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Role of Data Science in Everyday Life

Today, "big data" is associated closely with profit maximization techniques (such as recommendation lists on e-commerce sites and targeted ads), high-profile data leaks and privacy issues. However, not all data are bad. Here are the positive side of Data Science:  LOGISTICS: e.g.: Airlines Schedule Flights predict delays based on precise weather forecasts, and other market and political happenings. HEALTHCARE : Big data power the idea of self-learning healthcare programs, which will be able to interpret the data of individual patients: not only their gender, age, weight, and medical history, but also their lifestyle, habits, preferences and give the personalized recommendation about adjustments that would be the most beneficial.  FACE RECOGNITION: Long time ago, it was tough to even think about it, but nowadays, Many tools are there which capture details of the current face and match it with millions of faces in about no time.  Self- Drive Cars : It has made life much easier. Either you are driving or you are on a walk, you don't have to worry at even new places. Many taxi companies are dependent on this and even self-driving cars are also there which is dependent. It finds shortest routes, routes without traffic, etc. in about no time. Read more at: http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/how-data-science-has-changed-everyday-life-for-the-better

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Effective Quality Management using Hypothesis Test

A business hypothesis is a foundational theoretical concept whose good understanding helps you to achieve business goals. For instance, it provides a mathematical way to answer questions like whether you should spend on advertising or whether increasing a price of a product will affect your customers. Data collection is one part of the game, but correct data processing and interpretation is the final stage of your decision-making process. Hypothesis testing is used to infer whether there is enough data to support evidence . There are various test methods : Parametric Tests - z-test, t-test, f-test. Non Parametric Tests - Wilcoxon Rank-sum test, Kruskal-Wallis test and permutation test.

Read more at : http://www.datasciencecentral.com/profiles/blogs/importance-of-hypothesis-testing-in-quality-management

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Genomics: a new beginning

A startling revelation has been made by a group of math and computer experts that has been hard to digest. Leaving behind data consumption giants like you tube, twitter in social media and astronomy, particle physics in science the field that has emerged as a leader is genomics.  Genomics generate the most electronic bytes per year relative to other fields. It has been a challenge to capture, store and interpret the genome encoded biological information. Data generation has increased at a fast pace with the growth of biological sciences. Leading edge data generation and processing technologies are needed to tackle the present situation be it in the field of biological sciences or social media or high tech science. To know more, please follow: http://www.dataversity.net/wheres-the-biggest-big-data-to-be-found-genomics/

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Big data: Key to an Analytics-fuelled future

According to Dermot O'Kelly (Senior Vice President for Oracle UK, Ireland and Israel region) for the past few years the stage is being set for an analytics based future in which large volumes of valuable information can be collected and used to take informed decisions more efficiently. The rise of big data has been rapid. But very little emphasis has been placed on trying to understand exactly how big data can impact and improve our lives. Big data tools help in linking all information together and assess it from various standpoints at once in the hope of detecting new insights, to approach difficult questions from a fresh angle, or to process huge data sets very quickly. They also make the collection and processing of this data exponentially faster than before. Read more at: http://www.in.techradar.com/news/world-of-tech/Big-data-in-the-real-world/articleshow/42649169.cms



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