
SigmaWay Blog

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Contactless Payment or Wearables: The Future

It is believed that payments enabled by QR code or carried out through NFC-based cards will gain popularity. In India, wearable technology like smartwatch is restricted to fitness purposes and contactless technology in the field of payments has been introduced with the trend of pay using NFC technology. If a debit or credit card is NFC-enabled, one can near a PoS machine that also boasts of the same technology. The debit cards of the NFC-enabled chip cards, requires one to wave and pay with wearable or contactless payments, but security is a big concern. The idea of a card being stolen still exists and the prevention of misuse should be taken into account on priority basis while building these products. Security Concerns such as Remote Access must be addressed. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295401

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Connected Cars: Assured Possibilities

Statistics shows that 93% of Road Accidents happens due to the mistake of a driver. Very soon there will be a new breed of cars called ‘connected cars’ because of IoT becoming a Mainstream technology across the world. These cars will be smarter than computer. They will have Innovative business models, cost reduction and competitive edge. Benefits of Telematics and Vehicle diagnostics, Autonomous Infotainment, Safe Driving, Commercial benefits for car Manufacturers, Predictive Maintenance, usage Based Performance can be received. With connected cars, driving around bottlenecks the journey can be a whole new experience. The Future Cars will be intelligent enough to keep drivers drive safe and also to take care of themselves through data analysis. Telematics and sensors will also allow passengers to control the car entertainment console, navigation, climate controls, etc from their Smartphone. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/295399

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Tips on running a successful analytics project outside of IT

Big data and analytics projects will be managed by individual departments when the analytics solution at hand concern to a specific function that department does. The analytics solution is required to answer key questions that about the business, whether it is struggling with in a particular area of expertise or not. This makes the owning department the most logical area to start the search for an analytics solution. Some good practices can be: i) develop a compelling business case for the application ii) Get support for the project. iii) don't let IT run the project iv) Trial the new application v) Perform due diligence vi) Develop a roadmap vii) Don't let the technology take over viii) Create a super user ix) Always attempt for a "quiet" system. Read more at: http://www.techrepublic.com/article/10-tips-for-running-a-successful-analytics-project-outside-of-it/

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Internet Problem that Needs to be Solved

The internet has now become an important part of our life. Looking at the past, we can see how the internet has developed over the years and made our lives faster and connected. But there are a number of problems that we need to solve for maintaining what we have achieved. Biggest Issues: i) Global Inconsistencies in Internet Availability ii) 30-40 % Annual increase demand for Bandwidth iii) Unexpected Fluctuations in use iv) Cybercriminal Access because it's available to all, so more potential targets v) Overreliance on Major corporations vi) Patchwork Fixes. It requires collaboration from multiple industries and multiple companies, from major internet providers to tech companies and even governmental organizations to make the infrastructural and cultural changes necessary to improve the internet's future.Read more at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/the-6-biggest-internet-problems-we-need-to-solve

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New Innovation and the Role of Marketers

Digital Innovations have caused many companies to flourish and many companies to perish.eg; the newsprint industry. In fact, any industry can be disrupted by an innovation. Three important things that marketers generally overlook these days are: i) Getting up-to-date with the latest tech is not enough. You need to plan ahead. ii) Always stick to the business model instead of sticking to the mission. iii) Publishing frequency is no longer the key to keep busy the audiences. The best way to be ahead of the crowd is to publish something great that will really engage the customer. Read more at: http://socialmediaexplorer.com/content-sections/tools-and-tips/three-key-things-marketers-overlook/

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Establishing Personal Branding

Personal Branding refers to establishing a specific image of yourself in the mind of an ideal client, so they can get to know, like and trust before they buy from you. This is very important because of too much competition. So, you need to create confidence that you can deliver on your promises. It creates your brand personality and culture, guiding you to make the right decisions about marketing, promotions, partnerships, sponsorships and which channels to use. Consistency on your promises is the key to create your brand a memorable brand. If you truly want to be identified and get respected, your personal brand should be created before you begin any sort of media, marketing, PR, promotion, book writing, speaking of a program. Read more at: http://www.business2community.com/leadership/personal-branding-service-providers-01851797#Ksoh9ge8sO3Di4j6.97

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Mobile Apps - Strengthen Big Data to boost Sales & Marketing

The Big Data analytics remains a highly significant factor when there is a point of mobile marketing. Every business is aware of the role of mobile apps and big data analytics in establishing a brand image and marketing their products. The apps's anywhere-anytime nature helped the businesses acquire more insights on the user data based on input, usage patterns, and the user behavior. This huge reserve of mobile user data is used further for the purpose of optimizing the mobile user experiences, to drive as well as build the mobile traffic, to drive more user interaction and engagement and to push the business conversion. Some critical facets need to keep business in their mind: i) Data driven approach to marketing must be cross disciplinary. ii) focus must be on the right KPIs and importance must be given to insights between lines than just numbers. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/mobile-apps-leverage-big-data-drive-sales-marketing/

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Data Strategy : Offensive or Defensive?

Organizations do the required amount of substitution between 'defensive' and 'offensive' uses of data and also between control and flexibility in its use. Defensive data is about minimizing downside risk. Activities include ensuring acceptance with regulations and using analytics to identify and uphold fraud. Defensive efforts are applied to ensure the integrity of data flowing through a company's internal systems. Data offense emphasizes on supporting business goals like increasing revenue, profitability, and customer satisfaction. It includes activities which produce customer insights & market data to support managerial decision making. Each strategy has its own working infrastructure. Elements of data strategy  that should be taken into account are: Data definitions, Data ownership, data access, data assessment. Read more at: https://thefinancialbrand.com/65419/data-strategy-playing-offense-defense/


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Future of data visualization and dashboard solution

Dashboard has changed drastically since its beginning and lots of vendors are catering toward big data etc. nowadays. Now the focus has shifted from Excel to Big Data. But it is going to coexist for a long time. A good BI Ecosystem should allow for an easy assemblage of such small sized datasets, whether it be excel/csv or any other text file into a central repository. Visualization will continue to improve and no longer be a differentiating factor among vendors. Users will be able to perform advanced visualization by simple drag and drop operations. Dashboards will continue to be used for monitoring real time events as well as publish scorecards and performance metrics. The line between a dashboard page and any other internal web page will fade. Read more at: http://www.datavizualization.com/blog/what-is-the-future-of-data-visualization-and-dashboard-solutions

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Role of Data Science in Everyday Life

Today, "big data" is associated closely with profit maximization techniques (such as recommendation lists on e-commerce sites and targeted ads), high-profile data leaks and privacy issues. However, not all data are bad. Here are the positive side of Data Science:  LOGISTICS: e.g.: Airlines Schedule Flights predict delays based on precise weather forecasts, and other market and political happenings. HEALTHCARE : Big data power the idea of self-learning healthcare programs, which will be able to interpret the data of individual patients: not only their gender, age, weight, and medical history, but also their lifestyle, habits, preferences and give the personalized recommendation about adjustments that would be the most beneficial.  FACE RECOGNITION: Long time ago, it was tough to even think about it, but nowadays, Many tools are there which capture details of the current face and match it with millions of faces in about no time.  Self- Drive Cars : It has made life much easier. Either you are driving or you are on a walk, you don't have to worry at even new places. Many taxi companies are dependent on this and even self-driving cars are also there which is dependent. It finds shortest routes, routes without traffic, etc. in about no time. Read more at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/how-data-science-has-changed-everyday-life-for-the-better

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Artificial Intelligence in India

AI or Artificial Intelligence is the hottest sector in India with lots of innovation across sectors. With China is leaping ahead in the AI race on many levels (research papers, R&D, investment and even policies) India is only now waking up to the benefits of AI. If India wants to participate in the AI revolution, then it needs a policy that brings together Indian academicians, researchers, labs, private players and investors on the same platform. Read more at: http://analyticsindiamag.com/india-stand-ai-race-vis-vis-china-us-rest-world/

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Data Visualizaion and Role of The Brain

Nowadays, people are not interested to read huge paragraphs of text. Several researches have shown that Internet users have time to read at most 28% of the word displayed on a web page but most of them read only 20%. On the other hand, visual content has the power to hold the attention longer. If you are just browsing on the Internet as a casual user, not reading all the text wouldn't be a problem. But, when you have a responsibility to process information, things are not that simple. Reasons why the brain needs that kind of visualization: i) You need a visual tier to process large volumes of data. ii) Visual data trigger retentive processing. iii) Visual Data Brings Together All Aspects of Memory.    Visual data presentation relates these three memory functions. When we see the information presented in a visually-attractive way, it triggers our sensory memory and makes it easy for us to process it. Read more at: http://www.datavizualization.com/blog/why-your-brain-needs-data-visualization


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