losing jobs not to recession, but two robots and machine learning, it becomes important for us to learn about the extent to which machines can replace human beings. In the near future where automation might delete few occupations entirely, it is expected to affect almost all occupations to some degree. Knowledge about technical feasibility is a prerequisite for automation of the activity. The second major factor that is always the reason for concern is cost. The cost of developing such automation system needs to be taken care of. Physical activities are most susceptible to automation. The retail industry is another place where automation would do wonders. However, financial sector lies in the middle range of automation. People managing and developing things can still relax a bit as automation in this field has very low technical potential. The focus should be on automating sectors with high technical feasibility and replacement of workers from these sectors to opportunities where automation is yet to do wonders. Read more at: http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/business-technology/our-insights/where-machines-could-replace-humans-and-where-they-cant-yet


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Things that AI can do better than we do

When we talk about Artificial intelligence, we always come across the question,' will there ever be possible that machine replaces humans and preforming better than us?' The answer is partially 'yes', as at least in many things machines are performing as unchallenged champions of creativity and intelligence. Areas where artificial intelligence already performing better than humans are.

  • Search the web quicker. Machine learning AI helps in web engine optimization through understanding the meaning of words and phrases, and can therefore guess what should be in the page ranking in never seen before searches.
  • Work in deadly environments. Robots can survive in conditions where humans can’t like deep space, the oceans penthouse, or inside a radioactive reactor.
  • Get a PhD quickly. Few critics of AI argue that machines could never be creative, or curious, or discover anything of significance, but team at Tufts have proved the naysayers wrong.
  • Deliver a correct medical diagnosis.
  • Translate in many languages.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/george-zarkadakis/5-things-ai-can-do-better_b_8906570.html?utm_hp_ref=technology&ir=Technology

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