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Cognitive Analysis: an emerging breed of powerful analytics

Cognitive Analysis: an emerging breed of powerful analytics

For the very first time in this computing era, it is made possible for machines to learn from experience and penetrate through the complexity of the data and identify associations between them, collectively known as cognitive analytics. This innovation works in a similar manner as of human brains. It processes information, draws conclusion and codifies behaviour and experience into learning. Cognitive analytics has the ability to process and understand exploding volumes of data in real time including data that may contain wide variations of format, structure, and quality. Instead of depending on predefined rules and structured queries to mine answers, cognitive analytics relies on systems that draw from a wide variety of potentially relevant information and connections to generate hypotheses. This process differs from traditional analysis in the way that more data is fed into a machine learning system, the system learns, which results in higher-quality insights and more accurate hypotheses. Read more at:http://deloitte.wsj.com/cio/2014/05/13/human-brain-inspires-new-cognitive-analytics/?KEYWORDS=analytics

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