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Gartner positions Rapidminer as Leader in Advanced Analytics Platform

With the release of its first ever Advanced Analytics Magic Content, the information research and technology advisory firm Gartner reveals Rapidminer is fast emerging as a leader in advanced analytics as against the legacy Business Intelligence Softwares like SAS. 

Big Data and Analytics was one ofthe most hot talks over the internet in 2013 and it is likely to trending upwards in 2014 also as companies are making use of predictive and advanced analytics more and more as business environment is increasingly becoming volatile. 


Clearly, Rapidminer has an edge over tools like SAS in respect of price. Where the community editions of it are totally free, the enterprise editions are also at a very attractive price and cost performance ratio. Also, Rapidminer has very good flexibility when designing processes - nesting, evaluation and optimization processes can be done easily. Companies are increasingly preferring Rapidminer because of powerful usage of learning operators and the operator framework which can work on any arbitrary processes and good graphical user interface. 

SigmaWay is engaged in Analytics and Market Intelligence heavily for which it requires to handle Big Data in a considerably greater way. To solve different cases of varying degree of clients, SigmaWay is making use of Rapidminer more and more because of its high flexibility in designing processes in a simple and effective way. The company is really proud to use Rapidminer, an ushering leader in Analytics Platform.


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