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Money Habits and it’s implication on Your Business

New startups come regularly. But less than 50% businesses are not closed in the next 5 years. This shows that how well the businesses will do in the future have to do with how one is spending on it today i.e.; money habits. Poor money habits to look after are: First, not having regards for "little money", spending, smaller denomination in huge amount causes less access to actual working capital. The second is not diversifying the income stream of the business. Diversifying is the most potent way to get a large market share and raise income. The third is not saving. Fourth is not taking steps to reduce credit card balances and debt. Fifth is not maximizing tax deductions and write-offs. Sixth is not keeping oneself on a salary. Read more at: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/294877

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Tips to create a safe online shopping experience

Well, in today's time, nobody is untouched with the concept of online shopping. People rarely go out to shop, leaving the comfort of their home. Online shopping does save time and harassment. Sounds like a boon to mankind right? But unfortunately everything is not as perfect as it sounds. Online shopping has its dark side too. It's full of scams. So a careful approach can lead you to a safe and happy shopping experience online. Always use a credit card instead of a debit card, because credit cards have limits to which you can spend but debit cards don't. Only buy from secure and trusted websites. To check whether a website is secure or not checking your address bar, a green colored padlock appears if the website is secure. Change your passwords regularly. Keep records of your spending. To know more, read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/marketing-strategies/4-useful-tips-for-protecting-yourself-when-shopping-online-73325

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Credit card balance: An Insight

One may think how anyone can make a profit by issuing credit cards. Lending money to people up front, so they can buy what they want to with it, then 30 days to pay it back without interest. But the contradiction is with a market valuation of about $133 billion and profit margins at 42%, Visa has proven that extending credit to consumers and assuming they'll be irresponsible is as gainful an industry as any. The process involved in the Visa model is: Bank X distributes its Bank X Visa cards to accountholders, who now have the convenience of not having to carry wads of bills for every commercial transaction. Now the banks start charging 14% or 19% or 24% interest which keeps adding to its total revenue. Visa, in the form which it is today would not have existed if people bought only what they could afford and saved for their large purchases. If you pay your Visa bill entirety every month, it costs your financial institution to accommodate you. They'll lose money on the deal. On the other side if you incur a balance and add to it with each pay period, you'll be contributing to a scenario whereby Visa's stock price has not only tripled over the past three years, but remains well shy of an ambitious one-year target estimate. Read more at: : http://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/080714/how-visa-counts-your-credit-card-balance.asp

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