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Precaution while shopping online

The internet has become an important part of our lives today and has significantly changed our lifestyle by making it easy to it easy to search and find things online. The internet is the sole platform that connects vendors with their prospective customers, thereby enabling a broad range of trade interactions worldwide. Some points that you should remember while doing online shopping are: 1. Avoid using debit card, use virtual credit card, Do not use public Wifi when shopping online, Verify the company’s website security, Check your account statement frequently and use strong passwords. Read more at: : http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/scingularity/5-essential-guidelines-for-secure-online-shopping-78756



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Tips to create a safe online shopping experience

Well, in today's time, nobody is untouched with the concept of online shopping. People rarely go out to shop, leaving the comfort of their home. Online shopping does save time and harassment. Sounds like a boon to mankind right? But unfortunately everything is not as perfect as it sounds. Online shopping has its dark side too. It's full of scams. So a careful approach can lead you to a safe and happy shopping experience online. Always use a credit card instead of a debit card, because credit cards have limits to which you can spend but debit cards don't. Only buy from secure and trusted websites. To check whether a website is secure or not checking your address bar, a green colored padlock appears if the website is secure. Change your passwords regularly. Keep records of your spending. To know more, read the complete article here: http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/marketing-strategies/4-useful-tips-for-protecting-yourself-when-shopping-online-73325

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