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Defy Automation To Protect Your job

In the digital era where an individual is afraid of losing jobs not to recession, but two robots and machine learning, it becomes important for us to learn about the extent to which machines can replace human beings. In the near future where automation might delete few occupations entirely, it is expected to affect almost all occupations to some degree. Knowledge about technical feasibility is a prerequisite for automation of the activity. The second major factor that is always the reason for concern is cost. The cost of developing such automation system needs to be taken care of. Physical activities are most susceptible to automation. The retail industry is another place where automation would do wonders. However, financial sector lies in the middle range of automation. People managing and developing things can still relax a bit as automation in this field has very low technical potential. The focus should be on automating sectors with high technical feasibility and replacement of workers from these sectors to opportunities where automation is yet to do wonders. Read more at: http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/business-technology/our-insights/where-machines-could-replace-humans-and-where-they-cant-yet


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