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Where are we? – Advancement in AI

The pace at which technology is moving is unmatchable. Every day some advancement in technology comes into lime light. Among the various fields in technology, one of the major and trending technology is AI. It is growing each day and proving to be a solution in many applications. Below are the 10 areas where Artificial Intelligence can be noticed:

  1. Robots predicting the future
  2. Robot Soldier
  3. Survival Robots
  4. Police using AI algorithms to predict crimes
  5. AI-based medical treatment
  6. Autonomous drones and weapons
  7. Supercomputers with imaginations
  8. AI communicating with AI
  9. AI hackers
  10. AI in court

Every thing in this world have a positive side and a negative side. Similarly, a few cases have been there where Artificial Intelligence have gone wrong. However, chances of improvements are always there. 

To know more about these 10 areas and other uses visit: https://www.techrepublic.com/pictures/10-terrifying-uses-of-artificial-intelligence/


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Aiming to Become A Data Scientist? Read This!

Data Sciences is a very vast field and in recent times, there is a high demand of professionals in this field. Dealing with data is not easy. Data sets available with companies are very large and to extract meaningful data is a tough job. Thus, the job of data scientist is becoming very important for decision-making and is based on automation and machine learning. The main role of data scientist is to organize and analyse data. Other than this, data can help in predictions, pattern detection analysis etc. All this can be done the help of some software which is specially designed for the task. The responsibilities of data scientist begin with data collection and ends with decision making on the basis of data.

To know more about the key roles of data scientist, requirements and skills visit: https://www.cio.com/article/3217026/data-science/what-is-a-data-scientist-a-key-data-analytics-role-and-a-lucrative-career.html#tk.cio_rs


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